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Funny Support Moments :)

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  • Funny Support Moments :)

    player transfer

    Call accepted by Operator. Currently in room: Operator, Ciorabai Ferdi.

    zii ma...
    am transferat
    azi de 3 ori
    si mia scris direct
    transfer complet
    si acma imi scrie Transfer Pending
    We have received your transfer and will complete it as soon as our support staff has verified both accounts are in order.

    Return to Account Status
    un minut
    zi-mi nick ul tau te rog
    repede va rog ca are nevoie sa se inscrie la turneul care incepe in 6 min
    s-a facut
    Va dorim succes.

    haha ;D

  • #2
    Genial ahahahahaha
    admin_holdem, te rog modifica titlul threadului in "Funny Support Moments"
    Tomorrow is a fantasy


    • #3
      Sper sa mai auzim de astea...
      Poker - a hard way to make an easy living


      • #4
        io am citit de 5 ori si nu m am prins cre k s prea prost
        Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity.


        • #5
          E scris ingroshat ce e mai important.
          Poker - a hard way to make an easy living


          • #6
            Nu e funny, dar topicul e cel mai potrivit:

            Dupa vreo 5 zile de bad beaturi infioratoare, nu mai rezist si ii caut pe cei de la suport pe iPoker sa ma urlu la ei. Ce-mi raspunde ala, am ramas masca: imi zice ca initial am depus la ei numai 80 de dolari si apoi imi face contabilitatea si-mi arata ce multi bani am invartit eu acolo, si ca acum am in cont X mii Y sute si ca date fiind chestiile astea, cum pot pretinde ca norocul nu e de partea mea???????????????? Asa ceva n-am visat ca poate fi un raspuns de la support. Ma intreb daca e un raspuns standard sau e ideea aluia de vorbea cu mine. Oricum, asa taranism la o retea asa de mare n-am crezut ca o sa vad.

            P.S. De amuzament, i-am zis ca am banii aia nu din cauza norocului, ci pentru ca am uitat mai mult poker decat a stiut el vreodata.


            • #7
              E reala chestia, sau e doar funny
              “If you’re good at something, never do it for free.” -The Joker


              • #8
                Acum juma de ceas am trait-o. M-am enervat ca in 10 minute de joc am pierdut 1 entry cu AA vs 44 si 2 buyinuri cu TT vs JT (board 6789) si AK vs J7 (K7xxJ).


                • #9
                  poate o meritai
                  adica te-ai plans la suport ca nu ai noroc?
                  pai ori a raspuns ala ca un bou ori te-a luat la misto
                  daca eu ma duc la cfr sa ma plang ca nu merg trenurile cu 500 km la ora ce raspuns sa primesc?


                  • #10
                    Cum crezi ca as putea sa ma plang la support ca nu am noroc?


                    • #11
                      Netta1234: Bridgette: I apologize for the long wait. We try to attend to all our players the quickest possible time. My name is Bridgette and I am glad to assist you in your concern.
                      Netta1234: Bridgette: Hi, xxx=)
                      Netta1234: Bridgette: How may I help you?
                      RamonaButu: about my tokens
                      RamonaButu: i have 3 tokens for the same tourney
                      Netta1234: Bridgette: May I ask what is the exact name of the tokens?
                      RamonaButu: it`s for the 2.5M G
                      Netta1234: Bridgette: Thank you for the information.
                      Netta1234: Bridgette: May I ask what seems to be the problem?
                      RamonaButu: well they all are for the one in 1`st Sept
                      Netta1234: Bridgette: I see, but the toens were given because of the promotions.
                      RamonaButu: and how can i use them?
                      RamonaButu: i mean how can i use them all?
                      Netta1234: Bridgette: I think that you were only able to play one of the tokens since the freeroll is on one date only.
                      RamonaButu: in my mail, you said that if i make a deposit i have 3 chances.... but this is only one
                      Netta1234: Bridgette: The first $2.5 Million Satellite is on August 7th at 22:30 (lobby time) while the The second $2.5 Million Satellite is on Sept 1st at 22:30 (lobby time).
                      RamonaButu: it`s not in the lobby/satellites
                      Netta1234: Bridgette: the software is not yet updated.
                      RamonaButu: and my tokens says "This token gives a free entry to the 2.5 Million GP Qalifier event 1st September"
                      RamonaButu: are you still there?

                      Daca raspunde revin

                      Netta1234: Bridgette: Sorry, I am still here.
                      Netta1234: Bridgette: Here is what I can do for you.
                      Netta1234: Bridgette: I will replace the other token for the Irish Winter Freeroll.
                      Netta1234: Bridgette: Is that oksy with you?
                      RamonaButu: yes, thank you.

                      oksy e trademark, nu de la mine
                      Last edited by Butu Mic; 31.07.2008, 00:45.
                      Poker - a hard way to make an easy living


                      • #12
                        Buna treaba, ca tot vine iarna nu?

                        Btw site-ul mirific e CDPoker right? Am asa un feeling


                        • #13

                          Fa si tu, te rog, un semn ca sa stiu unde trebuie sa rad.



                          • #14
                            @ rrayden.. da e CD. Chestia e ca pana la urma am ramas cu 2 bilete la fel. Am lasat-o balta asa cum e.
                            @ locust.. nu am nevoie de nimeni sa rada. Funny nu inseamna neaparat de ras. Nu cred ca te-ai obosit sa citesti tot, sau daca ai facut-o, te rog nu o mai face, ca vad ca ai tu ce ai cu posturile mele. Please ignor them, e mai usor pt amandoi.
                            Poker - a hard way to make an easy living


                            • #15
                              daca nici asta nui funny.......

                              05:43 <szobo1981> hi
                              05:43 <szobo1981> what is going on?
                              05:43 <Agent10_en> Welcome to customer support!
                              05:43 <Agent10_en> How may I help you today?
                              05:43 <szobo1981> 5 hours are past since my deposit and there is still no money in my account
                              05:44 <Agent10_en> What kind of error messages did you get if any?
                              05:44 <szobo1981> no error message
                              05:44 <szobo1981> i made the deposit but i got no money
                              05:44 <Agent10_en> Please wait..I will be checking your account information now.
                              05:45 <szobo1981> ok
                              05:47 <Agent10_en> thank you for waiting sir.
                              05:47 <Agent10_en> Upon checking your account, your concern was already forwarded to our finance department
                              05:48 <szobo1981> i understand that
                              05:48 <szobo1981> but i'm interested in my money
                              05:48 <Agent10_en> since they are still not available at this time.. may we ask you to kindly wait for another 24hours to process your concern
                              05:48 <szobo1981> are you guys crazy?
                              05:48 <szobo1981> first was for 1 hour
                              05:49 <szobo1981> then a few hours
                              05:49 <szobo1981> and now 24 hours?
                              05:49 <Agent10_en> yes sir, we understand your situation.. we are asking for you patience to kindly wait for a maximum of 24hrs sir
                              05:49 <szobo1981> what in the worlds name are you running there
                              05:49 <szobo1981> a stealing site
                              05:49 <szobo1981> you stole my money and now you are passing me away
                              05:50 <szobo1981> give me my money now
                              05:50 <Agent10_en> our finance department is currently not available at this time, kindly understand that matter, rest assure that we will investigate what had happened to your account
                              05:50 <szobo1981> i dont care
                              05:50 <szobo1981> tell me the country you are in
                              05:50 <Agent10_en> we are only support sir, we don't have an access to your account so we need to forward it to our concerned individual
                              05:50 <szobo1981> i want to file a complain with the autorities
                              05:51 <szobo1981> what country are you in?
                              05:51 <szobo1981> you thiefs
                              05:51 <Agent10_en> sir, we need to investigate first what had happened, it is not that easy to track all your history.
                              05:51 <szobo1981> what history?
                              05:51 <Agent10_en> we are asking for a little patience so that we can settle things clearly
                              05:52 <szobo1981> i deposited and some guy tould me my deposit is in pending
                              05:52 <Agent10_en> your deposit history and all your transaction history
                              05:52 <szobo1981> what the heck is that?
                              05:52 <szobo1981> dont bullshit me
                              05:52 <szobo1981> what hystori
                              05:52 <Agent10_en> sorry for the confusion sir, but depositing money should be instant, since there was an error occured, we need to check and investigate first what had happened
                              05:53 <szobo1981> i want my money now
                              05:53 <Agent10_en> yes sir, we are doing actions with that
                              05:53 <Agent10_en> kindly wait, we are aware of the problem and we are here to assist you.
                              05:53 <szobo1981> and what should i do untill then talk to you?
                              05:53 <szobo1981> it not my fault is yours
                              05:54 <Agent10_en> please do not worry because we are not stealing your money.. due to some error sir, we are asking for your patience
                              05:54 <szobo1981> so you should have problems not me
                              05:54 <Agent10_en> we are really sorry for the inconvenience
                              05:54 <szobo1981> but i want to ply poker now
                              05:54 <szobo1981> and my money is at your site
                              05:54 <szobo1981> so you give it to me
                              05:54 <Agent10_en> your concern has been forwarded since a few hours ago
                              05:54 <szobo1981> are you disabilitated or what?
                              05:55 <szobo1981> you are telling me the same bullshit again and again
                              05:55 <szobo1981> i want my money now
                              05:55 <Agent10_en> sir, kindly calm down.. we are very honest to our players and you do not have to worry about,
                              05:56 <szobo1981> you are the worst site i have put my money in
                              05:56 <szobo1981> do not want to hear about you again but first give me my money
                              05:56 <Agent10_en> sorry for the inconvenience .. we are doing actions now '
                              05:56 <szobo1981> what actions?
                              05:57 <Agent10_en> your concern was been forwarded sir, and it now on priority
                              05:57 <szobo1981> i want a copy of what we talked just now
                              05:58 <Agent10_en> okay sir, and please be informed that all conversation on our chat is recorded.
                              05:58 <szobo1981> i want a copy
                              05:58 <szobo1981> send it to me now
                              05:58 <szobo1981> on email
                              05:58 <Agent10_en> okay sir, we will email it to you if you want.
                              05:58 <szobo1981> now
                              05:59 <szobo1981> can you do that?
                              05:59 <Agent10_en> okay sir.
                              05:59 <Agent10_en> we are really sorry for the inconvenience... kindly wait for a while.

