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  • pot sa pun aici o mana de la micro stakes?


    • da, pina impartim sectiunea de analize in low si middle/high stakes poti sa pui aici orice miza (mai putin freeuri/ play money)


      • seat 1. dodolin [€0.71]
        seat 2. miki_2 [€2.68]
        seat 3. gonti111 [€6.98]
        seat 6. mda [€3.42]

        miki_2 said: bv
        miki_2 posted SB (€0.01).
        gonti111 posted BB (€0.02).
        Dealing cards:
        gonti111: A ♥, Q ♥
        mda: 5 ♦, K ♦
        mda raised €0.06 to €0.08.
        dodolin folded.
        miki_2 called €0.07.
        gonti111 raised €0.06 to €0.14.
        mda called €0.06.
        miki_2 called €0.06.
        Betting round ended. Main pot: €0.40
        Dealing flop: 3 ♦, 7 ♦, A ♣
        miki_2 checked.
        gonti111 bet €2.02.
        mda raised €1.26 to €3.28.
        miki_2 folded.
        gonti111 called €1.26.
        Betting round ended. Main pot: €6.64
        Dealing turn: 6 ♦
        Dealing river: K ♥
        mda showed: [K ♦ 7 ♦ 6 ♦ 5 ♦ 3 ♦ ] - Flush of Diamonds.
        gonti111 mucked.
        mda won main pot with Flush of Diamonds.
        mda won €6.64.
        Hand ended.

        vreau sa mai intreb cum se joaca top pair cand ii pe board flush draw in general


        • Nu e bad beat....cooler in 3R care joc acum:
          Faceam 30K ............................grtrgdswefwaefgqaweygh rtjherahearheragheaq

          PokerStars Game #15496902734: Tournament #77445176, $3.00+$0.30 Hold'em No Limit - Level III (25/50) - 2008/02/23 - 14:59:33 (ET)
          Table '77445176 315' 9-max Seat #5 is the button
          Seat 1: theStarInMe (2630 in chips)
          Seat 2: Darrem84 (4170 in chips)
          Seat 3: smee69 (1850 in chips)
          Seat 4: MeanGene81 (2875 in chips)
          Seat 5: Dalken (15390 in chips) is sitting out
          Seat 6: lukeella (9125 in chips)
          Seat 7: doru (19415 in chips)
          Seat 8: davyboyno1 (5480 in chips)
          Seat 9: 51-MES-51 (14065 in chips) is sitting out
          lukeella: posts small blind 25
          doru: posts big blind 50
          *** HOLE CARDS ***
          Dealt to doru [Qs Qd]
          davyboyno1: folds
          51-MES-51: folds
          theStarInMe: folds
          Darrem84: calls 50
          smee69: folds
          MeanGene81: calls 50
          Dalken: folds
          lukeella: raises 300 to 350
          doru: calls 300
          Darrem84: folds
          MeanGene81: calls 300
          *** FLOP *** [8c Kh Qh]
          lukeella: checks
          doru: bets 19065 and is all-in
          MeanGene81: folds
          lukeella: calls 8775 and is all-in
          *** TURN *** [8c Kh Qh] [2h]
          *** RIVER *** [8c Kh Qh 2h] [4s]
          *** SHOW DOWN ***
          lukeella: shows [Kd Kc] (three of a kind, Kings)
          doru: shows [Qs Qd] (three of a kind, Queens)
          lukeella collected 18650 from pot
          lukeella said, "madness"
          *** SUMMARY ***
          Total pot 18650 | Rake 0
          Board [8c Kh Qh 2h 4s]
          Seat 1: theStarInMe folded before Flop (didn't bet)
          Seat 2: Darrem84 folded before Flop
          Seat 3: smee69 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
          Seat 4: MeanGene81 folded on the Flop
          Seat 5: Dalken (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
          Seat 6: lukeella (small blind) showed [Kd Kc] and won (18650) with three of a kind, Kings
          Seat 7: doru (big blind) showed [Qs Qd] and lost with three of a kind, Queens
          Seat 8: davyboyno1 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
          Seat 9: 51-MES-51 folded before Flop (didn't bet)


          • La ce te gandesti cand dai call cu gutshot?! Poate doar ca te dublezi daca intra si tiltezi pe altii :d

            GAME #859017386: Texas Hold'em NL $0.10/$0.20 2008-02-24 20:04:18
            Table Tartagal
            Seat 1: electricsnakes ($9.98 in chips)
            Seat 3: manump ($6.62 in chips) DEALER
            Seat 6: shuLica ($23.26 in chips)
            Seat 8: sphinx08 ($9.60 in chips)
            Seat 10: ProBingoplayer ($17.60 in chips)
            shuLica: Post SB $0.10
            sphinx08: Post BB $0.20
            *** HOLE CARDS ***
            Dealt to shuLica [hA cA]
            Dealt to sphinx08 [c3 c7]
            ProBingoplayer: Fold
            electricsnakes: Fold
            manump: Raise $0.40
            shuLica: Raise $1.20
            sphinx08: Call $1.10
            manump: Fold
            *** FLOP *** [c4 s5 s9]
            shuLica: Bet $3.00
            sphinx08: Call $3.00
            *** TURN *** [c6]
            shuLica: Bet $6.00
            sphinx08: Allin $5.30
            *** RIVER *** [dQ]
            *** SUMMARY ***
            Total pot $19.32 Rake $0.98
            shuLica: wins $0.70
            sphinx08: wins $18.62


            Omu era un fish. Dupa mana asta mi-a mai mancat un buy-in la bulan.

            GAME #857770867: Texas Hold'em NL $0.10/$0.20 2008-02-23 22:22:26
            Table Featherback
            Seat 1: shuLica ($19.70 in chips) DEALER
            Seat 3: BILLIE07 ($12.58 in chips)
            Seat 5: vlootje333 ($20.00 in chips)
            Seat 8: Echecmat ($37.85 in chips)
            Seat 10: vicmackay ($23.04 in chips)
            BILLIE07: Post SB $0.10
            vlootje333: Post BB $0.20
            *** HOLE CARDS ***
            Dealt to BILLIE07 [dA d8]
            Dealt to shuLica [cK dK]
            Echecmat: Fold
            vicmackay: Fold
            shuLica: Raise $0.80
            BILLIE07: Call $0.70
            vlootje333: Fold
            *** FLOP *** [s9 hQ sJ]
            BILLIE07: Bet $0.80
            shuLica: Raise $3.00
            BILLIE07: Allin $10.98
            shuLica: Call $8.78
            *** TURN *** [s10]
            *** RIVER *** [hK]
            *** SUMMARY ***
            Total pot $24.36 Rake $1.00
            BILLIE07: wins $24.36
            operatiunea " Paradis "


            • Cum sa accepti asa ceva? Normal ca am votat "frustrare".

              PokerStars Game #15524388103: Tournament #78579715, $6.00+$0.50 Hold'em No Limit - Level X (400/800) - 2008/02/24 - 16:43:22 (ET)
              Table '78579715 1' 9-max Seat #3 is the button
              Seat 1: Mighti Mouse (10760 in chips)
              Seat 3: strijp-psv (13530 in chips)
              Seat 4: immobauag (18310 in chips) is sitting out
              Seat 5: Himbeergeist (3120 in chips)
              Seat 7: jst999 (8030 in chips)
              Seat 8: florinel26 (4290 in chips)
              Seat 9: Co-mango (9460 in chips)
              Mighti Mouse: posts the ante 50
              strijp-psv: posts the ante 50
              immobauag: posts the ante 50
              Himbeergeist: posts the ante 50
              jst999: posts the ante 50
              florinel26: posts the ante 50
              Co-mango: posts the ante 50
              immobauag: posts small blind 400
              Himbeergeist: posts big blind 800
              *** HOLE CARDS ***
              Dealt to florinel26 [Js Jd]
              jst999: folds
              immobauag has returned
              florinel26: raises 3440 to 4240 and is all-in
              Co-mango: folds
              Mighti Mouse: folds
              strijp-psv: folds
              immobauag: calls 3840
              Himbeergeist: folds
              *** FLOP *** [9s Jc 4s]
              *** TURN *** [9s Jc 4s] [Td]
              *** RIVER *** [9s Jc 4s Td] [8h]
              *** SHOW DOWN ***
              immobauag: shows [7c 7s] (a straight, Seven to Jack)
              florinel26: shows [Js Jd] (three of a kind, Jacks)
              immobauag collected 9630 from pot
              *** SUMMARY ***
              Total pot 9630 | Rake 0
              Board [9s Jc 4s Td 8h]
              Seat 1: Mighti Mouse folded before Flop (didn't bet)
              Seat 3: strijp-psv (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
              Seat 4: immobauag (small blind) showed [7c 7s] and won (9630) with a straight, Seven to Jack
              Seat 5: Himbeergeist (big blind) folded before Flop
              Seat 7: jst999 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
              Seat 8: florinel26 showed [Js Jd] and lost with three of a kind, Jacks
              Seat 9: Co-mango folded before Flop (didn't bet)
              "Granted, the road to hell is paved with implied odds"


              • Daca nu poti sa accepti e musai sa te lasi de poker.
                Stand in front of a mirror. If you look fat, you are fat. If you don't look fat, there's a good chance that you aren't fat.


                • Mi-o taiat toata pofta de poker mainile astea ... mai ales ca am fost lider pe aproape toata durata turneului .

                  Table: 2000€ Guaranteed - NL Hold'em 600/1200 Ante: 75 (Tournament hand #26020, table 3)
                  Starting game.
                  seat 1. xcobix [4089 chips]
                  seat 2. AsDeTrefla [25046 chips]
                  seat 3. sanka2 [13729 chips]
                  seat 4. BlackJesus [9170 chips]
                  seat 5. Lavushk [12895 chips]
                  seat 6. simbad [8250 chips]
                  seat 8. Valentin [5165 chips]
                  seat 9. cslaszlo [10800 chips]
                  seat 10. BadJoker23 [9230 chips]

                  xcobix posted ante (75)
                  AsDeTrefla posted ante (75)
                  sanka2 posted ante (75)
                  BlackJesus posted ante (75)
                  Lavushk posted ante (75)
                  simbad posted ante (75)
                  Valentin posted ante (75)
                  cslaszlo posted ante (75)
                  BadJoker23 posted ante (75)
                  Betting round ended. Main pot: 675
                  sanka2 posted SB (600).
                  BlackJesus posted BB (1200).
                  Dealing cards:
                  simbad: Kd, Js
                  AsDeTrefla: Ah, Ks
                  Lavushk folded.
                  simbad called 1200.
                  Valentin folded.
                  cslaszlo folded.
                  BadJoker23 folded.
                  xcobix folded.
                  AsDeTrefla raised 4875 to 6075.
                  sanka2 folded.
                  BlackJesus folded.
                  simbad called 4875.
                  Betting round ended. Main pot: 14625
                  Dealing flop: Ts, 4h, 4d
                  simbad checked.
                  AsDeTrefla bet 14625.
                  simbad called 2100.
                  AsDeTrefla gets back 12525.
                  Betting round ended. Main pot: 18825
                  Dealing turn: Ad
                  Dealing river: Qd
                  AsDeTrefla showed: [Ah Ad Ks 4h 4d ] - Two pairs, Aces and Fours.
                  simbad showed: [Ad Kd Qd Js Ts ] - Straight, Ten to Ace.
                  simbad won main pot with Straight, Ten to Ace.
                  simbad won 18825.
                  Hand ended.

                  .................................................. .............

                  Table: 2000€ Guaranteed - NL Hold'em 800/1600 Ante: 75 (Tournament hand #26020, table 4)
                  Starting game.
                  seat 1. grozaf [25506 chips]
                  seat 4. AsDeTrefla [16249 chips]
                  seat 5. Sandu27 [16645 chips]
                  seat 6. dpmb60 [45475 chips]
                  seat 9. rhadoo27 [4297 chips]

                  grozaf posted ante (75)
                  AsDeTrefla posted ante (75)
                  Sandu27 posted ante (75)
                  dpmb60 posted ante (75)
                  rhadoo27 posted ante (75)
                  Betting round ended. Main pot: 375
                  grozaf posted SB (800).
                  AsDeTrefla posted BB (1600).
                  Dealing cards:
                  grozaf: Tc, 5s
                  AsDeTrefla: 6h, 2c
                  Sandu27 folded.
                  dpmb60 folded.
                  rhadoo27 folded.
                  grozaf called 800.
                  AsDeTrefla checked.
                  Betting round ended. Main pot: 3575
                  Dealing flop: 4d, 3h, 5h
                  grozaf checked.
                  AsDeTrefla bet 1790.
                  grozaf raised 1790 to 3580.
                  AsDeTrefla raised 10994 to 14574.
                  grozaf called 10994.
                  Betting round ended. Main pot: 32723
                  Dealing turn: 5d
                  Dealing river: 4h
                  grozaf showed: [5s 5h 5d 4h 4d ] - Full House, Fives full of Fours.
                  AsDeTrefla showed: [6h 5h 4h 3h 2c ] - Straight, Deuce to Six.
                  grozaf won main pot with Full House, Fives full of Fours.
                  grozaf won 32723.
                  Hand ended.


                  • nici macar n-am apucat sa ma bucur ca n-am dat peste set mai mare. e minciuna totusi pe linga cea de mai sus, cu 5 si 4. astea me enerveaza cel mai tare, cind o fur de la 4 outs
                    Obs: "e misto sa-ti acorzi inca 2 luni de fishareala. Platesti mai usor drawurile"


                    • De ce nu raise preflop ? Daca dadeai raise probabil scapai de probleme.Si pe flop nu te-ai gandit ca la fel cum ai facut limp cu 22 poate a completat si el SB cu 66 sau 77 ?
                      Stand in front of a mirror. If you look fat, you are fat. If you don't look fat, there's a good chance that you aren't fat.


                      • la masa resp. nu rezolvam mai nimic cu raise preflop. cit despre a doua fraza a ta, daca gindesti asa, mereu exista posibilitatea sa dai peste set mai mare, cind mai scoti value, doar cu nuts absoluts bagi tot stackul? Ideea era ca mai avea doar 4 outs, sub 20%. Mai rau a fost ca m-a rupt ieri, au fost 12 maini din astea, pierdute cu all la peste 75%.
                        Asta e, cum zice sever, e greu dar trebuie sa le accepti
                        Obs: "e misto sa-ti acorzi inca 2 luni de fishareala. Platesti mai usor drawurile"


                        • Seat 1: Mythriel23 ($10.00)
                          Seat 2: Ramonetero ($2.17)
                          Seat 3: Ozzyy55 ($20.99)
                          Seat 4: VamosAris ($5.94)
                          Seat 5: gioskg ($12.83)
                          VamosAris posts the small blind of $0.05
                          gioskg posts the big blind of $0.10
                          Ozzyy55 is the button
                          *** HOLE CARDS ***
                          Dealt to Mythriel23 [8s 8h]
                          Mythriel23 calls $0.10
                          Ramonetero calls $0.10
                          Ozzyy55 folds
                          VamosAris calls $0.10
                          gioskg checks
                          *** FLOP *** [Ac 8c Qs]
                          VamosAris checks
                          gioskg checks
                          Mythriel23 bets $0.80
                          Ramonetero folds
                          VamosAris folds
                          gioskg calls $0.80
                          *** TURN *** [Ac 8c Qs] [2h]
                          gioskg checks
                          Mythriel23 bets $2.00
                          gioskg raises $8.00
                          Mythriel23 goes all-in with $9.10
                          gioskg calls $9.10
                          *** RIVER *** [Ac 8c Qs 2h] [Qd]
                          *** SUMMARY ***
                          Total pot $19.19 | Rake $1.01
                          Board: [Ac 8c Qs 2h Qd]
                          Mythriel23 won ($0.00), showed [8s 8h]
                          Ramonetero won ($0.00), mucks
                          Ozzyy55 won ($0.00), mucks
                          VamosAris won ($0.00), mucks
                          gioskg won ($19.19), showed [Qh 8d]
                          In order to survive u must be willing to die


                          • raise preflop any pp la 10nl ? :> poate nu mai dadea call ala cu q8 . bad river anyway. case 8 pe flop si 2 outer , bad river :>

                            aa si oricum ala isi dadea si casa pt ca na fost raise si normal ca nu se gandea ca ai Aq si credea ca e in fata cu alea 2 perechi :>


                            • atentie la asta... mana la turneu masa finala, 3 playeri ramasi... short stack eu... all in de pe big blind cu 55... call de la ambii... 66 si kk... vine flop x x 5... turn 6... river K... zeii pokerului au un simt al umorului dat dracu...


                              • PokerStars Game #15661189266: Tournament #78457820, $2.00+$0.20 Hold'em No Limit - Level VIII (200/400) - 2008/03/01 - 12:48:54 (ET)
                                Table '78457820 9' 9-max Seat #6 is the button
                                Seat 1: MrMovies (4035 in chips)
                                Seat 2: MOFLITA (4330 in chips)
                                Seat 3: thouvou (1870 in chips)
                                Seat 4: moonstar_68 (2800 in chips)
                                Seat 5: madhawk 1 (1655 in chips)
                                Seat 6: steveb1971 (8210 in chips)
                                Seat 7: Hoffinho (10415 in chips)
                                Seat 8: kilagraham (3504 in chips)
                                Seat 9: klop64 (1905 in chips)
                                MrMovies: posts the ante 25
                                MOFLITA: posts the ante 25
                                thouvou: posts the ante 25
                                moonstar_68: posts the ante 25
                                madhawk 1: posts the ante 25
                                steveb1971: posts the ante 25
                                Hoffinho: posts the ante 25
                                kilagraham: posts the ante 25
                                klop64: posts the ante 25
                                Hoffinho: posts small blind 200
                                kilagraham: posts big blind 400
                                *** HOLE CARDS ***
                                Dealt to MOFLITA [Kh Ks]
                                klop64: folds
                                MrMovies: folds
                                MOFLITA: raises 800 to 1200
                                thouvou: folds
                                moonstar_68: folds
                                madhawk 1: folds
                                steveb1971: folds
                                Hoffinho: folds
                                kilagraham: calls 800
                                *** FLOP *** [Th 7h Kc]
                                kilagraham: bets 1200
                                MOFLITA: raises 1905 to 3105 and is all-in
                                kilagraham: calls 1079 and is all-in
                                *** TURN *** [Th 7h Kc] [Js]
                                *** RIVER *** [Th 7h Kc Js] [Qs]
                                *** SHOW DOWN ***
                                kilagraham: shows [Kd 9s] (a straight, Nine to King)
                                MOFLITA: shows [Kh Ks] (three of a kind, Kings)
                                kilagraham collected 7383 from pot
                                *** SUMMARY ***
                                Total pot 7383 | Rake 0
                                Board [Th 7h Kc Js Qs]
                                Seat 1: MrMovies folded before Flop (didn't bet)
                                Seat 2: MOFLITA showed [Kh Ks] and lost with three of a kind, Kings
                                Seat 3: thouvou folded before Flop (didn't bet)
                                Seat 4: moonstar_68 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
                                Seat 5: madhawk 1 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
                                Seat 6: steveb1971 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
                                Seat 7: Hoffinho (small blind) folded before Flop
                                Seat 8: kilagraham (big blind) showed [Kd 9s] and won (7383) with a straight, Nine to King
                                Seat 9: klop64 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

                                FMMMMMMMMMMMMM Aveam ticket-ul in buzunar.
                                ~Fiecare dintre noi este unic si de neinlocuit~

