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Etapa IV Royal Card Room - joi 11 august (buy-in)

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  • Etapa IV Royal Card Room - joi 11 august (buy-in)

    Royal Card Room[/color][/url] (link)

    Turneu buy-in care va conta in liga

    Joi - 11 August 2005
    Ora 21:15 ora Romaniei
    Parola este luckbealady
    Inscrieri de pe 1 August
    Dupa ce va inregistrati treceti aici userul:

    Buy-in: 10 euro sau 1000 vip points
    Rebuys: 0
    No addon
    100 Euro guaranteed
    3000 starting chips
    10 minute level la blinds

    Minim participanti: 12
    (pentru a acorda dvdurile si pentru ca turneul sa conteze in clasamentul general)

    (Daca se inscriu 20 sa zicem... prizepool va fi in jur de 190 Euro)
    Payout structure: pt 12-13 inscrisi: primii 3 in bani
    pt 14-19 inscrisi: primii 4 in bani

    Premiul 1 va lua si un pachet cu
    8 dvduri WPT Season 2 Collection

    Punctajul de la final (pt liga

    Locul 1. 120p
    Locul 2. 100p
    Locul 3. 80p
    Locul 4. 60p
    Locul 5. 50p
    Locul 6. 40p
    Locul 7. 30p
    Locul 8. 20p
    Locul 9. 10 p

    10 puncte pentru cei care vin la acest turneu
    10p bonus pt cine ma elimina

    Bounty: cine ma va elimina din turneu va primi un chip de calitate cu Daniel Negreanu. Limited edition.
    Royal Card Room[/color][/url] este 'musash1'.


    Turneul va fi urmarit si de o persoana oficiala de la Royal Card Room, asa ca nu incercati sa dati chipsuri cuiva de buna voie.
    Orice neregula poate fi sanctionata de Royal Card Room iar legat de liga noastra se poate anula punctajul pentru o etapa sau eliminarea definitiva.

    Turneul e doar pentru romani.
    Non-romanians are not allowed; they won't receive anything!

    Depozitul minim la
    Royal Card Room[/color][/url] este 20Euro. Puteti depune prin Taifun Mastercard (bancpost), Visa Electron (BCR) sau prin transfer bancar. va ofera un bonus special la depozit.

    Sint curios daca veti veni... sper ca e de inteles ca nu pot face turnee doar pe playtech unde sint si freerolls destule.
    Premiile de la turneul asta sint maricele... si bani si dvdurile, superbe.

    Orice reply legat de warez va fi sters.
    Last edited by sever; 18.04.2009, 19:35.

  • #2

    Bringing the heat to DVD, World Poker Tour Season Two is an eight-DVD set stacked with cunning poker stars, fierce competition and record-breaking prize pools. Tournaments are set in some of the world’s most glamorous locations, ranging from classic gambling cities such as Las Vegas and Atlantic City, to more exotic tournaments aboard cruise ships sailing the Sea of Cortez and the Caribbean. With millions at stake, each of the 14 episodes offers skilled card playing and action on the felt. The box set also features an entire disc filled with bonus material.

    Running time: 21 hours. 14 episodes/8-DVD Box Set.

    DVD Special features:

    * Commentary by Phil “The Unabomber” Laak, Antonio Esfandiari, Daniel Negreanu and Erik Lindgren
    * WPT Championship Special: Expanded “Poker Corner” w/championship analysis from pros Annie Duke, Negreanu and Phil Hellmuth.
    * Player Profile
    * Poker Takes Over Hollywood – a short profile on celebrities that play on the World Poker Tour.
    * Poker Corner: Tips From All the Episodes


    • #3
      Shana Hiatt

      If you have watched the World Poker Tour on television, you have seen the lovely host of the show, Shana Hiatt. Shana introduces both novice and experienced players to the excitement of the World Poker Tour. With her fresh perspective and sense of enthusiasm, Shana invites viewers to experience the exotic locales and emotional extremes of high-stakes tournament poker.

      With an irresistible combination of beauty and brains, popular model-turned-actress Shana Hiatt is a star on the rise. A talented actress and dancer, Shana appeared on television and in films prior to landing the coveted role as host of the World Poker Tour. Let's get acquainted with Shana.

      World Poker Tour: Shana, please tell us a little bit about your background.

      Shana Hiatt: I was born and raised, along with my younger brother, on the East Coast where I attended Burlington County College in New Jersey. I began modeling at the age of 18 and have had numerous opportunities to travel to many parts of the world through my modeling and acting career.

      WPT: What are your hobbies when you're not hosting WPT or modeling?

      SH: I enjoy being active! I'll go for a run, do Yoga, ride my bike, walk my dogs, or play softball with my friends.

      WPT: How did you get involved with the World Poker Tour?

      SH: I was one of many hopefuls to audition for the WPT producers. It was a fun experience, because poker was so new to me. I was thrilled to get the job so I could learn more about the game.

      WPT: What was the most exciting moment in your career, other than with WPT?

      SH: I told myself as a little girl that I would someday go to Africa. My dream came true last year when I had the opportunity to go to South Africa with E! WILD ON AFRICA. I was a guest host on the show, and as such, I had many incredible experiences. I flew in an English fighter jet, was inches away from a Great White shark off the coast of Cape Town, and stayed at the beautiful Mala Mala game reserve. The experience exceeded my wildest dreams!

      WPT: Describe your position with WPT.

      SH: As the host of the WPT, I take the viewers on a joy ride through poker. I tour the destination, the casino and its surrounding areas. During the tournaments, I interview the players and their families to give more perspective on their personalities and backgrounds. I want to show the home viewer how accessible the poker world is. I also host the Poker Corner segment, which provides an in-depth look at different aspects of poker each week.

      WPT: What is your favorite part of your job with the WPT?

      SH: There are many things I love about it, but my favorite part is traveling to so many beautiful locations, including Paris, Aruba, Costa Rica, as well as the many casinos in the United States. Costa Rica offered the most diverse scenery of all of the locations we visited with its rainforests, stunning waterfalls, and a live volcano.

      WPT: What was your favorite location from Season One?

      SH: Let's see… I'd have to say Costa Rica for the coffee, Paris for the wine, Aruba for the beautiful water and beaches, and the PartyPoker cruise for the party!

      WPT: What do you think it takes to be a good poker player?

      SH: Poker is a game of skill and luck; I am extremely impressed with the focus and determination the players display during these tournaments. Other than that, I am not sure that there is any rule of thumb for what makes a good poker player. Our players are men and women of all ages and diverse nationalities. I have seen a conservative 61-year-old grandmother compete against a 21-year-old man whose poker playing was inspired by the movie "Rounders." At the WPT Championship, Kirill Gerasimov, with only 18 months of experience, wound up heads up against pro Alan Goehring. I think that is what makes this game so exciting: anyone who is a dedicated player and willing to take risks has a chance to win.

      WPT: Who are some of your favorite poker players?

      SH: Now you're trying to get me in trouble. I can't be partial. I love them all.

      WPT: Have you ever played poker yourself?

      SH: I have played a couple of times since I started the show, and I have to admit, it is very exciting. The rush you feel when you know you have them beat…it's enough to make you want to quit your job and play poker for a living!


      • #4
        Stii ca ti-ai facut viata extrem de grea cu chipul ala cu Negreanu pe capul tau, nu?


        • #5
          o sa (incerc sa) joc mai bine decit la freerollsurile private unde nu imi pasa prea tare


          • #6
            Pentru clientii vechi ai royal card room:

            La turneu se va putea intra si cu 1000 VIP Points. (la alegere, vip points sau 10 euro).


            • #7
              Vreau sa joc numai la mesele la care joaca si admin daca se poate :ruga.Poate iti intra tie ceva bun dar mie si mai bun..

              Watch your back...I`ll be waiting for you :ruga
              Romania sTeaua , Europa sTeaua , Betleem sTeaua , credinciosii din ghencea !!


              • #8
                la turneul asta poti conta si pe mine :smokin
                ... care este


                • #9
                  cum scot banii de la betfred depun si sunt gata sa iau jetonul ala
                  " Eu m-am nascut inca de la inceput, nu dupa."


                  • #10
                    nu reusesc nicicum sa descarc programul de la royalcardroom.Toate celelalte merg. Cum fac sa particip la etapa IV ?????


                    • #11
                      mai incearca si cu alt browser.


                      • #12
                        Parola a fost trecuta in primul post.
                        Va puteti inregistra deja!

                        Nu uitati de oferta speciala pentru Royal:


                        • #13
                          am tinut sa fiu primul :P

                          sper sa nu termin ultimul :ruga

                          nick: naiflor
                          ... care este


                          • #14
                            Opt inscrisi cu 4 zile inainte de turneu... not bad.


                            • #15
                              admin eu am o problema
                              o sa fiu plecat la mare in perioada asta
                              o sa pot sa joc de la un cafe de pe acolo?
                              sper sa nu fie nici o problema

