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Aer comprimat in loc de benzina in 2010

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  • Aer comprimat in loc de benzina in 2010

    (CNN) -- You've heard of hybrids, electric cars and vehicles that can run on vegetable oil. But of all the contenders in the quest to produce the ultimate fuel-efficient car, this could be the first one to let you say, "fill it up with air."

    The compressed air car planned for the U.S. market would be a six-seater, a New York company says.

    That's the idea behind the compressed air car, which backers say could achieve a fuel economy of 106 miles per gallon.

    Plenty of skepticism exists, but with many Americans trying to escape sticker shock at the gas pump, the concept is generating buzz.

    The technology has been the focus of MDI, a European company founded in 1991 by a French inventor and former race car engineer.

    New York-based Zero Pollution Motors is the first firm to obtain a license from MDI to produce the cars in the United States, pledging to deliver the first models in 2010 at a price tag of less than $18,000.

    The concept is similar to how a locomotive works, except compressed air -- not steam -- moves the engine's pistons, said Shiva Vencat, vice president of MDI and CEO of Zero Pollution Motors.

    Gas still plays a role

    The six-seater planned for the U.S. market would be able to reach speeds of more than 90 mph and have a range of more than 800 miles thanks to a dual energy engine, Vencat said.

    The design calls for one or more tanks of compressed air under the car's floor, as well as a tank holding at least 8 gallons of fuel.

    The compressed air car will get a chance to prove itself next year when it competes for the Automotive X Prize. The multimillion-dollar award will go to the team that "can win a stage race for clean, production-capable vehicles that exceed 100 mpg equivalent fuel economy," according to the X Prize Foundation.

    The air-car concept has also drawn the interest of Tata Motors, India's largest automaker. The company announced an agreement with MDI last year to further develop and refine the technology.

    However, the cars have yet to hit the streets in India or anywhere else.

    "The project is under progress. We do not yet have any timeframe for launch," said Debasis Ray, the head of corporate communications for Tata Motors.

    Only prototypes exist at this point, Vencat said.

    Light design

    The body of the car planned for the United States would be built with fiberglass and injected foam. The chassis, composed of aluminum rods, would be glued together, not welded.

    The design allows the car to be as light as possible, Vencat said.

    For anyone who has doubts about its safety, he insisted computer simulations show that the vehicle would pass crash tests and meet all U.S. safety standards.

    "Do you think somebody would actually put millions of dollars into making a car that will not pass safety regulations? There's no point in doing that," Vencat said.

    Callister pointed out that there haven't been any lightweight, 100-plus mpg cars to pass crash tests but said it could be done through a "very clever design" of a lightweight frame.
    106 mpg 'air car' creates buzz, questions -

  • #2
    dar si aerul ala ca sa-l comprimi si sa-l introduci in butelie tre sa consume niste benzina , sau curent electric si nu e mare branza
    ps: am vazut "inventia" mai demult
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