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  • zoom MTT? poate asa revin pe stars..
    Be agresive, be be agresive


    • WTF? Am jucat 3-4 sateliti de 50FPP si am luat intrare la alt satelit de 3.30$ catre 11$ asta de la 19:30. Chestia ciudata este ca a inceput turneul de 1 min. s-a jucat 1 mana si pe urma s-a incheiat Si cica am luat biletul la ala de 11$ . Erau garantate 2000 de locuri si erau inscrisi 1805 dar avea extended 30 min. Vi s-a mai intamplat asa ceva? :O
      BM Lesson no. 1:Never play with money you can't afford to lose !!!
      Do you know the difference between a DOG and a Poker Player? After 10 Years a dog will stop whining !!!


      • LOL...astia se tin de glume? Asteptam sa dau 3BET si m-am trezit cu mana foldata... Si sigur nu bifasem fold or nu a fost nici un misclick asteptam pur si simplu sa 3BETez si BOOM FOLD
        Poker Stars $0.02/$0.05 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players
        DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

        UTG: $9.40
        MP: $4.36
        CO: $5.00
        BTN: $3.96
        SB: $12.45
        Hero (BB): $5.24

        Pre Flop: ($0.07) Hero is BB with A A
        1 fold, MP raises to $0.20, 1 fold, BTN calls $0.20, 2 folds

        Flop: ($0.47) A 6 A (2 players)
        MP bets $0.22, BTN folds

        Le-am trimis mail la support
        BM Lesson no. 1:Never play with money you can't afford to lose !!!
        Do you know the difference between a DOG and a Poker Player? After 10 Years a dog will stop whining !!!


        • daca joci cu TN vezi ca o ia razna uneori,am patit si eu sa imi foldeze la 5-6 mese consecutiv


          • Postat în original de PasCuPas Vezi post
            Le-am trimis mail la support
            Exista si aceasta adresa de email [email protected] pentru semnalarea problemelor legate de ZOOM.
            * Informatiile pe care le pot da pe acest forum se refera in special la promotiile si turneele PokerStars. In ceea ce priveste intrebarile despre contul vostru la PokerStars, acestea ar trebui adresate echipei de asistenta clienti, la [email protected].


            • Nu era la ZOOM ... ma jucam NL5 4 tables :P Si iata raspuns de la ei... deci de la INTERNET CONNECTION nu are cum ... si de la VIRUSI nici fff mare grija la astea plus ca am NOD32 actualizat zilnic si alte 2 programe anti spyware deci stiu tot ce ruleaza in calc. In privinta proceselor care rulau nu se pune problema ... Nu vreau sa ma "cert" cu ei ca stiu ca pierd timpul degeaba...dar macar sa zica.. DA a fost de la noi si asta sa arunce rpd vina pe nu au soft-ul chiar asa FLAWLESS cum s-ar zice :P Iata si raspunsul magic :

              Hello Andrei,

              Thank you for your email.

              We have checked log files and can inform you that your cards were folded because you lost connection to our gaming server. Generally quality of Internet you are using is not very useful for online gaming. There is also another problem on your PC - high memory usage. This can be related to many running background applications or viruses/trojans.

              It would be helpful, if you send us a log of all the programs which are running on your computer. This log will allow us to spot any software conflicting with the client. The application to do this is called HijackThis, and is provided by one of the world's leading Internet security firms, Trend Micro. Here are the steps to obtain that program and run the log:

              1. Download the file attached to this email. This will download the file to your computer.

              2. Double click the file to extract the HijackThis program.

              3. Find the file you downloaded and open it by double clicking the file. You may have to accept the license terms the first time.

              4. Click on "Do a System Scan and Save a Log File". HijackThis will scan your computer for running programs and then Notepad will appear with the results in text format.

              5. In Notepad, go to File > Save As... and save the log file to your computer.

              6. Reply to this email. In the email window click on "Attachments", "Add File" (or similar).

              7. Navigate to the folder where you saved the HijackThis log.

              8. Attach the file.

              We will also require the Network Status Report from our software. Please elevate the PokerStars program to Administrator to allow the software to save the Network Status Report. To accomplish this you will need to right click the PokerStars shortcut and select "Run as Administrator". If you do not see this option it means that your Windows Account is not an Administrator, in this case you will need to get the Administrator to log into the computer for you.

              Once PokerStars has loaded please click on Help -> Network Status. When this dialog opens click on the Report button. This report is saved to your PokerStars settings folder which you will need to locate and send to us for review. To send this to us please do the following:

              1. Open the Main Lobby
              2. Go to Help
              3. Go to Log Files
              4. Select "Save Log Files as ZIP..."
              5. Save the file to your Desktop, you may have to navigate to the Desktop as the default location is the PokerStars Settings Folder
              6. Reply to this email
              7. Click on Attach File (or similar option)
              8. Select the ZIP file located in your Desktop or wherever you chose to save the file
              9. Click OK and send the email

              Once we have received the above information we will take a more in-depth review and provide a response.


              Alex Z
              PokerStars Technical Support


              Am facut si un Speed Test :P
              BM Lesson no. 1:Never play with money you can't afford to lose !!!
              Do you know the difference between a DOG and a Poker Player? After 10 Years a dog will stop whining !!!


              • gg Sergiu,o sa te dea pe blog cred


                • wow de mult nu am mai vazut overlay pe Stars; si e chiar mare
                  Se pare ca micro millions le-a golit conturile jucatorilor de micro

                  lol overlay.jpg


                  • Neh, cre'ca nu a parut interesant, BI mic , gtd la fel...


                    • E un clasic turneu asta, la care nu am mai vazut overlay vre-odata.
                      Am gasit printul asta unde se vede ca din 7.5k guar s-a dus si la 19k prizepoolul



                      • Postat în original de adyshorr Vezi post
                        Incerc sa ma loghez pe stars, si imi zice ca is logat in alta parte, dar eu nu m-am logat in nici o alta parte. Can u check plz, delapokerstars?

                        ---------- Post added at 05:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:36 PM ----------

                        Aah, nickname MaCe90

                        problema asta o am si eu, cum ai reusit sa o rezolvi?


                        • Much love for PS's support

                          Postat în original de HostJacob
                          Thanks for your note - obviously, we take security very seriously at PokerStars and want to avoid any brain hacking of this sort. I'm proud to say we continue to lead the way in preventing this and will be adding measures to prevent it if Brain Apps of this sort become common.



                          • am patit si eu sa ma foldeze in timp ce asteptam sa 3betez


                            • de asta`i BETA ..
                              When a man with money meets a man with experience, the man with experience leaves with money and the man with money leaves with experience...


                              • De ieri imi merge urat rau stars ul..fragmentat lag..e o problema generala?

