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  • #16
    hmmm, e atat de dificil , sincer iubesc pokerul si cred ca o sa il iubesc si peste 40 de ani ,dar cine stie in viata se pot intampla multe lucruri cert este ca in momentul asta nu pot sta fara sa joc poker


    • #17
      52 de votes si niciun stressat. ce fumati bai


      • #18
        Am votat "Da, o sa joc atita timp cit ma ajuta sa platesc facturile si sa traiesc decent", insa intelesul ar trebui sa fie altul.

        De trait decent, traiesc deja. De facut bani exclusiv din poker, nu stiu, nu cred. Insa stiu ca voi juca poker atat timp cat ma va ajuta sa imi fac vacantele dorite din banii castigati la mese. Ca acea vacanta va insemna Croatia/Grecia la 3 stele, sau Bahamas la 5 stele All In(clusive), mai "negociem".
        Nu am fost crescut in puf si nu voi fi, sper, niciodata un tip cu mofturi - asadar accept cel putin o vacanta pe an in afara tarii, atat timp cat ma simt bine alaturi de familie. Daca se poate mai multe, I'll take it Cu siguranta voi juca pana imi voi permite o vacanta de cel 7 zile in Royal Towers din Bahamas, Ultra All Inclusive

        Daca as avea de ales, as dori un tun la WCOOP Main Event pentru a putea sa pun pe picioare afacerea sotiei (sa aduca ea banii, eu dau tunul) si sa fiu un small winner, 2-3ptbb/100 la $3/6, pentru a putea investii acei bani in terenuri in jurul Clujului. Momentan, extrem de profitabila afacere


        • #19
          Postat în original de admin_holdem Vezi post
          52 de votes si niciun stressat. ce fumati bai
          sativa mostly )


          • #20
            Postat în original de admin_holdem Vezi post
            52 de votes si niciun stressat

            Nu a votat inca obs


            • #21
              Cred ca o sa joc poker pana la adanci batraneti. Imi place prea mult poker-ul ca sa nu il joc, indiferent de forma, hobby semi-pro/pro.
              E o mare parte din viata mea poker-ul si nu cred ca va deveni o parte din ce in ce mai mica ci invers


              • #22
                Un articol foarte interesant in Bluff semnat Brandon Adams (FT Pro; a scris superba carte Broke A Poker Novel).

                Citeva pasaje (linkul e mai sus):

                The Life Cycle of a Poker Player
                January 2008

                My friend’s view was that he should maximize his win while he’s at the top of the game, and then move out of the way a bit when the new crop takes over. This is smart forward-looking bankroll management. No telling how many players in time past failed to recognize when their time was up.

                I’ve seen a lot of the high stakes poker landscape over the last couple of years, and my observation is that poker has not yet seen a full package of talents. There’s no Roger Federer of poker. Usually the top players excel in one or two aspects of the game and are merely very good in the other aspects. You will see analytical brilliance in Brian Townsend or Phil Galfond; you will see incredible instincts in Phil Ivey or Kenny Tran; you will see unmatched poker knowledge and speed of thought in Barry Greenstein. But you will not observe all of these things in the same person. It’s inevitable that people who put together these talents will rise. The new level of money and status in the game right now is attracting potential comers, and the talent pool is increasingly international.

                Let’s take a giant leap and compare skill levels across two entirely different games: poker and chess. It seems to me that in poker no one has ever reached the level of mastery reached by the top chess players. The level of skill that Gary Kasparov in his prime exhibited on a chess table has never been matched by anyone on the green felt. This is open to argument, but I believe it to be obviously true and that there is a deep reason for it: Poker wears people down.

                Forget for a moment the degeneracy that surrounds poker. The poker world is rife with addiction, drug and alcohol use, depression, and sleep deprivation; but we will ignore for a moment the effect of these things on one’s abilities over time. I believe that there is something inherent in the game of poker that makes it difficult for one to steadily increase one’s ability over time. Namely, I think that the chief attraction of the game — its ability to kick up adrenaline and other stress chemicals — actually subtly damages the brains of poker players, making it difficult for them to study their game and improve over time. There are mounds of evidence suggesting that even relatively mild stress can damage the brain’s frontal lobes and impair learning and memory.
                It’s well known that brain function (especially the ability to learn new skills) declines with age, starting at about age nineteen. I’m speculating that poker accelerates this process, but we should expect strong life cycle tendencies even if this is not the case. In the academic realm, specialists in different disciplines peak at different ages, depending on the relative importance in their particular field of sheer processing power (IQ) versus accumulated knowledge. In fields for which processing power weighs very heavily (math, for instance), academic abilities peak very young (around 25). In fields such as history, where accumulated knowledge weighs heavily, the peak occurs at age fifty or later.
                It’s not too hard to paint the picture of the perfect poker player. First and foremost, he (or she) has to be born with an instinct for the game. Some people simply have the game in their blood. Everyone develops hand-reading and people-reading skills over time, but only people with strong innate talents are capable of developing these skills to a world-class level. Second, the perfect poker player must be very smart, with an excellent memory and high quantitative and analytical aptitude. Third, he must protect his talent and smarts with good life management. I agree with Patrik Antonius’ view that top players of the future will also need to be extremely fit.
                The fourth and fifth attributes of the perfect poker player are not consistent with the attributes of a well-rounded person, in that the perfect poker player must use the years when he peaks intellectually (around age nineteen) to study the game as deeply as possible. This includes the study of the tools, such as game theory and probability theory that one can apply in poker. The fi nal attribute is that, in one’s twenties, one must be focused on gaining as much poker experience as possible. As long as we are exploring the antisocial: A possible sixth attribute of the perfect player is that he is unmarried.


                • #23
                  excelent sever.

                  P.S. scary thought : "A possible sixth attribute of the perfect player is that he is unmarried."


                  • #24
                    de job nu zice nimic. se subintelege ca nu poti lucra si juca poker/studia la potential maxim (kytra )

                    oricum ma simt batrin la 29 de ani, trageti tare astia la 18-22 ^^


                    • #25
                      Schimbare de obiectiv - ma las de maine de poker.


                      • #26


                        • #27
                          rofl, probabil ai inteles gresit faza cu brain damage

