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Stranger chat

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  • Stranger chat

    when you are bored get in there


    daca datzi de cineva funny bagatzi si voi dupa un copy paste

  • #2
    a fost educativ

    Stranger: Hi.
    You: Hi
    Stranger: Why don't you have a seat.. right over here.
    You: Where?
    Stranger: Let's talk.
    Stranger: Right Here.
    You: we are on the internets
    You: wtf? seats?
    Stranger: Sit..
    Stranger: on my penis.
    You: stfup
    You: omg
    Stranger: hurrrrr
    Stranger: Hello User:Stranger,

    This is Kimberly from Customer Service at Omegle.
    We have received multiple complaints of inappropriate, lewd behavior traced to your IP address.
    The Federal Bureau of Investigations will be alerted within the next 24 hours.
    This is your first warning.

    Kimberly Nguyen
    (301) 938 - 5193
    Omegle Inc.
    You: i'm telling you to my mom
    Stranger: do it
    Stranger: faggot
    You: nooo
    You: i don't want to
    Stranger: good, cause your moms busy
    Stranger: sucking my penis
    Stranger: up and down
    Stranger: on my
    Stranger: penis
    Stranger: penis
    Stranger: PENSI
    You: omg i can't belive it
    Stranger: PENIS
    Stranger: yea
    You: my mom is a hore???
    Stranger: u know what i man
    Stranger: mean
    Stranger: ya
    Stranger: u should try to get up on that
    You: i'm crying a river of tears

    second convo :

    You: Hi
    Stranger: Hi
    You: so was up ?
    Stranger: Good day? Bad day?
    Stranger: Good day - me
    You: bad day
    Stranger: Bummer
    You: i lost money
    Stranger: Oh that sucks
    You: to the internets poker wiz kids
    Stranger: Lots of money?
    You: they cracked my aces 2 time
    You: true story!
    Stranger: man oh man
    You: like 20 chessburgers
    You: do you play poker?
    Stranger: tried it
    Stranger: terrible at it
    You: yep i know me to
    Stranger: yup
    Stranger: looks like it
    You: they just call me names
    You: like fish donkey
    Stranger: or sea monkey?
    You: and i tell them i'm not a fish or a donkey im a human been
    You: see monkey?thats new
    Stranger: a human been or a human bean?
    You: bean
    Stranger: I like bean chili
    You: im not so good at english
    Stranger: really?
    Stranger: I think you are
    You: i'm a gipsy
    Stranger: I'm tipsy
    You: english not my primary language
    Stranger: what is?
    You: my primary language is frankFuram
    Stranger: my primary language is rubber duckie
    You: so you say you are a lipsy?
    Stranger: I'm lippy
    You: rubber ducky?
    Stranger: no I said tipsy
    Stranger: as in tipping over
    You: wtf? all are in here are pedoss??
    You: omg i'm to young to sit on a penis
    Stranger: ?
    Stranger: you're odd
    You: dude i'm impair like in roulette

    conversation ended
    Last edited by alex85; 01.04.2009, 10:37. Motiv: Automerged Doublepost


    • #3
      You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
      Stranger: ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
      You: nazi?
      Stranger: WTF RACIST *******
      Your conversational partner has disconnected.


      • #4
        Connecting to server...
        Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
        You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
        You: hey
        You: I got a proposition for you
        Stranger: Hi
        Stranger: What proposition ?
        You: If you find me, the real me, I swear to God, I'll give you $100,000
        You: I can afford that
        You: And just want to have fun playing expensive games
        You: You got 6 months for this.
        You: But firstly, for some help
        You: I will answer 10 YES/NO questions
        You: go on
        You: ask
        Stranger: obs, tu esti? sunt Lyncks ma!!!! ))))))) rofeeeeeel


        • #5
          asa se fac 100,000 USD, campand
          Tomorrow is a fantasy


          • #6
            1.will you send me 100 dollars as a sign of good faith?
            yes.continuam(plus ca am facut deja bani)
   are rost ca nu vedem nici 100k
            2.are you male? stabilim sexul

            3.are you white? yes.punem europa sau america.
            no.dam end ai banii

            4.are you european? stabilim continentul.

            5.are you in any form of school? yes..varsta pana in 25
            no....intre 25 si 60
            peste stii sa folosesti internetul
            deci avem sexul,varsta aproximativa si continentul,dar am epuizat 5 intrebari...insa am castigat 100 dolari..any ideas anyone


            • #7
              Tomorrow is a fantasy


              • #8
                You: hi
                Stranger: do you want to buy a tv?
                Stranger: £200 ono
                Stranger: 17 inches
                Stranger: receives all five channels
                Stranger: good price for you sir
                Stranger: do you have paypal?
                You: yes
                You: 200 too much do
                Stranger: could you send me the funds?
                Stranger: I will cover the mail cost
                You: yeah
                You: but you send me the tv
                Stranger: first send me your address so i can calculate postage and packing
                You: ok?
                Stranger: sure
                You: ok
                You: america,washington d.c.
                You: liberty street p.o. box 23
                Stranger: zip code?
                You: a little white house on the left
                You: know it?
                Stranger: faggot


                • #9
                  Stranger: YOU ARE A STRANGER
                  You: no Im not
                  Stranger: yes u r
                  You: im your neighbour
                  You: lol
                  Stranger: I AAAAAAAAAAAM OBAMA
                  Stranger: AND YOU ARE MICHELLE
                  You: michelle pfaifer

                  later edit: vb cu unu de vreo 2 ore ce face plictiseala din om, nu-mi vine a crede. Si acu vb pe AIM... nu ma gandeam vreodata cat de placut poate fi o discutie cu un total strain
                  Last edited by SerJ; 03.04.2009, 06:16. Motiv: Automerged Doublepost
                  To be a poker champion, you must have a strong bladder


                  • #10
                    Last edited by sever; 14.01.2010, 10:56.


                    • #11
                      Stranger: hey
                      Stranger: asl
                      You: hello
                      You: not again
                      You: u first
                      Stranger: m
                      Stranger: u
                      You: i
                      You: e
                      Stranger: what


                      • #12
                        replica cretina la fostul Mirc.

