Pe acesta sectiune se discuta despre Cash No Limit de la 2-4$ in sus (miini pentru analiza, stats trackere, discutii strategice etc).
Jucatorii incepatori sint rugati sa citeasca si sa invete din aceasta sectiune si sa nu dea replyuri pe banda rulanta la miinile de analizat.
La Medium Stakes se joaca altceva, nu mai e vorba de ABC Poker.
Ghid pentru postarea miinilor (altfel va puteti trezi cu topicul sters):
- Folositi Hand Converter sau Hand Replayer *
- Incercati sa alegeti un nume bun pentru topic (Nu se accepta "Intra aici", "Problema", "Ajutor")
- Incercati sa dati cit mai multe informatii despre adversar(i) si masa
- Incercati sa nu va grabiti, alegeti preview ca sa va asigurati ca totul e cum ar trebui
- In general este mai bine sa ascundeti rezultatul final al miinii pentru a primi raspunsuri mai bune
Si aceasta sectiune se supune regulilor generale ale forumului.
Dictionar termeni
TAG: Tight-aggressive player.
LAG: Loose-aggressive player.
LAP: Loose-passive player. Typically a fish.
BB: Big blind.
SB: Small blind.
CO: Cutoff. The seat directly to the right of the button.
UTG: Under the gun. The first player to act preflop, directly to the left of the BB.
OTB: On the Button
PF: Preflop.
PFR: Preflop raise or preflop raiser.
Aggro: Aggressive.
PP: Pocket pair.
SC: Suited connector.
HH: Hand history.
PSB: Pot-sized bet.
PSR: Pot-Sized Raise.
FPS: Fancy play syndrome.
PTBB: Poker Tracker Big Blind = 2xBB
CB: Continuation Bet. A bet made on the flop by the pre-flop raiser. Very often a bluff.
TPTK: Top pair, Top Kicker
TPGK: Top Pair, Good Kicker
TPNK: Top Pair, No Kicker
FE: Fold Equity - The chance of a bet/raise taking down the pot.
MHIG - My Hand Is Good
MHING - My Hand Is No Good
ATC/A2C - Any Two Cards
OP : Original Post(er)
FR: Full-Ring
PT: Poker Tracker
VPIP - voluntarily put money in the pot
AF - aggression factor
CiB - Click it Back
Villian is 24/10/3(98)- Pokertracker stats indicating VPIP/PFR%/AF (with preflop aggression taken out) over 98 hands
Donk Bet: To bet into an opponent, without the initiative.
Stop and Go: To call a bet or raise on one round, and lead the next street. Same as Donk Bet.
Stack-a-Donk: Raise PF, Lead flop, Check/Raise turn all in with a good hand. Typically, an overpair.
3-Bet: A re-raise.
4-Bet: A re-raise of a 3-bet.
Float: To call on one street with the intention of bluffing/taking the pot away on a future street, with little or no outs.
Metagame: The "flow" of the game. Generally, your reads on opponents tendancies, and their view of you.
Nit: A Weak-Tight Player
* Daca mina pe care vreti sa o postati nu merge cu converterul sau replayerul puteti sa postati culorile cartilor astfel:
[ a d ] (fara spatii) = [ad]
d = diamond
c = club
h = hearts
s = spade
Jucatorii incepatori sint rugati sa citeasca si sa invete din aceasta sectiune si sa nu dea replyuri pe banda rulanta la miinile de analizat.
La Medium Stakes se joaca altceva, nu mai e vorba de ABC Poker.
Ghid pentru postarea miinilor (altfel va puteti trezi cu topicul sters):
- Folositi Hand Converter sau Hand Replayer *
- Incercati sa alegeti un nume bun pentru topic (Nu se accepta "Intra aici", "Problema", "Ajutor")
- Incercati sa dati cit mai multe informatii despre adversar(i) si masa
- Incercati sa nu va grabiti, alegeti preview ca sa va asigurati ca totul e cum ar trebui
- In general este mai bine sa ascundeti rezultatul final al miinii pentru a primi raspunsuri mai bune
Si aceasta sectiune se supune regulilor generale ale forumului.
Dictionar termeni
TAG: Tight-aggressive player.
LAG: Loose-aggressive player.
LAP: Loose-passive player. Typically a fish.
BB: Big blind.
SB: Small blind.
CO: Cutoff. The seat directly to the right of the button.
UTG: Under the gun. The first player to act preflop, directly to the left of the BB.
OTB: On the Button
PF: Preflop.
PFR: Preflop raise or preflop raiser.
Aggro: Aggressive.
PP: Pocket pair.
SC: Suited connector.
HH: Hand history.
PSB: Pot-sized bet.
PSR: Pot-Sized Raise.
FPS: Fancy play syndrome.
PTBB: Poker Tracker Big Blind = 2xBB
CB: Continuation Bet. A bet made on the flop by the pre-flop raiser. Very often a bluff.
TPTK: Top pair, Top Kicker
TPGK: Top Pair, Good Kicker
TPNK: Top Pair, No Kicker
FE: Fold Equity - The chance of a bet/raise taking down the pot.
MHIG - My Hand Is Good
MHING - My Hand Is No Good
ATC/A2C - Any Two Cards
OP : Original Post(er)
FR: Full-Ring
PT: Poker Tracker
VPIP - voluntarily put money in the pot
AF - aggression factor
CiB - Click it Back
Villian is 24/10/3(98)- Pokertracker stats indicating VPIP/PFR%/AF (with preflop aggression taken out) over 98 hands
Donk Bet: To bet into an opponent, without the initiative.
Stop and Go: To call a bet or raise on one round, and lead the next street. Same as Donk Bet.
Stack-a-Donk: Raise PF, Lead flop, Check/Raise turn all in with a good hand. Typically, an overpair.
3-Bet: A re-raise.
4-Bet: A re-raise of a 3-bet.
Float: To call on one street with the intention of bluffing/taking the pot away on a future street, with little or no outs.
Metagame: The "flow" of the game. Generally, your reads on opponents tendancies, and their view of you.
Nit: A Weak-Tight Player
* Daca mina pe care vreti sa o postati nu merge cu converterul sau replayerul puteti sa postati culorile cartilor astfel:
[ a d ] (fara spatii) = [ad]
d = diamond
c = club
h = hearts
s = spade