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Satelit 30+3$

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  • Satelit 30+3$

    ce ati fii facut? primi 3 merg in satelitul final pentru packet

    ImageShack - Image Hosting :: aiureaaapi3.jpg

  • #2
    fold pe flop;fold pe turn ;fold pe river
    Trying to quit.


    • #3
      fara suparare, dar cum ai reusit sa faci alea 8000 de fise?
      mana asta e jucata oribil pe toate strazile, dpmdv

      PS: sa inteleg ca ai BR de minim 1,5k?
      Last edited by frenzy; 30.01.2009, 22:38. Motiv: Automerged Doublepost
      "Granted, the road to hell is paved with implied odds"


      • #4
        Postat în original de Ciprian Vezi post
        fold pe flop;fold pe turn ;fold pe river
        Eu mai dadeam si fold preflop... de al naibii

        Apropo eu nu inteleg de ce te'ai chinuit sa stergi imaginea?
        Se vede sus ca ai dat call


        • #5
          ROFL. Cica asa e cool in ziua de azi sa mai maschezi niste informatii, sa nu te citeasca apoi toti prea usor


          • #6

            +1 la cum ai reusit sa faci atatea chipuri
            numeste tu o mana pe care o bati pe river. nu una cu care sa imparti si unca pe care sa o bati si sa dea bet flop si turn.... asa de mult ai tinut la alea 600 chipuri pe care leai aruncat la ala pe flop si turn ca ai zis hai ca ii dau call sa mi le iau inapoi ca sigur impartim sau poate chiar il bat


            • #7
              Hero call gone a tad wrong.


              • #8
                cred ca ti-e rau de avion si ti-era frica sa nu cumva sa te califici...PUSH the FOLD button...dar ca o curiozitate...ce ai gandit pe fiecare strada? sincer acum...


                • #9

                  A. Poor and unacceptable thought processes

                  1. *fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfap*
                  2. Wow, 2p2 is so awesem! LOL Georgia Avenue is so funay, BBV4eva!!
                  3. Come on *sports team*, I've got SRS MONEY ON YOU BSTRDS (£"*%&^
                  4. Wow Seinfeld is so funny! *
                  5. I am God's gift to poker. Poker is so EZ. Im gonna win $$$ this session

                  B. Common yet sub-optimal thought processes

                  1. Wow, a re-raise... I should fold my QQ, he probably has aces
                  2. I have a flush draw, and a flush is a great hand. I'll make lots of money if I hit, so I call.
                  3. The board is 8s8s4d, and he bets... my AK can't really stand this heat. I fold.
                  4. He's so loose, I know he is bluffing. I can call with my mid pair on the river here.
                  5. I have top two pair, thats a great hand. I can call this river shove, if he has me beat I guess thats too bad.

                  C. Partially optimal processes which need refinement

                  1. I raised preflop, and he's checked. I can c-bet here and take it down.
                  2. I have the NFD, and these players are loose passive. I'm going to bet here as a semi-bluff.
                  3. I have 87s, which can hit a LOT of flops. I'm going to raise it as a semi-bluff, cause if I get a call, I can still hit.
                  4. I have TT, which is a decent hand, but those overcards scare me so I'll bet now and take it down.
                  5. My AK missed this low, un-coordinated board, but he's checked anyway so I'll just bet and take it down now.

                  D. Well rounded and logically optimal thoughts

                  I have a mid PP which could definitely be good, and he has bet small into this pot. But the fact that there are overcards on the board, and the fact that I am more than likely to face further betting on all postflop streets from here means that showing down my hand cheaply is going to be very difficult. I'm just going to have to submit to reverse implied odds and let him have this pot. Given that I have nothing invested in it, and my equity versus his range is poor, I'm not too worried.

                  Ive missed this low board with my AQs, and the fact that he has called my PFR in the BB means that although he could have overcards, pocket pairs are HUGE in his range as well. The fact that he's checked doesn't mean that he's going to fold. In fact, with an AF of 6.5, he could definitely be going for a checkraise. If I check behind here, I may be able to catch my A or Q, or a running heart draw, and get some value from his mid PP that he thinks is good. If I c-bet here its really as a bluff, and I don't think that this bluff has much chance of succeeding, given that I estimate a lot of his range to call me. Getting check-raised here would be a total disaster because he could be bluffing me with some crap which I beat like AJs, QJs, just based on my high c-bet percentage. I'll just check behind and see what happens on the turn. Given that I have position, I'm in a good spot to re-evaluate the hand and play to the river.

                  What is going on here? He check-calls two streets and open shoves the river. What kind of hand could this be? Well, there was the heart draw on the flop which missed. Then there was the backdoor straight draw on the turn which missed. Given that this clown is 38/15/5.0, his range certainly includes these busted draws. Well what about the hands which beat my two pair? JJ would have re-raised preflop, given his AF. Any set would have raised the flop or turn, according to both his AF and the fact that the board is so ugly. So though I'm not ruling them out, they are definitely less likely. Besides, I've been watching how this guy plays and that thin river shove he made with TPMK against the guy to my left was horrible - he seems really splashy. Maybe he's still upset about how I outdrew him with my OESFD? Given that his range includes a huge amount of missed heart draws and top pair kind of hands, I'd say I'm definitely good here a lot of the time, and I'm getting really nice odds. I call! OH WHATS THAT, A BUSTED DRAW?? SHIP IT!

                  I have an OESD, so I'll bet against this moderately passive guy as a semi-bluff. He usually folds so I'll just win the pot with nothing, thankyouverymuch. ... Oh crap, he minraised. Well, okay. What type of hands would he do this with? Top pair kind of hands, two pairs, maaaybe the occaisional draw. Given that he's so bad, I think its worth it to try and catch my hand because he is more than likely to overplay top pair or two pair, and if he has a set, its like free money. Given that his minraise gives me great implied odds, I'll call.

                  Nice! I caught my draw. Okay, so how to extract? Well, I feel like this guy will bet again if I check , and a checkraise will look a lot like a bluff, and though there are two hearts on the board, the FD is certainly unlikely in his range. So I'll checkraise him, and put the rest in on the river. Time to push - he can definitely put me on some kind of missed heart draw, and the money in going in anyway if he has a set. Its the perfect trap. Well he caught two pair on the turn, but I managed to manipulate him by combining his flop minraise mistake with his tendency to overplay bad hands with a nice checkraise and river push where he was getting very attractive odds to call. nh!


                  • #10
                    eram dus de val , nu am BR de 30+3 $ am castigat ticketul la un freeroll , credeam ca are A , sa impartim potul se pare ca m-am inselat asta e , am capatat putin xp , iar teoriile cum de ai avut 8k de fise , si altele se vede mentalitatea de roman !


                    • #11
                      Postat în original de SilviuOR Vezi post
                      eram dus de val , nu am BR de 30+3 $ am castigat ticketul la un freeroll , credeam ca are A , sa impartim potul se pare ca m-am inselat asta e , am capatat putin xp , iar teoriile cum de ai avut 8k de fise , si altele se vede mentalitatea de roman !
                      hai ma... si daca avea A imparteai daca nu ce plm pierd si gata, chiar in ultimii 4!!!!!!!!! eu ma gandeam ca ala cu 10 e fish ca a dat all in cu full (donk overbet pot) dar se pare ca avea ceva informatii despre tine ca ..platesti orice
                      nici nu vreau sa ma gandesc cum ai ajuns asa deep.......


                      • #12
                        40/23 in 120 de maini cam asa le-a facut
                        apropo de ce ai zis cu mentalitatea de vede ca prostul nu e prost destul daca nu e si fudul..ce experienta ai capatat? nu inteleg cum de te-ai gandit sa postezi mana, adica ai avut vreun dubiu ca e altfel jucata decat jalnic..sau ai vrut sa ne arati ce sateliti beliciune joci?


                        • #13
                          nu merita sa dai call daca crezi ca in cel mai bun caz imparti potul.


                          • #14
                            vroiam sa aflu daca voi dadeati call sau nu ; e primul meu satelit , turneu , cu buyin >10$ , si stiu sunt fish , incerc ca sa imi rezolv VP , eram dus de val , nu stiu dc , probabil ca castigam si eu "un loc la satelitul mare" ceea ce nu ma putut face sa gandesc corect, aveam la momendat 12k si am ajuns la 8k tot asa printr-o greseala , asta e se intampla iar acuma ca veniti voi marii playeri din poker sa ma criticati , sunt doar la 6 LUNI DE POKER . voi cum erati cand erati ca si mine? de aia am postat ca sa ma ajutati sa inteleg jocul sau sa imi vad greselile


                            • #15
                              Ai dat call 6000 la river pentru a castiga (in cel mai bun caz) 900.
                              Sa nu mai faci asta niciodata.

                              Mai ales in fazele finale ale turneelor/stg e recomandat sa joci agresiv si sa nu te complici foarte mult. Asta inseamna ca tu ala care ataca si nu invers.

                              Nu vad nicaieri read de la masa, ori decizile tale trebuie sa vina (mai ales in faza finala) tocmai din acest lucru. Trebuie sa adaptezi jocul tau in functie de adversari si de matematica. Nu mi se pare ca faci asta.

