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  • #46
    Mda, si ala pe care l-am dublat, a pierdut tot in 10 minute. Intrebarea mea e cum naiba a ajuns pana acolo. Eu sincer, as sta sa-l notez pe unul de-asta si sa-l urmaresc de la inceput. E un mister care trebuie limpezit.


    • #47
      Ce postam io acum cateva zile?
      Pe bune ca trebuie sa fii un pic masochist sa joci asemenea turnee.
      In alta ordine de ideii pentru amatorii de turnee in luna iulie pe pokerstars turneele garantate au o valoara dublata a premiilor.


      • #48
        nu toata luna ci doar saptamana SM e sapt asta S2M (sunday 2 million)...

        oricum am si eu o MAREEEEEEEE dilema legata de satelitii pt zis sa incerc si eu sa ma calific sapt asta...dupa vreo 3 DS m-am calificat si am zis sa mai incerc ca e plin de fishi si sa bagi 11 si sa scoti 215 e mai jucat de atunci creca 20 DS si a naibii daca am mai intrat la vreunu in bani (si sincer la SNG macar la 20-30% intru in bani...sau asa mi se pare mie) cred ca la 70% din ele am luat-o numai pe river(verificat in HH) sunt de parere ca site-urile sunt rigged sau teorii ale conspiratiei...dar ma intreb si eu...poate o fi dreacu vreun Matrix...softul a inceput "sa gandeasca" incearca sa-i elimine pe cei care au castigat deja loc la SM... ca si asa cred ca se apropie momentul cand masinile o aiba "constiinta" si ma gandesc ca poate site-urile de poker sunt primele...aberez prea tare deja????

        exemple....Board [2s 2d 7c 7h Kc]
        Seat 4: Chip_1149 (big blind) showed [Ks Qs] and won (3330) with two pair, Kings and Sevens
        Seat 5: agrigoras (button) showed [4s As] and lost with two pair, Sevens and Deuces
        Seat 7: quattroboxer (small blind) folded before Flop

        Board [Ah 7s Kd 2c Jh]
        Seat 6: Russianboy86 (button) (small blind) showed [Jc Qc] and won (2950) with a pair of Jacks
        Seat 9: agrigoras (big blind) showed [4d 4s] and lost with a pair of Fours

        Board [4c 5s Jc Qd 2s]
        Seat 4: NUMEROS66 (button) showed [Jd Qc] and won (5655) with two pair, Queens and Jacks
        Seat 5: wds2004 (small blind) folded before Flop
        Seat 8: agrigoras (big blind) showed [Js Kh] and lost with a pair of Jacks

        Board [Ac 5s 7c Qs Th]
        Seat 1: Roco415 (big blind) showed [Qh Ts] and won (6415) with two pair, Queens and Tens
        Seat 4: agrigoras (button) showed [As 9d] and lost with a pair of Aces
        Seat 7: rossington (small blind) folded before Flop

        Board [8s 8c 9d 2d Ah]
        Seat 5: agrigoras (big blind) showed [Kh Kc] and lost with two pair, Kings and Eights
        Seat 6: wasylisa (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
        Seat 7: CaptainGe (small blind) showed [As Ks] and won (6307) with two pair, Aces and Eights

        Total pot 7760 | Rake 0
        Board [9h 2s 6h Th 3h]
        Seat 2: lennie34 (button) (small blind) showed [5h 5c] and won (7760) with a flush, Ten high
        Seat 7: agrigoras (big blind) showed [As 6s] and lost with a pair of Sixes

        acum ca ma uit mi se pare ca exemplele sunt destul de mai luat beats dar parca astea-s prea de doar in DS pt SM am patit asa...

        OH well...shit happens...promit ca daca o sa castig S2M ii iert pe cei de la PS...spuse pestele si mai lua o gura de plancton
        Last edited by AndreiG; 11.07.2008, 16:28. Motiv: Automerged Doublepost
        It is better to die on your feet than to live a lifetime on your knees


        • #49
          N-ai nici o problema si nu aberezi doar ca suferi de 'Haven't played enough' Sindrome. Pur si simplu nu trebuie sa faci nimic, se corecteaza in timp si nu-ti vei mai pune intrebarile astea.


          • #50
            si inca una proaspata

            pai deja joc de mai mult de 1 an aproape zilnic...creca e destul de mult ca sa le vad pe toate...oricum ma oftic doar pe sper cum zici tu ca in timp sa se "intoarca roata"

            obs sper ca nu te superi ca mai dau si altii cu capul aici dar chiar ca sunt masochist daca joc MTT...inca o super iesire dintr-un turneu...n-am dat raise preflop fiindca stiam ca e aggresiv si m-ar fi pus all intreb care sunt sansele ca din 3 turnee sa le pierzi pe toate contra runner runner...

            PokerStars Game #18738683699: Tournament #94741499, $10+$1 Hold'em No Limit - Level V (75/150) - 2008/07/11 - 09:11:16 (ET)
            Table '94741499 13' 9-max Seat #5 is the button
            Seat 1: DrDecibel (6230 in chips)
            Seat 2: 1LEE1 (5135 in chips)
            Seat 3: mccallum90 (3275 in chips)
            Seat 4: elphano (4130 in chips)
            Seat 5: xxsnigglesxx (3570 in chips)
            Seat 6: erwin2975 (4500 in chips)
            Seat 7: agrigoras (3920 in chips)
            Seat 8: Spooky_M@n (12495 in chips)
            Seat 9: mgfrenchy (5745 in chips)
            erwin2975: posts small blind 75
            agrigoras: posts big blind 150
            *** HOLE CARDS ***
            Dealt to agrigoras [Kc Qc]
            Spooky_M@n: folds
            mgfrenchy: folds
            DrDecibel: folds
            1LEE1: folds
            mccallum90 has timed out while disconnected
            mccallum90: folds
            mccallum90 is sitting out
            elphano: folds
            xxsnigglesxx: folds
            erwin2975: calls 75
            agrigoras: checks
            *** FLOP *** [Qh 2d 8d]
            mccallum90 is connected
            mccallum90 has returned
            erwin2975: checks
            agrigoras: bets 300
            erwin2975: raises 450 to 750
            agrigoras: calls 450
            *** TURN *** [Qh 2d 8d] [9d]
            erwin2975: bets 1200
            agrigoras: raises 1820 to 3020 and is all-in
            erwin2975: calls 1820
            *** RIVER *** [Qh 2d 8d 9d] [jd]
            *** SHOW DOWN ***
            erwin2975: shows [Qs 5d] (a flush, Jack high)
            agrigoras: shows [Kc Qc] (a pair of Queens)
            erwin2975 collected 7840 from pot
            *** SUMMARY ***
            Total pot 7840 | Rake 0
            Board [Qh 2d 8d 9d Jd]
            Seat 1: DrDecibel folded before Flop (didn't bet)
            Seat 2: 1LEE1 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
            Seat 3: mccallum90 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
            Seat 4: elphano folded before Flop (didn't bet)
            Seat 5: xxsnigglesxx (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
            Seat 6: erwin2975 (small blind) showed [Qs 5d] and won (7840) with a flush, Jack high
            Seat 7: agrigoras (big blind) showed [Kc Qc] and lost with a pair of Queens
            Seat 8: Spooky_M@n folded before Flop (didn't bet)
            Seat 9: mgfrenchy folded before Flop (didn't bet)
            Last edited by sever; 11.07.2008, 17:10. Motiv: pt ca pot
            It is better to die on your feet than to live a lifetime on your knees


            • #51
              Da parca le cautzi... serios.

              Daca ai fi jucat corect, agresiv, daca ai fi foldat ce se folda, 80% din astea nu s-ar fi intamplat.

              Eu chiar asta cred.

              Apoi nu potzi sa te plangi ca a prins in flop fishu top pair si n-a putut sa arunce, si backdor flushu ptr ca nu l-ai putut tu sa faci sa arunce preflop Q5o. Si ca pe urma i-a intrat flushu.

              Aia e frate, get over it. Da cu capul, da nu te mai plange.

              Tilt just makes it worse...


              • #52
                k...sry...promit sa nu mai fac sau daca le fac sa nu mai scriu
                It is better to die on your feet than to live a lifetime on your knees


                • #53
                  Daca ati ajuns sa credeti ca un turneu cu buyin de 10$ e rigged pai ce sa mai creada patrik antonius cand acum 2 zile parca ,ia dat unu re-raise cu 92s si Patrik a prins culoarea si asta cu 92s a prins full in pot de 226k $


                  • #54
                    Naspa de el... din WSOP a iesit, gagic-sa l-a lasat tot acu 2 zile, online e in tilt si pierde cu sutele de mii, l-au gasit astia si cu hemoroizi cica... uite-asa se duce dracului toata fericirea in 3 zile de vesti proaste.

                    Tocmai am iesit pe bubble la un satelit la 2,5 mil - am luat 65$ de fapt , in urma unui collusion in grup facut de o gashca de italieni care jucau pe mana. Mai eram 6, cinci se calificau si astia isi pasau chipsurile unul altuia - cum ajungea unul short, astia ii dadeau chips - pe fatza, vorbind pe chat etc.
                    Am vorbit la support, au confirmat collusionul, au promis ca le blocheaza astora conturile... dar banii mei nu-i mai vad inapoi, nici vreun loc din cele alocate!!!
                    Cum e posibil asa ceva!!!!!!!!!
                    Last edited by obs; 11.07.2008, 19:37. Motiv: Automerged Doublepost


                    • #55
                      Nu se poate asa ceva!!! Mai ales pe ipoker !!!! a 3-retea de poker parca,normal ar fii sa le blocheze contul lor si cele 5 locuri sa se dea la primii 5 bubble boys.Pe bune,pai dc si aici se intampla asta nu mai ai nici o siguranta,decat pe pokerstars sau fulltilt pacat obs meritai un turneu de 2,5mil


                      • #56
                        se inatampla lucruri ciudate pe iPoker, mai ales la MTT.
                        "Granted, the road to hell is paved with implied odds"


                        • #57
                          Mda, nu le-a blocat nici conturile deoarece "nu si-au spus cartile pe chat". Cica au fost avertizati sa vorbeasca in engleza si "vor fi monitorizati".


                          • #58
                            trebuia sa le iei amprentele
                            "Granted, the road to hell is paved with implied odds"


                            • #59
                              alt tuneu, alta mana.

                              PokerStars Game #18758853701: Tournament #95397482, $15+$1 Holdem No Limit - Level VIII (200/400) - 2008/07/12 - 04:17:35 (ET)
                              Table 95397482 2 9-max Seat #6 is the button
                              Seat 1: gurlsrock (2180 in chips)
                              Seat 2: BentNeck (1195 in chips)
                              Seat 3: $_S_Bowy_$ (5405 in chips)
                              Seat 5: steamendemon (6175 in chips)
                              Seat 6: 1 libertine (1505 in chips)
                              Seat 7: gigadonk (3885 in chips)
                              Seat 8: 10DARE (6655 in chips)
                              gurlsrock: posts the ante 25
                              BentNeck: posts the ante 25
                              $_S_Bowy_$: posts the ante 25
                              steamendemon: posts the ante 25
                              1 libertine: posts the ante 25
                              gigadonk: posts the ante 25
                              10DARE: posts the ante 25
                              gigadonk: posts small blind 200
                              10DARE: posts big blind 400
                              *** HOLE CARDS ***
                              Dealt to 10DARE [Jc As]
                              gurlsrock: folds
                              BentNeck: raises 770 to 1170 and is all-in
                              $_S_Bowy_$: folds
                              steamendemon: folds
                              1 libertine: raises 310 to 1480 and is all-in
                              gigadonk: folds
                              10DARE: calls 1080
                              *** FLOP *** [2c 5c 8d]
                              *** TURN *** [2c 5c 8d] <font color='red'>7♦</font>
                              *** RIVER *** [2c 5c 8d 7d] <font color='black'>K♠</font>
                              *** SHOW DOWN ***
                              10DARE: shows [Jc As] (high card Ace)
                              1 libertine: shows [5s 5d] (three of a kind, Fives)
                              1 libertine collected 620 from side pot
                              BentNeck: shows [9s 9d] (a pair of Nines)
                              1 libertine collected 3885 from main pot
                              *** SUMMARY ***
                              Total pot 4505 Main pot 3885. Side pot 620. | Rake 0
                              Board [2c 5c 8d 7d Ks]
                              Seat 1: gurlsrock folded before Flop (didnt bet)
                              Seat 2: BentNeck showed [9s 9d] and lost with a pair of Nines
                              Seat 3: $_S_Bowy_$ folded before Flop (didnt bet)
                              Seat 5: steamendemon folded before Flop (didnt bet)
                              Seat 6: 1 libertine (button) showed [5s 5d] and won (4505) with three of a kind, Fives
                              Seat 7: gigadonk (small blind) folded before Flop
                              Seat 8: 10DARE (big blind) showed [Jc As] and lost with high card Ace

                              PokerStars Game #18758860969: Tournament #95397482, $15+$1 Holdem No Limit - Level VIII (200/400) - 2008/07/12 - 04:18:22 (ET)
                              Table 95397482 2 9-max Seat #7 is the button
                              Seat 1: gurlsrock (2155 in chips)
                              Seat 3: $_S_Bowy_$ (5380 in chips)
                              Seat 5: steamendemon (6150 in chips)
                              Seat 6: 1 libertine (4505 in chips)
                              Seat 7: gigadonk (3660 in chips)
                              Seat 8: 10DARE (5150 in chips)
                              gurlsrock: posts the ante 25
                              $_S_Bowy_$: posts the ante 25
                              steamendemon: posts the ante 25
                              1 libertine: posts the ante 25
                              gigadonk: posts the ante 25
                              10DARE: posts the ante 25
                              10DARE: posts small blind 200
                              gurlsrock: posts big blind 400
                              *** HOLE CARDS ***
                              Dealt to 10DARE [6c 6s]
                              $_S_Bowy_$: folds
                              steamendemon: folds
                              1 libertine: raises 800 to 1200
                              gigadonk: folds
                              10DARE: raises 3925 to 5125 and is all-in
                              gurlsrock: folds
                              1 libertine: calls 3280 and is all-in
                              Uncalled bet (645) returned to 10DARE
                              *** FLOP *** [Qs 3d 4s]
                              *** TURN *** [Qs 3d 4s] <font color='black'>3♣</font>
                              *** RIVER *** [Qs 3d 4s 3c] <font color='red'>A♦</font>
                              *** SHOW DOWN ***
                              10DARE: shows [6c 6s] (two pair, Sixes and Threes)
                              1 libertine: shows [Jc As] (two pair, Aces and Threes)
                              1 libertine collected 9510 from pot
                              *** SUMMARY ***
                              Total pot 9510 | Rake 0
                              Board [Qs 3d 4s 3c Ad]
                              Seat 1: gurlsrock (big blind) folded before Flop
                              Seat 3: $_S_Bowy_$ folded before Flop (didnt bet)
                              Seat 5: steamendemon folded before Flop (didnt bet)
                              Seat 6: 1 libertine showed [Jc As] and won (9510) with two pair, Aces and Threes
                              Seat 7: gigadonk (button) folded before Flop (didnt bet)
                              Seat 8: 10DARE (small blind) showed [6c 6s] and lost with two pair, Sixes and Threes

                              PokerStars Game #18759742420: Tournament #95404028, $15+$1 Hold'em No Limit - Level III (25/50) - 2008/07/12 - 05:52:37 (ET)
                              Table '95404028 2' 9-max Seat #5 is the button
                              Seat 1: gemzs (1405 in chips)
                              Seat 2: midKNIGHTgho (5125 in chips)
                              Seat 4: HangDealer (1820 in chips)
                              Seat 5: 10DARE (1030 in chips)
                              Seat 6: ccbmbm (1410 in chips)
                              Seat 7: Rijnvis (1375 in chips)
                              Seat 8: HelgeSG (1335 in chips)
                              ccbmbm: posts small blind 25
                              Rijnvis: posts big blind 50
                              *** HOLE CARDS ***
                              Dealt to 10DARE [9c 9h]
                              HelgeSG: folds
                              gemzs: raises 100 to 150
                              midKNIGHTgho: calls 150
                              HangDealer: folds
                              10DARE: calls 150
                              ccbmbm: folds
                              Rijnvis: calls 100
                              *** FLOP *** [Qs 8c 7d]
                              Rijnvis: checks
                              gemzs: bets 150
                              midKNIGHTgho: calls 150
                              10DARE: raises 730 to 880 and is all-in
                              Rijnvis: folds
                              gemzs: folds
                              midKNIGHTgho: calls 730
                              *** TURN *** [Qs 8c 7d] <font color='red'>3♥</font>
                              *** RIVER *** [Qs 8c 7d 3h] [Ts]
                              *** SHOW DOWN ***
                              midKNIGHTgho: shows [8d Td] (two pair, Tens and Eights)
                              10DARE: shows [9c 9h] (a pair of Nines)
                              midKNIGHTgho collected 2535 from pot
                              *** SUMMARY ***
                              Total pot 2535 | Rake 0
                              Board [Qs 8c 7d 3h Ts]
                              Seat 1: gemzs folded on the Flop
                              Seat 2: midKNIGHTgho showed [8d Td] and won (2535) with two pair, Tens and Eights
                              Seat 4: HangDealer folded before Flop (didn't bet)
                              Seat 5: 10DARE (button) showed [9c 9h] and lost with a pair of Nines
                              Seat 6: ccbmbm (small blind) folded before Flop
                              Seat 7: Rijnvis (big blind) folded on the Flop
                              Seat 8: HelgeSG folded before Flop (didn't bet)
                              Last edited by 10DARE; 12.07.2008, 12:54. Motiv: Automerged Doublepost
                              Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.
                              Luam o pauza, stay tuned, maybe will be continued .... ignore the schizo ...


                              • #60
                                nu se poate asa ceva mah........dar nu se poate,chiar acum am luat un beat la un turneu cu buyin mare pt mine de la un donkey care pe thepokerdb avea 5k in winings dau raise 120 AK dupa un limp 3 dau call flop J K 4 SB bet pot il pun allin pe donk da call peste 4 sec cu QJoff turn blank river J mai dute in pola mea ,mare jucator mai esti .....e clar mah astia castiga pe termen lung,teoria asta e facuta de niste fishi bogati din spate da pana cand doamnee pana cand????

