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  • Postat în original de adyshorr Vezi post
    Iar nu ma pot loga, ffs! Delapokerstars pe'aici ? Mai pierd o tura de sateliti din cauza erorilor de soft ?

    Din cate pot observa, nu au fost probleme cu satelitii ieri.
    Daca a fost vreuna, se poate sa fi fost legata de contul tau, nu de ei.
    * Informatiile pe care le pot da pe acest forum se refera in special la promotiile si turneele PokerStars. In ceea ce priveste intrebarile despre contul vostru la PokerStars, acestea ar trebui adresate echipei de asistenta clienti, la [email protected].


    • Hello,

      PokerStars has become aware of accounts who have violated our Terms of Service, to the potential detriment of other players. You played against these accounts and as a result you may have been adversely affected.

      In a case such as this it is our policy to confiscate the balances of the offenders and for PokerStars to add funds where appropriate. This compensation pool is then distributed to players potentially affected in as fair a way as possible.

      To confirm your credit, please log onto your PokerStars account, go to the 'Cashier' screen and click the 'History' button. Your share will be shown as "REFUND", followed by the amount of the credit.

      The integrity of the games at PokerStars is of paramount importance and appropriate action will always be taken when players operate outside the Terms of Service. PokerStars works hard to police the games in order to proactively prevent such instances. However, in cases where it is discovered that rules breaches have occurred, the aim is to ensure that any players affected are compensated appropriately.

      We regret that we will be unable to answer questions as to how your specific credit amount was calculated. Likewise, we are not at liberty to identify the specific games or players in question. Suffice to say that the offenders have been barred from the site and you will not encounter them again.

      Thank you for your continued play at PokerStars. Please let us know if we can help you with any further issues or questions.

      Kind Regards,

      James H
      PokerStars Game Security Team


      • colusion refund ?

        ---------- Post added at 11:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:30 AM ----------

        am mai patit si eu de 2 ori


        • Da, sunt curios cati au primit collusion refund de la fulltilt .


          • eu am primit de la full tilt.
            Most of the money you'll win at poker comes not from the brilliance of your own play, but from the ineptitude of your opponents. ~Lou Krieger


            • si eu


              • Pe vremea cand erau real money.

                Dear yariknight,

                The Full Tilt Poker Security department has recently concluded an extensive investigation and we have determined that some of your opponents were in violation of our site terms.

                We have permanently closed all of the offending accounts. In cases of proven cheating, 100% of the confiscated funds are returned to the players who were victimized. The reimbursement calculation is based on the number of tournaments or hands played against the offending players, and the amount won or lost against them.

                We have determined that you are entitled to a refund of $24.75 which will be placed in your account in the next 72 hours.

                For a number of reasons, we are unable to provide any other additional information regarding this case, including the players involved and the game type where it occurred. We thank you for your understanding in this regard. The vigilance of our players in reporting suspicious behavior is an important addition to our ongoing diligence against unethical conduct, and we carefully investigate every concern of suspicious activity.

                If you believe you have witnessed unfair play at our tables, please don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. If there is any other way we can be of assistance, please let us know.

                Full Tilt Poker Security
                " Eu m-am nascut inca de la inceput, nu dupa."


                • Exista vre-o modalitate sa stii cate bounty-uri ai luat intr-un turneu?


                  • selecteaza sa-ti trimita mail de felicitare si-o sa-ti scrie in email cate bountyuri si userele.


                    • Postat în original de Cristovan Vezi post
                      Multumesc. Oricum o sa revin si eu cu o confirmare daca functioneaza.
                      Da, se pare ca functioneaza. Am reusit sa fac transferul la cateva minute dupa depozit( cca 2 min).


                      • Postat în original de motan Vezi post
                        Exista vre-o modalitate sa stii cate bounty-uri ai luat intr-un turneu?
                        Requests - Playing history audit

                        In audit gasesti tot, rebuys, bountys etc.


                        • Au dat drumul la Zoom e in Beta vad...dar merge treaba
                          BM Lesson no. 1:Never play with money you can't afford to lose !!!
                          Do you know the difference between a DOG and a Poker Player? After 10 Years a dog will stop whining !!!


                          • au decat 2nl si 10nl, sau sunt eu inapt si nu gasesc mize mai mari?


                            • Atat vad si eu 2 NL , 5 NL si 10NL :P E BETA...dar e fun ...
                              BM Lesson no. 1:Never play with money you can't afford to lose !!!
                              Do you know the difference between a DOG and a Poker Player? After 10 Years a dog will stop whining !!!


                              • Cat de bine merge treaba abia astept sa dea drumu si la sng-uri si la mtt-uri

