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Hey TAGfish (articol)

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  • Hey TAGfish (articol)

    Un articol pe care il consider foarte bun deoarece imi descrie bine jocul. Cred ca suntem destul de multi pe forum in situatia asta.

    “Let's face it, online poker is getting more difficult. Players are not making the massive mistakes they used to and winrates have been shrinking across the board. The players who make the most money are those that successfully analyze minute details that their opponents do not.

    Let me speak to the TAGfish inside every one of you. Your inner TAGfish is completely oblivious to minute details. It is ALWAYS clawing and scratching; begging to influence your decisions no matter who you are. The best poker player in the world has an inner TAGfish, but he has learned to listen to it less often than the rest of us.

    Hey TAGfish,
    You group together starting hands that look somewhat similarly and analyze them as if they were identical when they are somewhat different. You believe J9s is identical to J8s. You believe 98s is identical to 76s.

    Hey TAGfish,
    You don't understand what a hand range is. You pretend you do, but you don't. If you actually understand what a hand range is, you have no idea how to determine another player's hand range in any given situation. If you understand how to determine their range, you don't know what to do with it, and only know how to exploit the MOST skewed ranges.

    Hey TAGfish,
    You don't bet with the 40% of your hand range that has the most equity in a situation where you bet 40% of the time. You probably attempt to "balance your range" in spots that SHOULD NOT BE BALANCED.

    Hey TAGfish,
    You see players make a particular play at some point and try it later, misapplying it to a completely different situation. You often have no clue what to do once you're forced to make another decision, and go bonkers. You have no overall gameplan, and you make every decision in real time without thinking about the implications that decision will have throughout the hand.

    Hey TAGfish,
    You don't realize that getting a stack in with AK on a 567 flop has MUCH less equity than gettting a stack in on a 234 flop against all but the strangest hand ranges.

    Hey TAGfish,
    You don't understand why particular bet sizes are the most profitable in particular situations, and you certainly don't understand the implications of various bet sizes and the adjustments you need to make in the hand.

    Hey TAGfish,
    You assume that every other player is controlled by their inner TAGfish too.

    Hey TAGfish,
    You are very good at playing the top and bottom of your hand range, but very bad at playing the middle.

    Hey TAGfish,
    You make progressively more mistakes the deeper you get into a hand. Your preflop play is generally not mistake ridden. You might not do anything that is extremely exploitable, and you might play tight or loose. Your flop play is marginally worse but still reasonably competent. As you get to the turn and river and the decisions become more difficult and involve more money, you make more costly mistakes.

    Hey TAGfish,
    You think the double barrel is like radiation or something, only used very sparingly. Think about how easy you are to play against when you fire with 100% of your range on every flop, then fire with the top 10% of your range on the turn, and randomly bluff with 1% of your range.
    (Explanation) Double barrel more and you will get more value on your better hands, and win more with your weaker hands.
    A lot of you probably check back middle pair frequently in position but you probably don't really know why. Basically the way to be perfectly balanced is to bet with the top X% of your range and the bottom X% of your range where X is the same. If you decide that cbetting 60% of the time on a flop is the most profitable against an opponent, bet with the top 30% and bottom 30% of your range and check the middle 40%. Follow the same process on the turn, and you will become much much better. Then at some point once your opponents are actually competent and understanding what you're doing, you can start MERRRRRRGING!!!
    Obviously when I talk about top and bottom 30% I mean put every hand in your range into pokerstove against his range and rank them by equity. Take the 30% that have the most equity and the 30% that have the least and there is your balanced betting range if you want to bet 60%.

    Hey TAGfish,
    You are not a math player, you're a FEEL player. You've never bothered to download pokerstove and you've never really looked at math in any situation. You probably think you are using "the rule of 10" or whatever correctly when you justify calling a 3bet with every pocket pair because you have "implied odds."

    Hey TAGfish,
    Your continuation betting SUCKS. You probably don't bet large enough first off, and you probably bet way too often in some spots and not often enough in others. You are also very quick to give up a pot.

    Hey TAGfish,
    You don't understand position. You think you do, but you don't. You often make plays based entirely on your hand and don't even consider position. “
    Q: can u beat nl25?
    A from Phil Ivey: who is that?

  • #2
    90% din 50NL-100NL regulars la Pokerstars intra in categoria asta


    • #3
      Basically the way to be perfectly balanced is to bet with the top X% of your range and the bottom X% of your range where X is the same. If you decide that cbetting 60% of the time on a flop is the most profitable against an opponent, bet with the top 30% and bottom 30% of your range and check the middle 40%. Follow the same process on the turn, and you will become much much better. Then at some point once your opponents are actually competent and understanding what you're doing, you can start MERRRRRRGING!!!
      Obviously when I talk about top and bottom 30% I mean put every hand in your range into pokerstove against his range and rank them by equity. Take the 30% that have the most equity and the 30% that have the least and there is your balanced betting range if you want to bet 60%.

      nu inteleg poate cineva sa imi explice?da cu exemplu, tks


      • #4
        Uite aici o chestie:
        Hey TAGfish,
        You don't understand what a hand range is. You pretend you do, but you don't. If you actually understand what a hand range is, you have no idea how to determine another player's hand range in any given situation. If you understand how to determine their range, you don't know what to do with it, and only know how to exploit the MOST skewed ranges.
        Mi se pare un lucru foarte important si sincer este o chestie pe care eu nu stiu sa o folosesc desi utilizez PT3. Poate sa-mi explice cineva cum se poate determina range-ul unui adversar ?
        Cand da raise preflop stiu cum se poate determina aproximativ range-ul lui... cu ajutorul Pokerstove dar atunci cand da call la raise cum ii putem determina range-ul in functie de ce cifre are... si unde(la ce numere) trebuie sa ne uitam ?


        • #5
          Prea adevarat articolul asta, am ramas uimit de cate defecte am ca jucator de poker. Totusi, trebuie inceput de undeva...singura mea consolare


          • #6
            Postat în original de scorpyon Vezi post
            Uite aici o chestie:
            Hey TAGfish,
            You don't understand what a hand range is. You pretend you do, but you don't. If you actually understand what a hand range is, you have no idea how to determine another player's hand range in any given situation. If you understand how to determine their range, you don't know what to do with it, and only know how to exploit the MOST skewed ranges.
            Mi se pare un lucru foarte important si sincer este o chestie pe care eu nu stiu sa o folosesc desi utilizez PT3. Poate sa-mi explice cineva cum se poate determina range-ul unui adversar ?
            Cand da raise preflop stiu cum se poate determina aproximativ range-ul lui... cu ajutorul Pokerstove dar atunci cand da call la raise cum ii putem determina range-ul in functie de ce cifre are... si unde(la ce numere) trebuie sa ne uitam ?
            pai asta dobandesti in timp dupa multa joaca ;D
            spre exemplu eu deschid UTG.
            tu ai QKh pe dealer.
            te gandesti ca eu sunt prima pozitie , miam permis sa deschid de acolo => ca am ceva putere nu ?
            te gandesti la asta si dai doar call. board vine 7h 5h 3x
            . eu pariez. tu ai flush draw si 2 overe.
            te gandesti mai bine si iti dai seama ca o sa te ajute doar rosiile pt ca eu am deschis din utg iar overele tale nu te mai ajuta. cel mai bun caz am JJ si trebuie sa prinzi Q sau K sau am QQ si mai ai popii ca iesire. ai pozitia si te gandesti cum o joci mai departe vs rangeul meu tight .

            tu ai AA CO. utg a limpuit inaintea ta si iti plateste cu sec si SB. tu din start stii ca amandoi au pereke si au dat la set. chestii de genul asta pe care le prinzi din zbor,,, daca zbori bine D


            • #7
              Postat în original de boris1981 Vezi post
              Basically the way to be perfectly balanced is to bet with the top X% of your range and the bottom X% of your range where X is the same. If you decide that cbetting 60% of the time on a flop is the most profitable against an opponent, bet with the top 30% and bottom 30% of your range and check the middle 40%. Follow the same process on the turn, and you will become much much better. Then at some point once your opponents are actually competent and understanding what you're doing, you can start MERRRRRRGING!!!
              Obviously when I talk about top and bottom 30% I mean put every hand in your range into pokerstove against his range and rank them by equity. Take the 30% that have the most equity and the 30% that have the least and there is your balanced betting range if you want to bet 60%.

              nu inteleg poate cineva sa imi explice?da cu exemplu, tks

              Daca tu esti agresorul preflop, dupa flop vei face de regula un continuation bet. Daca faci sau nu continuation bet, depinde de mai multi factori: textura flopului, cati oameni ai in pot, ce pozitie ai la masa si ce fel de mana ai: incheiata, draw sau nimic. Ideea este ca procentajul de dati cand faci continuation bet trebuie sa fie (si oricum, va fi) acelasi pe un sample size mare de situatii. Unii fac CB in 50% din cazuri, altii in 90% etc.
              Daca te decizi sa faci CB in 60% din cazuri (cifra rezultata din combinarea factorilor de mai sus altoitzi pe stilul tau de joc), va trebui sa faci CB cu 30% din cele mai bune maini si cu 30% din cele mai slabe. Adica, in 30% din flopurile unde esti agresorul preflop vrei face value bet sub forma CB-ului, si in 30% vei blufa sub forma CB-ului. Acest mix perfect impiedica adversarul sa te poata citi si il baga in ceata deplina in legatura cu mana ta in momentul in care faci CB.
              De ce nu e bine sa faci CB cu mainile mijlocii, acelea in care nu stii unde te afli, adica cu "mijlocul" clasamentului (cele 40% ramase)? Pentru ca nu vei sti ce sa faci daca primesti raise! Daca esti overplayer vei plati cu o mana marginala si daca esti weak vei folda o mana potential buna. Daca insa pariezi cu o mana facuta sau cu nimic, stii ce ai de facut la un raise: call/reraise respectiv fold.
              OK, cand inveti sa aplici bine balanta asta, poti incepe sa amesteci: sa pariezi cu drawuri indoielnice. Dar ca sa poti face asa ceva in mod rentabil trebuie sa fii foarte-foarte bun jucator si deja discutia de aici incolo nu mai e de nasul meu.

