admin | 18.11.2011

The Psychology of Poker, poza

Informatii carte:

Titlu: The Psychology of Poker, poza

Autor: Alan N. Schoonmaker

Data publicarii: 31-08-2002

Numar de pagini: 330 pagini


Pret: 14 GBP


Daniel Negreanu scria intr-un blog recent ca in ziua in care se va opri din studiat va deveni un jucator slab.

La mize mici putem cistiga doar cu strategii de baza dar mai sus este necesar sa privim altfel pokerul.

Ce gasim in aceasta carte?
Autorul ne spune de la inceput „This book will show you how you beat yourself and tell you how to stop doing it”.
„This book will be your personal coach. It will help you to examine your play, learn how and why you play the way you do, then provides specific advice that fits you.”Suna bine, nu?

Sintem rugati sa nu ne mintim si sa completam formularul cu „De ce jucati poker?”. Toata lumea zice ca joaca pentru bani, lucru complet fals avind in vedere ca maxim 20% cistiga din poker pe termen lung. Vom afla cum gindesc „winning players” si care sint motivatiile noastre dar si nivelul de skill.

The Right Stuff (caracteristicile cistigatorilor)

1. Winners always demand an edge
2. Winners are obsessed with winning
3. Winners have extreme self-control
4. Winners are brutally realistic
5. Winners concentrate intently
6. Winners think visibly
7. Winners admit mistakes quickly
8. Winners learn from their mistakes
9. Winners accept responsibility
10. Winners depersonalize conflicts
11. Winners adjust to changes
12. Winners are selectively aggresive

1. Your greatest enemy is denial. Without denial, the gambling industry would collapse immediately.

Poker winners do not deny reality. In fact, they make their profits from other people’s denial.
Most players also deny the truth about heir own abilities and even their past results.
2. You should try to understand yourself more deeply.
3. You should focus primarily on the other players
4. Playing styles are caused by and reveal people’s desires and fears. Understanding their drives will help you to beat them.
5. Poker requires making bets, not managing cards, and most decisions involve the first four principles.

Some people lose money by being too creative. You have certainly played with „creative geniuses” who lose heavily because they make fancy plays
that nobody understands. Then they get mad at the „idiots”…

Apoi vom afla ce stil jucam (si de ce jucam asa): Loose-Aggressive, Loose_passive, Tight-Passive si Tight Aggressive. Fiecare grupa contine informatii precum „quick recognition signals; strengths; weakness; playing against them; if you are a xxx jucator-poker, improving your play” s.a.

Singura problema este ca tipul de jucator loose-aggressive din carte este unul pierzator. Asa ca trebuie sa va ginditi la el ca la un Maniac.

Cartea se axeaza in principal pe live play. Iar exemplele de miini sint mai mult din Limit Hold’em si Stud.

Nu cred ca este cea mai buna carte a lui Alan Schoonmaker dar cu siguranta este o lectura interesanta.



The Right Stuff
The Right Skills
Styles and Ratings
The Loose-Aggressive Player
The Loose-Passive Player
The Tight-Passive Player
The Tight-Aggressive Player
Our Deadly Sins