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Incepe Main Event '09

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  • #46
    Ai nostrii vad ca au o medie de 50.000.

    Durrrr si cu Helmuth cam cate au ?


    • #47
      Helmuth are 27,475


      • #48
        Durrr nu stiu daca a jucat, taica su a fost eliminat


        • #49
          pt chestiile astea Hellmuth merita tot respectul.. cel putin parerea mea asta e, ca e constient de imaginea pe care o are in lumea pokerului si le face ca sa promoveze jocul, sa atraga jucatori noi


          • #50
            Postat în original de admin_holdem Vezi post
            Dragomir, nu te imbraci si tu in Brutus? Sau in Baiazid... Gingis Han
            Sau mai bine in Burebista sau Decebal !
            Lupta cu tine ca sa ii invingi pe altii !


            • #51
              nu stiu de unde atata tupeu pe Hellmuth asta ... de parca el ar avea cele mai multe bratari wsop or something ...
              Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.
              Luam o pauza, stay tuned, maybe will be continued .... ignore the schizo ...


              • #52
                Nu e vorba de tupe.. e vorba de SHOW! E unul dintre cei ami cunoscuti jucatori de poker. Ca e cel mai bun sau nu.. nu e asa important
                Cand pierd nu mai dau vina pe bad beat
                Cand castig, e de la suckout'uri din alea'


                • #53
                  Este cel mai bun jucator de turnee fara nici un dubiu. Valoarea se masoara in rezultate nu in comentarii pe forumuri.
                  Stand in front of a mirror. If you look fat, you are fat. If you don't look fat, there's a good chance that you aren't fat.


                  • #54
                    E doar reclama la ub,fiecare model are ub pe spate.


                    • #55
             ? A Video Community for Pokerplayers

             ? A Video Community for Pokerplayers

                      nu merge embed sa pun
                      Last edited by Deliric1; 06.07.2009, 17:31.


                      • #56
                        in al doilea filmuletz scrie ca Thomas Dwan a fost eliminat...
                        Fir intins...


                        • #57
                          e tatal lui durrr...


                          • #58
                            Official numbers are in. 6,494 total entrants, 648 places paid, $61,043,600 prize pool, and 1st place is $8,548,435

                            Eliminati: Dario Minieri, Ivan Demidov, Scott Montgomery. Huck Seed, Phil Galfond, Mark Seif, Jeff Madsen, David Benefield
                            Last edited by sever; 07.07.2009, 08:10.


                            • #59
                              Postat în original de Cheloo Vezi post
                              e tatal lui durrr...
                              dur nu are tata, mama, si mai ales nash

                              @admin: omg.. se simte criza blana
                              "Money get back, I'm all right Jack, Keep your hands off my stack"

                              I'm going ing...


                              • #60
                                WSOP: Riot at the Rio - Players Shut Out of Main Event Day 1d

                                Approximately 500 players arrived at the the Rio today with $10,000 in their pocket and the dream of winning untold millions and fame as 2009’s World Champion. But their dreams were shattered at the cashier’s cage when they were told the World Series of Poker Main Event had sold out.

                                Day 1d of the Main Event had reached capacity with every available table being used in the Amazon, Brasilia and Miranda rooms. There were even 13 tables set up all the way back towards the casino in the area by Buzio’s Seafood restaurant.

                                At the beginning of Level 1 a semi-angry mob assembled outside of the 7 Star & Diamond registration office. A line of nearly 100 people snaked around a hallway at the general registration office. Notable pros, amateurs and every type of player in between started to gather. It seemed that Mickey Appleman, Minh Ly and Capt. Tom Franklin would be shut out of the biggest tournament of the year.

                                Tension in the hallway grew as one player said, “I have $10,000 that I won in satellite chips that are now completely useless. Is the WSOP going to give me a refund?”

                                Josh Sorenson, an amateur, said, “I don’t understand why there is no communication between the players and the WSOP staff. We’re not being told anything, besides the tournament is closed.” He continued, “Sometimes we need a gray area in life. Nothing is ever simply black and white.”

                                As players gathered and griped, somehow Mike Sexton found his way into the middle of the group. Several members of the shutout group asked Sexton if he would talk to WSOP Comissioner Jeffrey Pollack or WSOP Tournament Director Jack Effel. Having already played on Day 1a, Sexton was a reluctant spokesperson, but he held true to his “Ambassador of Poker” title and agreed to speak for the crowd.

                                At issue was players believed that 3,000 entrants had been advertised for Day 1d to play. Sexton invited Franklin to accompany him to meet with Effel. The three found a quiet spot near the feature table to discuss the matter. With a large crowd of disgruntled players building by the rail, the three moved into a back hallway for privacy.

                                After about 30 minutes Sexton and Franklin emerged and told the growing group that Pollack had agreed to meet with them. All concerned players that were shutout were to go to the Pavillion in the Rio and Pollack had a prepared statement.

                                About 100, mostly angry, players gathered to see if their Main Event dreams would come true. Pollack and the senior staff of the WSOP all gathered for the explanation.

                                Pollack opened his statement, “We are sorry, I am sorry. The last thing we wanted to do is deny entry to any player for the Main Event. But we are unable to accommodate anymore people.” He continued, “We pledge this won’t happen again and will be the first topic we discuss for next year. This is the biggest challenge we have faced in four years.”

                                The crowd was clearly displeased with Pollack’s statements. One requested if they could start at midnight and play all night to join Day 2a. Another asked why they couldn’t be accomdated and play ten-handed at some tables or allow alternates.

                                Pollack said, “We have not had alternates for the 56 previous events and the first three days of the Main Event and we’re not going to start now. We’ve had sellouts already this series.”

                                The hostile crowd grew louder as each player wanted Pollack to hear their complaints. Melissa Hayden grew impatient with crowd and urged them to quiet down and speak civilly to Pollack.

                                Pollack dismissed the rumor that two very high profile players were allowed entry after registration had been closed. He furthered his point by saying,”The decision has been made. Operationally, we cannot accommodate anymore players.”

                                Pollack answered questions for several minutes and the crowd seemed unwilling to accept anything he had to say. Pollack stepped away from the podium and exited the room. One very angry Australian player shouted “Shameful!” as Pollack left.

                                The players that were just officially told they would not be able to play lingered and remained very upset. None of them appeared to be happy with the explanation. The previously mentioned Aussie even suggested that they could sue the WSOP.

                                (c) Bluff

