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H.R. 4411 Bill To Ban Internet Gambling Passes The House Today

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  • Lol... nu-s de acord. Daca esti prost, mori prost. Asta nu inseamna ca eu, pentru ca sunt altii prosti, nu pot vorbi la telefon sau asculta muzica pe strada. Nah, tot ingradirea libertatii se numeste...


    • anuntul facut acum 2-3 ore

      Online Poker: Tribeca Tables Pulls Plug on All US Customers

      In a surprise move, Tribeca Tables Poker Network will no longer be allowing US customers to play at its poker sites as of today. Tribeca hosts several top online poker rooms including the highly acclaimed Doyle's Room.

      While Tribeca announced a few months ago that they would no longer be allowing US customers at its poker rooms, those being served on the Tribeca network believed they had more time to find a new network.

      In the case of Doyle's Room, Straight Flush and Poker, this means there could be up to 6 weeks before US poker players are allowed back in the website. There is a risk of losing valuable customers over this time period.

      Doyles Room and other gaming sites currently on the Tribeca Network were in the process of developing their own network with an anticipated launch date for next month. Technicians are likely to be working around the clock in an effort to get the date moved up.

      The poker rooms affected will continue to take on customers outside the US until the new network is in place.

      Please note that this is only a temporary situation and that Doyles Room and Straight Flush will be taking US customers once again within the next month.


      • Harrah's delivers another blow....

        Harrah's compliance board decided yesterday that ZERO advertising would be allowed from any poker site accepting US players.

        That means no .net, no nothing from the likes of Fulltilt, Pokerstars, etc...

        Foreign sites that don't allow US players will be able to advertise as usual, and be able to register as many players as they want.

        Now, we've all read about no poker sites "who've made money illegally" being able to register players. That's been the policy for several years. In the past, affidavit's were signed by third parties (usually some type of ad agency working for Pokerstars or whoever) that said none of the money was from illegal sources.

        Harrah's has not made any official comment that anything from the past will change.

        BUT, considering this latest move is even more restrictive than what the DOJ has imposed on the Travel Channel and others, it sures seems like Harrahs is going to make it pretty tough on Pokerstars and others.


        • Tribeca To Withdraw Network Services from U.S. Market at Month's End

          In a move that caught many online poker sites by surprise, the Tribeca Tables network on Thursday confirmed that they will begin blocking all computers shown as originating from U.S.-based IP [Internet Protocol] addresses as of February 28th, ending Tribeca's software services to these American players. In addition, no new sign-ups of U.S. players will be allowed on any Tribeca member site, effective immediately. Doyle's Room was by far the largest room affected, with other notable sites including Platinum Poker, BetUS Poker, and the new Poker among the temporarily impacted brands.

          The move comes as Tribeca continues its ongoing merger/acquisition process with Nicosia-based Playtech, in a move that will still unite over 200 smaller and mid-sized sites into a single network. The Playtech merger includes sites formerly on the Tribeca, Tain and i-Poker networks. Tribeca was the only segment of the planned, enlarged Playtech network that was still offering services to U.S. players, and even at that, not to all 50 states; at last count, slightly more than half of the hundred or so listed Tribeca sites were still offering partial U.S. connectivity.

          Tribeca had announced a grace period that Doyle's Room and many other sites were using as they worked to launch their own, new poker network, open to U.S. players; it is this grace period that is ending at the end of the month. In addition to the two other Doyle's Room poker skins, Platinum Poker and Never Lose Poker, a listing at the Doyle Brunson Poker Network site lists 25 more sites that were among those still allowing some U.S. play and are likely part of the upcoming DBPN launch. Tribeca's unexpected cessation of services may be connected to issues with the ongoing Playtech deal --- no press release has yet been issued --- but in the meantime, U.S. players on Doyle's Room and the other affected sites have been left without a means to play on their accounts.

          Work continues as Doyle's Room and others rush to get their own network up and running, with a new network expected to be active by March.


          • Harrah's board decided yesterday that no poker sites accepting US players would be allowed to advertise at the WSOP.

            Meaning no .net, no nothing from Pokerstars, Fulltilt, etc.

            Foreign sites not allowing US players will be allowed to advertise.

            Fulltilt had bought the rights to the felt......guess that won't be happening.


            • Stie cineva catzi jucatori vor fi, estimativ, la urmatorul WSOP?


              • La loi anti poker online adoptée (presque) définitivement

                Voté! Le projet de loi de prévention de la délinquance a été adopté par les députés, hier dans la nuit. Pour rappel, ce texte un peu fourre-tout contient quelques dispositions visant à bannir les jeux d'argent et paris en ligne. Il s'agit notamment de geler, via les banques, les transferts d'argent des pokerrooms vers les joueurs, d'obliger les FAI à signaler à leurs abonnés les sites illégaux et de reprimer séverement toute publicité pour les sites illégaux. Le gouvernement devrait demander la constitution d'une commission mixte paritaire (sénateurs et députés), avant une séance publique prévue le jeudi 22 février, soit la semaine prochaine, qui tiendra lieu d'examen définitif. Les dispositions anti-jeux online pourraient ne s'appliquer ensuite que dans six mois (selon certaines sources, mais nous préciserons cela vite), en fonction des délais de promulgation des décret d'applications. Mais bon, on s'approche clairement de la fin du feuilleton législatif, et du début des emmerdes pour quelques uns.



                • Postat în original de k_man Vezi post
                  La loi anti poker online adoptée (presque) définitivement

                  Voté! Le projet de loi de prévention de la délinquance a été adopté par les députés, hier dans la nuit. Pour rappel, ce texte un peu fourre-tout contient quelques dispositions visant à bannir les jeux d'argent et paris en ligne. Il s'agit notamment de geler, via les banques, les transferts d'argent des pokerrooms vers les joueurs, d'obliger les FAI à signaler à leurs abonnés les sites illégaux et de reprimer séverement toute publicité pour les sites illégaux. Le gouvernement devrait demander la constitution d'une commission mixte paritaire (sénateurs et députés), avant une séance publique prévue le jeudi 22 février, soit la semaine prochaine, qui tiendra lieu d'examen définitif. Les dispositions anti-jeux online pourraient ne s'appliquer ensuite que dans six mois (selon certaines sources, mais nous préciserons cela vite), en fonction des délais de promulgation des décret d'applications. Mais bon, on s'approche clairement de la fin du feuilleton législatif, et du début des emmerdes pour quelques uns.

                  yep, on est foutus!

                  Edit: io's deja tiltat, nu mai joc in seara asta.. e clar ca urmam si noi soon.. fuckin' demon shit!
                  Last edited by FlopMaster; 27.02.2007, 23:10.


                  • Postat în original de FlopMaster Vezi post
                    yep, on est foutus!

                    Edit: io's deja tiltat, nu mai joc in seara asta.. e clar ca urmam si noi soon.. fuckin' demon shit!
                    Hai mah, stai linistit ... te duci pana in Turcia(sau alta tara care nu are restrictii de astfel de transferuri), iti faci un cont si un card VISA la o banca de acolo si gata. Daca nu se poate si nu se poate pe aici, pe langa tara, dai "o fuga" pana la Zurich , daca si aia interzic iti iei o vacanta in Tenerife si rezolvi acolo .
                    Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.
                    Luam o pauza, stay tuned, maybe will be continued .... ignore the schizo ...


                    • Postat în original de 10DARE Vezi post
                      Hai mah, stai linistit ... te duci pana in Turcia(sau alta tara care nu are restrictii de astfel de transferuri), iti faci un cont si un card VISA la o banca de acolo si gata. Daca nu se poate si nu se poate pe aici, pe langa tara, dai "o fuga" pana la Zurich , daca si aia interzic iti iei o vacanta in Tenerife si rezolvi acolo .
                      ar fi bine sa fie asa simplu cum zici tu, dar daca nu fac asa si francezii, italienii sau nemtii, cand vor fi banati, degeaba ma joc cu suedezii si englezii ca nu stiu cat mai produc.. ma apuc de cazinouri, asta e..


                      • Postat în original de k_man Vezi post
                        La loi anti poker online adoptée (presque) définitivement

                        Voté! Le projet de loi de prévention de la délinquance a été adopté par les députés, hier dans la nuit. Pour rappel, ce texte un peu fourre-tout contient quelques dispositions visant à bannir les jeux d'argent et paris en ligne. Il s'agit notamment de geler, via les banques, les transferts d'argent des pokerrooms vers les joueurs, d'obliger les FAI à signaler à leurs abonnés les sites illégaux et de reprimer séverement toute publicité pour les sites illégaux. Le gouvernement devrait demander la constitution d'une commission mixte paritaire (sénateurs et députés), avant une séance publique prévue le jeudi 22 février, soit la semaine prochaine, qui tiendra lieu d'examen définitif. Les dispositions anti-jeux online pourraient ne s'appliquer ensuite que dans six mois (selon certaines sources, mais nous préciserons cela vite), en fonction des délais de promulgation des décret d'applications. Mais bon, on s'approche clairement de la fin du feuilleton législatif, et du début des emmerdes pour quelques uns.


                        ce zice? ce zice? cushe avec moa ?
                        There is no limit to what you can achieve, when you were supposed to be doing something else.


                        • EU Court Ruling Strikes Blow Against State-Run Online Gambling
                          March 06, 2007
                          Haley Hintze

                          The European Court of Justice, the legal arm of the European Union, handed down a decision today that bolsters the rights of online poker and gambling sites to market their products and services throughout the whole of EU member nations. The decision goes against recent moves by certain member countries that have taken protectionist steps against some forms of online gaming, and is likely to set an important precedent favoring online poker in ongoing legal disputes.

                          The case in question was a battle between Italy and a Liverpool-based firm, Stanley Leisure Plc, that opened and operated a bookmaking shop in Italy. The three shop operators, Massimiliano Placanica, Christian Palazzese and Angelo Sorrichio Placanica, were criminally charged with not having an Italian gaming license, with the three arguing in their defense that their valid UK gaming license granted them the rights to market in Italy based on the 'freedom to provide services' clause governing open trade between member EU countries.

                          The EU decision has confirmed the shop operators' stance, with a key phrase in the decision rendered by an 11-judge panel reading as follows: 'The Italian criminal penalties for the collecting of bets by intermediaries acting on behalf of foreign companies are contrary [to EU rules].'

                          The decision also has bearing in EU countries such as France and Germany, which have attacked online gaming firms in similar ways. One of those firms, Austria's Bwin, was quoted in one report as stating that the decision was a "milestone toward the opening of the European gambling market."

                          While officials with several of Europe's state-run monopolies quickly issued spin statements attempting to minimize the scope of the ruling, stock prices for most major UK online gambling firms surged forward on the news. Italy is one of about ten EU member nations currently under investigation for infringing upon the negotiated trade rights due to properly licensed and regulated online-gaming concerns.


                          • legea lui vladescu

                            proiectul de lege privind jocurile de noroc aflat in dezbatere publica : LEGE


                            • articol luat din "gandul"

                              Licentele pentru activitatea de cazino vor fi acordate numai pentru zone turistice, iar in Capitala numarul cazinourilor va fi limitat

                              Persoanele care organizeaza, desfasoara, inlesnesc sau participa la jocuri de tip alba-neagra sau pariuri pentru curse auto, lupte de caini sau de cocosi ori jocuri de tip piramidal pot ajunge dupa gratii. Prevederea este inclusa in proiectul de lege privind jocurile de noroc, aflat in dezbatere publica. Tot in categoria infractiunilor au fost incluse organizarea de jocuri on-line prin sisteme de comunicatii de tip internet, de jocuri de tip bingo organizate prin retelele de televiziune sau prin alte mijloace de transmisie asimilate.

                              Organizatorii de jocuri de noroc vor trebui sa obtina de la Ministerul Finantelor Publice (MFP) o autorizatie de exploatare a jocurilor de noroc pentru fiecare mijloc de joc sau locatie, dar si o licenta de organizare - ambele in baza unei taxe consistente.
                              Pentru a obtine cele doua documente obligatorii in desfasurarea activitatii, organizatorii de jocuri de noroc trebuie sa nu aiba nici un fel de datorii la buget si sa constituie o garantie pentru acoperirea riscului de neplata a datoriilor catre buget.

                              Principalele modificari propuse de MFP se refera la clasificarea jocurilor de noroc si excluderea din aceasta categorie a actiunilor organizate de agentii economici in scopul stimularii vanzarilor. Totodata, va exista obligativitatea din partea organizatorilor de a avea o valoare minima a capitalului social subscris si varsat la data solicitarii licentei. Legiuitorul intentioneaza sa limiteze numarul agentilor economici cu un asemenea obiect de activitate prezenti pe piata, cele mai stricte conditii existand in cazul cazinourilor. "Licentele pentru activitatea de cazino vor fi acordate numai pentru zone turistice definite conform clasificarii Agentiei Nationale pentru Turism", se arata in proiectul de act normativ. Si pentru Capitala urmeaza sa fie stabilit un numar maxim de licente, iar Loteria Nationala va detine, in continuare, monopolul pe jocurile loteristice.

                              La capitolul noutati mai figureaza obligativitatea impunerii veniturilor realizate din exploatarea masinilor electronice cu castiguri pentru premiile acordate din "jack-pot", dar si obligatia organizatorilor de a achita taxele de autorizare anticipat sau in patru rate trimestriale egale, din care prima rata va fi achitata anticipat.

                              Exploatarea mijloacelor de joc poate fi facuta numai cu personalul propriu al organizatorilor, existand si obligativitatea detinerii in proprietate a mijloacelor de joc pentru activitatea de cazinou, bingo in sala si cea de pariuri. Organizatorii de pariuri vor fi obligati sa utilizeze un program informatic unic la nivelul societatii, iar controlul tehnic al masinilor, instalatiilor, dispozitivelor, meselor de jocuri de noroc si altor mijloace de joc va fi exercitat de catre Biroul Roman de Metrologie Legala. In timp ce unele amenzi vor fi majorate substantial, unele contraventii vor fi avansate la stadiul de infractiune. "Nu cred ca jocurile de noroc sunt un domeniu care ar trebui incurajat, ele fiind mai mult in partea viciilor decat a nevoilor, dar admitand ca se situeaza in partea nevoilor imi doresc un act normativ echitabil pentru actorii din aceasta piata", a motivat ministrul Finantelor, Sebastian Vladescu.


                              • vai, ce dragut :


                                (1) Constituie infracţiune şi se pedepseşte cu închisoarea de la ... la .... ani sau cu amendă, fapta oricarei persoane care organizează, desfăşoară, înlesneşte sau participă la desfăşurarea următoarele activităţi:

                                a) jocurile de noroc organizat prin intermediul sistemelor de comunicaţii de tip internet sau intranet, precum şi cele organizate prin intermediul altor sisteme de comunicaţii (sisteme de telefonie fixă sau mobilă) sau asimilate acestora;
                                ................................................. ", unde pokerul este asimilat jocurilor de noroc, asa cum spune vladescu aici :


                                (1) Jocurile de noroc se clasifică după cum urmează:

                                .................................................. ............

                                c) jocuri de noroc caracteristice activităţii cazinourilor, dacă evenimentele se produc cu ajutorul unor mijloace specifice de joc, în prezenţa fizică a participanţilor, cu sau fără participarea directă a acestora. Mijloacele de joc folosite pot fi: mese de joc, rulete, cărţi, zaruri, bile, instalaţii mecanice, electrice, electromagnetice, electronice, precum şi altele asemenea, ruleta americană, ruleta franceză, black-jack, poker de orice fel, baccara, chemin de fer, redgo, punto banco, table, canastă, pinacle, 66, pasienţe, garde au coeur, belotă, 21 şi altele de acest fel; "

