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noutati de la Full Tilt

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  • #46
    Deci in cel mai bun caz se impart cei 60m. + imobile si bani din conturile proprietarilor dupa proces? (ceea ce inseamna muuuuuult timp )
    Mai mult de 20,30 centi / 1$ nu stiu daca iese.


    • #47
      Postat în original de vladc Vezi post
      Deci in cel mai bun caz se impart cei 60m. + imobile si bani din conturile proprietarilor dupa proces? (ceea ce inseamna muuuuuult timp )
      Mai mult de 20,30 centi / 1$ nu stiu daca iese.
      Sincer, nici macar 20-30c/1$ nu cred ca o sa ramana.
      Am vazut undeva pe 2p2 pe cineva care spunea ca jucatorii si angajatii FTP vor fi ultimii care vor fi platiti de pe o lista destul de lunga, desi nu mai gasesc threadul respectiv acum. Erau avocati, taxe pt lichidatori si o gramada de persoane care ar fi trebuit platite inaintea jucatorilor care erau si dupa salariatii din Irlanda, care sunt si ei ceva la numar si ar mai avea de luat bani.

      Nu stiu cat de corecta era, dar jucatorii erau la urma.
      Contact pentru dealuri exclusive si VIP!
      88$ FARA DEPOZIT + 20$ Gratis - 888 Poker < | > peste 55% rakeback in iPoker < | >


      • #48
        "AGCC Commissioners, sitting as a tribunal, have today revoked the licences of Vantage
        Limited, Filco Limited and Oxalic Limited, trading as Full Tilt Poker (FTP), with immediate
        effect. This follows the earlier suspension of the licences on 29
        June 2011."

        "The licence of Orinic Limited, a recently added geographic sub-division of the FTP poker
        room, remains suspended. "

        " The Commissioners will review the suspension, if and when, the conditions
        are satisfied or upon the expiration of the suspension."

        (a) Orinic Limited submits evidence from independent chartered accountants
        (approved by the Executive) to the Executive which demonstrates –
        (i) the licensee's solvency,
        (ii) the accuracy of the licensee's financial reports and accounts, and
        (iii) that sufficient funds are held in Orinic Limited's accounts to cover all
        balances held by it on behalf of customers" etc.

        Cei de la AGCC erau oricum presati de imprejurari sa revoce licenta FT, adica "nu scapati daca furati" si au revocat-o la Vantage Limited, Filco Limited si Oxalic Limited. In determination notice-ul de la AGCC scrie (daca nu ma insel) ca Orinic Limited a fost gasita vinovata la doar 1 din cele 8 capete de acuzare si de aceea licenta nu le-a fost revocata de tot. Ei au licenta la AGCC din 7 ianuarie 2011 cred.
        Nu stiu cat de optimist sa fiu, dar daca sub aceasta Orinic Limited noii investitori pot reinstala licenta atunci practic nu s-a schimbat nimic din contra, scapa AGCC de presiune si isi tine numele "nepatat".

        Daca nu e asa...


        • #49
          Tot din lacomia investitorilor s-a ajuns aici.Oameni de nimic.
          Dupa ce au fost prinsi, in loc sa faca tot posibilul sa incerce sa remedieze problema ei s-au resemnat si au incercat sa scoata cat mai multi bani.


          • #50
            declaratie DOJ

            United States v. Pokerstars et al., 11 Civ. 2564 (LBS) (Full Tilt Poker information)
            After the amended complaint in United States v. Pokerstars et al., 11 Civ. 2564 (LBS), was filed on September 22, 2011, the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York received a number of new inquiries from individuals regarding the recovery of their funds from Full Tilt Poker.

            By way of background, in April of 2011, this Office entered into a domain-name use agreement with Full Tilt Poker. That agreement, among other things, expressly authorized Full Tilt Poker to return player funds to players. However, as the September 22 amended complaint alleges, Full Tilt Poker did not in fact have player funds on hand to return to players. Instead, the amended complaint alleges that Full Tilt Poker had, among other things, (a) transferred significant amounts of players’ real money deposits to principals of the company, while (b) allowing many players to continue to gamble, and “win” and “lose,” with phantom credits in their player accounts.

            At this time, this Office, together with the FBI and other agencies, is attempting to trace, secure and forfeit as much as possible of the funds derived from operation of the fraud committed by Full Tilt Poker and its board members that is alleged in the amended complaint. The Office is also attempting to obtain and examine the books and records of Full Tilt Poker. Many of those books and records are kept overseas. The return of forfeited funds to victims of the alleged fraud may be possible, but will depend on several factors, including the successful conclusion of the litigation, the amount of funds seized and ordered forfeited by the court, and compliance with other procedures the Department of Justice may eventually establish regarding return of forfeited funds to victims who lost money as a result of the alleged fraudulent conduct.
            We cannot predict the duration of proceedings in this case, other than to state that they will last for many months at the least. We will apprise victims of the alleged fraud of future developments as appropriate. General information regarding what is known as “remission” (i.e., return to victims) of funds that have been seized and forfeited is set forth in Department of Justice regulations found at 28 C.F.R. Part 9.

            The United States Department of Justice - United States Attorney's Office

            Declaratie FTP


            On September 19, 2011, the Alderney Gambling Control Commission reconvened the private hearing originally held on July 26, 2011, regarding its suspension of Full Tilt Poker’s operating licenses.

            During the hearing, Full Tilt Poker offered the testimony of an investor interested in acquiring the company. The interested investor testified before the Commission as to its advanced status of negotiations with the company and the terms and conditions of a potential purchase. Full Tilt Poker requested a 30-day adjournment of the hearing to allow for transition of the company to the new investment team.

            Today, the Commission announced its decision to revoke three of the four Full Tilt Poker operating licenses, despite the weight of evidence presented at the hearing by Full Tilt Poker of investor interest in acquiring the company. The Commission’s decision to revoke Full Tilt Poker’s operating licenses makes it more difficult to execute the sale of the company and hence repay its players.

            Throughout the last few months, Full Tilt Poker has been totally committed to ensuring repayment of its players in full — a commitment that it has expressed repeatedly to the Commission and the company believed that it was engaged in a collaborative effort with the Commission to repay its players.

            Notwithstanding the potential damage done by the Commission and its disregard for our players, Full Tilt Poker remains committed to repaying its players in full and continues in active negotiations. A further statement will follow shortly."
            Last edited by mehigh; 30.09.2011, 09:39. Motiv: Automerged Doublepost
            Contact pentru dealuri exclusive si VIP!
            88$ FARA DEPOZIT + 20$ Gratis - 888 Poker < | > peste 55% rakeback in iPoker < | >


            • #51
              A fost misto cat a durat ... RIP Full Tilt


              • #52
                A Rational Opinion on the Alderney Gambling Control Commission AGCC Decision to Revoke Full Tilt Pokers Licences | Quadjacks | Poker Radio | Poker Videos

                Un articol foarte bun, must read.


                • #53
                  Game over. Too bad so sad.


                  • #54
                    Take care to get what you like, or you will be forced to like what you get


                    • #55
                      Intr-un comunicat pentru *************

                      Dublin, Ireland (September 30, 2011) Laurent Tapie, Managing Director of ‘Groupe Bernard Tapie’ announced today that the group has signed an exclusive agreement with the Board of Directors of FullTilt Poker to acquire the company and all of its associated assets.
                      This agreement, which includes the repayment of Full Tilt Poker’s world-wide players in full, is subject to several conditions; the first of which is a favorable resolution with the United States Department of Justice. Discussions with the United States Department of Justice will begin immediately.
                      ‘Groupe Bernard Tapie’ has over 30 years of experience in the salvation of financially distressed businesses, with over 40 companies acquired and managed to profitability, the most well-known being the sport equipment giant, Adidas."

                      Acum totul depinde de DOJ daca ajung la o intelegere sau nu
                      Last edited by mehigh; 30.09.2011, 19:30. Motiv: Automerged Doublepost
                      Contact pentru dealuri exclusive si VIP!
                      88$ FARA DEPOZIT + 20$ Gratis - 888 Poker < | > peste 55% rakeback in iPoker < | >


                      • #56
                        Era si timpul sa primim ceva vesti bune. Nu inteleg de ce le-au suspendat aia licienta, daca stiau ca au cumparator...
                        Fail to prepare, prepare to fail.


                        • #57
                          Postat în original de ottosec Vezi post
                          Era si timpul sa primim ceva vesti bune. Nu inteleg de ce le-au suspendat aia licienta, daca stiau ca au cumparator...
                          daca citesti asta vei intelege

                          Poker - a hard way to make an easy living


                          • #58
                            dupa alt forum romanesc " Full Tilt Poker și Groupe Bernard Tapie semnează un acord de achiziție "


                            • #59
                              una neagra una alba ... astia se joaca cu sperantele noastre.


                              • #60
                                Cei de la QuadJacks au spus dinainte ca stiu din surse sigure dar pe care nu le pot dezvalui ca pe 30 , investitorii francezi se vor intalni cu DOJ.

                                Autorul articolului de mai sus spune ca AGCC a anulat licentele ca sa iasa ei "curati" in fata lumii si practic FTP are o licenta nefolosita prin o alta companie si nu le-a daunat cu prea mult anularea licentelor active.

                                Ideea e acum ca DOJ sa accepte o solutie in binele jucatorilor si sa ceara si ei niste bani ca amenda si in compensatie ca sa renunte la acuzari si la investigatii si FTP sa poata sa inceapa din nou operatiunile. Dar depinde ce suma o sa vrea cei de la DOJ si daca investitorul este dispus sa o plateasca.

                                In momentul asta practic mingea se afla la DOJ.
                                Contact pentru dealuri exclusive si VIP!
                                88$ FARA DEPOZIT + 20$ Gratis - 888 Poker < | > peste 55% rakeback in iPoker < | >

