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H.R. 4411 Bill To Ban Internet Gambling Passes The House Today

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  • #76
    MB e din Bulgaria (dar apare ca fiind din Anglia)
    netteler e din Anglia


    • #77
      Postat în original de enorel
      N-are nici o noima ce ai spus tu.
      ce nu-ti e clar ca poti fi fraierit urat de tot de unul cu mintea mult mai ascutita ca a ta, cu tone de experienta dar care nu se da pe fata? poker is a game of skill.. dar poate fi foarte usor si o fraiereala meschina pentru $$
      Postat în original de admin_holdem
      CNN Video
      exista linkuri pe undeva la ce au spus aia de la harvard sau institutiile alea/?
      Last edited by pawppy; 09.10.2006, 14:52.


      • #78
        Postat în original de pawppy
        ce nu-ti e clar ca poti fi fraierit urat de tot de unul cu mintea mult mai ascutita ca a ta, cu tone de experienta dar care nu se da pe fata? poker is a game of skill.. dar poate fi foarte usor si o fraiereala meschina pentru $$

        exista linkuri pe undeva la ce au spus aia de la harvard sau institutiile alea/?
        tot n-are nici o noima


        • #79
          Postat în original de tribaci
          tot n-are nici o noima
          Adica daca vine Negreanu la MGM si isi pune o peruca si mustata, se baga la masa de 1-2$ si ii face pe toti de bani
 - Livrări gratuite de flori la domiciliu în Cluj. Servicii profesionale de îngrijire şi întreţinere pentru plante de apartament şi grădină.


          • #80
            Bush trebuie sa semneze vineri 13 octombrie


            • #81
              "I hope you die"



              • #82

                Internet Gambling Brought to the Halls of Congress

                October 10, 2006 - First we reported the rumors, now we got the inside scoop from Debbie Richardson, who was inside the White House and the halls of Congress today talking to various aides and staff members, all of whom expressed similar opinions.

                The Port Security Bill will be signed on Friday. Although there is no such thing as a line item veto, the bill, supposedly, can have a separation from the other bill and be sent back to the Congress where it will be debated in lame duck sessions later this year.

                It is still unclear whether or not language of the internet gambling portion of the bill has changed, or even if it is allowed to be changed. Staff members simply told Richardson that much lobbying was done on part of banks who claimed the law would cost them billions of dollars to be properly enforced.

                The aides did make one thing clear to Richardson, the Internet Gambling Enforcement Act has many loopholes that are too big to be put into law, therefore, the bill has a high probability of being thrown back to Congress to be redefined at some point in the future.

                They also made it clear to Richardson that a large scale protest held in early November (right before elections) would carry a good deal of weight in which way the law will go.

                Richardson is in the process of planning the future peaceful demonstration.


                • #83
                  Postat în original de admin_holdem
                  Bush trebuie sa semneze vineri 13 octombrie
                  Tare asta ,speram sa fie cu noroc
                  Sarbatori fericite


                  • #84
                    we have odds on that day


                    • #85
                      Eu doar ce am primit un mesaj de la Titan poker, ca isi cer scuze, dar cei rezidenti in SUA nu mai au voie sa joace pe site-ul ...asta e...noroc k sunt din ROMANIA


                      • #86
                        Tom McEvoy (WSOP Champ): I also think that any poker player that votes for even one Republican Congressman or Senator that voted for this bill--which is practically all of them -- should have their head examined. Senator First is a hypocrite of the first order. He has well known presidential ambitions and once compared playing poker with the use of crack cocaine.

                        I am also convinced the white house, namely President Bush, knew exactly what was going down. We have, in my opinion, the worst president in our nation's history, leading the most corrupt and dishonest Congress down the rosy path to the complete destruction of our rights. I think that we need to fight this legislation every step of the way, and think of ways to circumvent it where-ever possible. The constitution is not a document to wipe our feet on. Perhaps the President and Republican Congress and the Republican dominated Supreme Court should reconsider some of the so called legislation passed in recent months to "protect us" Protection at the expense of our civil rights is not worth having. You can quote me on all of this.


                        • #87
                 - Our business continues as before

                          Dear PokerStars Player -

                          As you are probably aware, the United States Congress recently enacted the Safe Port Act which contains provisions relating to Internet gambling.

                          PokerStars has received extensive expert advice from within and outside the U.S. which concluded that these provisions do not alter the U.S. legal situation with respect to online poker. Furthermore it is important to emphasize that the Act does not in any way prohibit you from playing online poker.

                          Therefore, our business continues as before - open to players worldwide including the US. You may play on our site as you did prior to the Act.

                          PokerStars believes that poker is a game of skill enjoyed by millions of players and we remain committed to providing you a safe and fun environment in which to play. We value your loyalty to PokerStars, and look forward to continuing to serve you with the best online poker experience, as we have for the past five years, six billion hands, and 40 million tournaments.

                          PokerStars Management


                          • #88
                            Told ya..


                            • #89
                              Bush Signs Port Security/Internet Gambling Bill.


                              • #90
                                President Signs Unlawful Internet Gambling Act
                                Bush Really Signed the Safe Port Act with Unlawful Internet Gambling Act

                                President Bush today signed the port security bill that also included legislation to limit the ways online poker fans can deposit money into their favorite accounts.

                                The official name of the bill is the Safe Accountability for Every Port Act of 2006. On the last Friday in September, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist worked into the night to get the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGE) attached to the port act. Congress passed the act nearly unanimously in the last vote before an extended election-year recess.

                                Earlier that week, Frist tried to get the UIGE attached to a major defense spending bill, but both Republican and Democrats spoke out against this action because of the importance of the defense sep ending bill.

                                Several online sites, including PartyPoker and, said they will stop allowing real-money players located in America to play on its sites after the Bush signed the bill.
                                Other sites like PokerStars, Absolute Poker, Bodog and Full Tilt said they will still do business with Americans in the U.S. even after Bush signed the bill into law.

