Eu nu vorbeam de badbeaturi. Ci pur si simplu spuneam ca in live game e altfel. Nu m-am plans ci chiar am subliniat ce super carti am primit. In live, rar vad asaceva. Pe Party insa, in primele 3 zile eram supertare. Nu vreau nici macar sa spun ca pe poker online nu poti face bani. Vroiam sa spun ca ce mi s-a intamplat mie e improbabil. E FOARTE FOARTE FOARTE improbabil in poker live. E chiar dubios. Si daca esti asa expert iti propun o provocare. Baga $50 sau $100 sau oricat crezi tu de cuviinta pe Party intr-un cont nou. Joaca la begginers la mesele de $0.02/$0.04. Asa de curozitate. Salveaza HandHistory-ul pt primele 100 de maini jucate (maxim 1000). Apoi calculeaza sansa ca sa-ti apara MAINI DE CALITATEA RESPECTIVA. Daca nu stii cum sa calculezi, fa un search pe Google pt "preflop odds holdem".
Ma doare la baston ca tu scoti bani din poker. Nu vroiam sa spun ca e imposibil. Voriam sa spun ca e altfel.
Dar sa lasam Party in pace si citeste urmatorea parere despre Full Tilt Poker:
I love playing on this site for play chips as a warm up to playing at the real casinos since im a pro player. I have played at about 5 different poker sites and found that they all have about the same degree of improbability. I was playing on this site one night recently and saw 3 quad hands 3 times in a row. to put that into perspective, the odds of that happening are close to impossible (for real table games). basically in order to win consistantly on any online poker site you have to have an adjusted style of play (usually the worst hand going in wins so you have to play every hand with extreme caution) which is why i will probably never put another dime into another online site. the negatives of online play outweigh the positives. negatives are 1)limited time to make decisions 2) limit on what you want to put into the account and withdraw 3)collusion happens all the time 4) you can be disconnected if using a wireless network too frequently costing you money (many times i had the nuts on the flop but was folded due to my connection being lost and that always seemed to happen when i had a definite winning hand) 5) action happens really quick so you will most likely lose full concentration after playing only 20 min basically putting you on tilt unless you have an immense amount of patience and concentration. live table games go much slower so for instance i can play all day until i am extremely tired without losing any focus on my reads or calculations. online poker is something that is currently being looked into for outlawing and i hope that happens so all of you online players can join me at the real games ( online players are so easy to spot at the table and they are the easiest to win against due to that altered play i talked about so please everyone that happens to read this, please play in the real games. i have mouths to feed :P
Am gasit-o la
Te rog remarca:
"basically in order to win consistantly on any online poker site you have to have an adjusted style of play"
"online players are so easy to spot at the table and they are the easiest to win against due to that altered play i talked about "
Chiar daca e vorba de Full Tilt, mai apoi se generalizeaza.
Daca tu, Nowonda, scoti bani din on line poker asta nu dovedeste ca nu e rigged. Bravo tie.
Da eu nu mai joc niciodata on line decat daca e gratis si nici nu recomand la nimeni altfel. Poatem ne intalnim on line pe vre-un free roll organizat de
PS: Nu eu am observat primul ca pe Party ai carti mult mai bune cand depui prima oara. Eu am citit la altii. Apoi am depus si, "culmea", s-a confirmat in cazul meu.
Ma doare la baston ca tu scoti bani din poker. Nu vroiam sa spun ca e imposibil. Voriam sa spun ca e altfel.
Dar sa lasam Party in pace si citeste urmatorea parere despre Full Tilt Poker:
I love playing on this site for play chips as a warm up to playing at the real casinos since im a pro player. I have played at about 5 different poker sites and found that they all have about the same degree of improbability. I was playing on this site one night recently and saw 3 quad hands 3 times in a row. to put that into perspective, the odds of that happening are close to impossible (for real table games). basically in order to win consistantly on any online poker site you have to have an adjusted style of play (usually the worst hand going in wins so you have to play every hand with extreme caution) which is why i will probably never put another dime into another online site. the negatives of online play outweigh the positives. negatives are 1)limited time to make decisions 2) limit on what you want to put into the account and withdraw 3)collusion happens all the time 4) you can be disconnected if using a wireless network too frequently costing you money (many times i had the nuts on the flop but was folded due to my connection being lost and that always seemed to happen when i had a definite winning hand) 5) action happens really quick so you will most likely lose full concentration after playing only 20 min basically putting you on tilt unless you have an immense amount of patience and concentration. live table games go much slower so for instance i can play all day until i am extremely tired without losing any focus on my reads or calculations. online poker is something that is currently being looked into for outlawing and i hope that happens so all of you online players can join me at the real games ( online players are so easy to spot at the table and they are the easiest to win against due to that altered play i talked about so please everyone that happens to read this, please play in the real games. i have mouths to feed :P
Am gasit-o la
Te rog remarca:
"basically in order to win consistantly on any online poker site you have to have an adjusted style of play"
"online players are so easy to spot at the table and they are the easiest to win against due to that altered play i talked about "
Chiar daca e vorba de Full Tilt, mai apoi se generalizeaza.
Daca tu, Nowonda, scoti bani din on line poker asta nu dovedeste ca nu e rigged. Bravo tie.
Da eu nu mai joc niciodata on line decat daca e gratis si nici nu recomand la nimeni altfel. Poatem ne intalnim on line pe vre-un free roll organizat de
PS: Nu eu am observat primul ca pe Party ai carti mult mai bune cand depui prima oara. Eu am citit la altii. Apoi am depus si, "culmea", s-a confirmat in cazul meu.