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PokerStars SnG 180 players

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  • PokerStars SnG 180 players

    SnGurile de 180 de persoane de la PokerStars sunt excelente pentru cladit bankrollul si pentru a capata experienta de turneu. Necesita o investitie mica aproximativ $400/$500 pentru cele de $4.40. Un jucator decent se poate astepta la un ROI de 100% la $4.40.
    Dupa ce bankrollul creste la $1200/$1500 se poate trece la cele de $11. La $11 nivelul de joc este aproape la fel de slab ca si la $4.40, deci un jucator decent ar trebui sa aiba ROI in jur de 100%.
    Se poate trece la $22 cind BR ajunge la $2500/$3000. Aici ROI-ul scade pina la aproximativ 75%.

    Incepind de astazi (sper) cu un BR=$500 voi juca zilnic intre 4 si 12 SnG-uri pe zi 4 tableing. De asemenea voi incerca sa raportez zilnic aici. Nu am mai jucat poker cam de un an si sunt curios si eu cum va evolua situatia.

    (Tools: PT, SNGPT, 2+2 sng spreadsheet, SAGE etc)


  • #2
    Iti urez succes in viitorul tau proiect , chiar zilele astea ma gandeam sa depun pe PS pt a juca la sng-urile de 180 pers , chiar la cel de 4.40 $ dar nu stiam de ce BR am nevoie , succes si bafta la mese .
    Ce nick ai pe PS ?


    • #3
      sa stii ca o sa mearga , daca ii jonglezi cum trebuie !!


      • #4
        Is misto, intr-adevar, se intra in bani cumva la fel de usor ca la un SNG de 9, ba chiar is mai comode. Am jucat un SNG de 9 pe PS timp de 1h45min, credeam ca visez.

        De unde ai ROI-urile alea?


        • #5
          Ieri am jucat sapte de $4.40 si doua de $11. Mi-a mers destul de prost: profit doar $64. Mi-e lene sa-mi calculez ROI-ul de mina si spreadsheetul pe care il folosesc este pentru cel mult 5 in bani, fireste mi-e lene sa-l modific.
          Sper ca astazi sa imi mearga mai bine.

          Obs, ROI-urile sunt din experienta mea limitata. La 2+2 sunt mai mari, dar ale mele mi se par mai plauzibile pentru jucatorul incepator. De asemenea de observat ca doar primele trei locuri platesc bine, deci intratul in bani nu este foarte important. In medie dureaza 4 ore sa cistigi un turneu.
          Last edited by Mentosan; 20.06.2007, 18:15.


          • #6
            sincer aberezi cu ce ai zis la inceput. ROI de 100% nu se poate decat daca joci foarte bine si astea ar fi deep stack si cu blinduri mai lungi.
            majoritatea sunt crapshots si trebuie sa ai o strategie extrem de buna si solida pe care sa o aplici de fiecare data.
            datorita structurii de plata, trebuie mereu sa joci PENTRU LOCURILE 1-3 pentru ca mai jos scad premiile substantial.
            parerea mea este sa nu pleci niciodata cu gandul roi de 100%, pentru ca asta e ca si cum as zice ca daca ma duc la main event sigur ies in primii 100. apuca-te si citeste sunt o groaza de articole special pentru acele snguri de 180 de persoane si vei vedea ca si cei mai buni nu au ROI de 100%.

            shaundeeb's guide to 180 man SNGs, luat de pe 2+2, nu am adaugat nimic, toate drepturile lui

            Alright been trying to figure out a way to write this well,with enough helpful information for anyone who's looking to either add in 180s to their MTT daily routine or switch to them from SNGs or cash games.

            Alright here are just same basic reasons why you should play 180:

            A Volume, you can't beat the frequency these tourneys run during the peak hours you can get 2-3 at the 10 and 20 level while 5-6 at the 4 level

            B Time commitment, I would guesstimate the time till the end of a 180 to be an avg around 3 hours 20min which is 2-3 times shorter than your avg tourney with 15min blind levels.

            C Payouts, They pay 10% but it is very top heavy 10-18th get double the buyin while 1st gets 54 times the buyin.

            D Preparation, The good thing about the 180s field size being capped at such a low number is you get to be invovled many endgame situations. That means when you start getting to the FT of 5fig+ for first tourneys you won't be such a beginner at that stage.

            E. The players, You get such a wide range of players that you get much stronger as a player against the spectrum of fish as well as mtt experts. This will help a player learn how to adjust to table conditions as often you are moving tables and needed to readjust and reconnect with the flow of the table

            F. Cost, you can't really beat 180s for their low buyins which are great for anyone trying to build up a roll and with the 3 different levels as well as the increasingly popular 50/90s you can grind out a nice roll very quickly to move on to bigger tourneys

            Alright now for some strategy tips I will try to hit most of the important moves and ideas behind each move you make. I would recommend that if you don't have pokertracker and pahud to go and get them since some advice I give you you need that for the information. Also, one thing I like to do is every time the blind levels change to try to figure out where you want to be stack wise etc by the next level. So I will break this down by blind levels for 180s.

            Level 1 10/20
            Now, everyone stars with 75bbs don't be shy with your strong hands a big mistake I see people make is open raising 5-6x with 10s or AQo etc hands that are most likely to be best PF but are rarely hands you are very confident post flop with. I would advise making some over limps with SCs small pairs etc, this is the only stage where it's not a big mistake to be passing PF. Most likely the players you will be playing many pots against are the fish and weaker players since many of the better players are prob multitabling and thus folding a lot of marginal hands. So seize this great time to take chips off those who will give them up easily. I am not afraid of big pots on any hand because remember it's a 180 and another one prob is 1/3rd of the way registered.

            Stack goal 2000

            Level 2 15/30
            Alright now you should be noticing whose been limping half the hands and prob dwindled theirs tack down to 800 and those at 1450 who haven't played a hand yet. Use that knowledge when playing hands notice what type of opp you are against and adjust. Pay attention to stack sizes too when you are against 1 of those weak players bleeding chips as you should be trying to do they prob have less chips so be keen on that when you are getting to the turn and the pot has eclipsed their stack.

            Stack goal 3000

            Level 3 25/50
            Alright now like 1/4th of the field is gone and it's going to get tougher but hopefully you were able to win lots of small pots by raising the weak limpers and c-betting or got lucky to stack someone. Players aren't as deep anymore and expect a few of the tight players to open up a little more at this level. There still will be plenty of spots to take a flop vs one of the weak players who hopefully doubled up like you so you can be 60bb deep with him and hopefully win a monster pot. Be warry a lot of PF 3bets start to commit people. Also notice the stack sizes to your left

            Stack goal 3500

            Level 4 50/100

            Alright this is when it starts to switch to less postflop play and more raise/shoving so adjust your PF opening range to hands that do better with short stacks AIPF. Again I echo look at stack sizes when you raise 3x which should be your standard open with no limpers ask yourself what do you do if player X shoves or if he raises half his stack etc. Ask yourself those questions before you raise. It may help you make a better decision if it's worth it to try to steal from that position. Also, around this level you prob will be down to half the field in a 4 and 10 and prob 100 left in a 20.

            Stack goal 4000 and a 5min break to focus on other tourneys

            Level 5 75/150
            2nd hour now things are def starting to kick in gear hopefully you are slightly above avg stack right now as it gives you more breathing room as for next 15min you will battle those nits who've folded their way down to 600 chips. The only postflop play you should be apart off is when you raise and someone calls you. Most of your pots for now on you should be the aggressor makes it much more effective. Also, don't be afraid to shove your stack in there if a squeeze appears or someone won't leave your BB alone. Don't shy from races at this stage they are necessary in tourneys even in these middle stages

            Stack goal 4500

            Level 6 100/200
            This is actually my favorite level in a 180 due to the fact most of the other regulars like to wait till antees kick in to start stealing and restealing a lot, so while they are waiting 15 more min I start to really have fun. The fields have thinned by now and the avg player left is much stronger but still plenty of soft spots by now you should have a good idea of each player at your table and with pt and pahud using that info and extrapolating your plans before going into a hand. As effective stakcs keep getting shorter the distance a hand goes until all the money gets in obv gets shorter most pots are taken down on the flop if you even see one.

            Stack goal 5500

            Level 7 100/200/25
            Ante time a decent sized ante for an online tourney being 1/8th a bb so most pots are going to be 525 before cards are dealt. there will be plenty of sub 10bb stacks right now and you need to be careful when you open 3x you are getting odds against most players who are under 10bb to call their shove unless they have been really tight. I personally don't like to steal that much at this level as most players expect you too and they also will be stealing as well. So I would suggest restealing more from those multitabling regulars who open in LP when folded to them. Depending on how deep you are shoving and a 3bet are fine. It's also time to start defending your BB more. As most of you should know if it's folded to you in the SB you should be raising/shoving almost any 2 depending on effective stacks. That is the position I feel like I keep my stack afloat the most either restealing from a LP opener or stealing from the BB to get those coveted antes.

            Stack goal 6000

            Level 8 200/400/25

            Alright this is the inflection point/level of a 180 everyone is forced into short stack mode as rarely will 2 people with more than 20bbs collide. There are prob 40-50 left so avg stack is under a M of 7 and also about half the stacks at the table will prob be under 10bbs. Knowing that you should often be shoving when first in even if you have 16bb stack if those to the left of you are under 10. Also remember to go by effective stacks not just yours or theirs. Restealing is harder at this blind level as very few people are deep enough to raise/fold. So expect your shoves to get called more as people are getting more desperate to double even if they have to take the worst of it.

            Stack goal 8000

            Break #2 getting very close to the money now start to figure out whose playing to win and whose playing to cash

            Level 9 300/600/50
            Alright now the field is getting short ITM bubble is approaching and the avg stack is around 15bbs but there probably is a gigantic stack hopefully yours so as with the previous level about half your table is under 10bbs make note of those who are short and why they got short. You should be stealing less from the guys whose short because he was aggressive and got caught stealing and/or make a resteal and got called. While stealing from the guy whose short who has been folding a lot even when folded to him in LP and is def waiting for solid hands to continue with only. Remember at this stage at a 9 handed table theres 1350 in the pot so try to take that down whenever you can where ever you are.

            Stack goal 10000

            Level 10 400/800/50
            As the skill level of the avg 180 player is increasing like it is lately the bubble has been bursting later and later and I've noticed a lot lately this is the level where we get down to 20 people a lot. Remember when this happens your table is now 6-7 handed therefore your opening ranges even from UTG should be much wider. Also, notice that often what you are doing others at the table are trying to do as well so try to knock them down to where they aren't a formidable foe and you can easily call their shoves getting over 2 to 1 therefore they can't push as lightly since they know they have 0 FE. I always try to punish those I fear by attacking them and their stack because the shorter they are the easier/cheaper it is for me to take a shot to knock them out. Hopefully by the end of this level you are top 3 in chips and now down to final 2 tables and ITM.

            stack goal 15000

            continuare in postul 2:
            Last edited by lyncks; 21.06.2007, 11:28. Motiv: Automerged Doublepost
            Tomorrow is a fantasy


            • #7
              Level 11 600/1200 75
              Alright this is a bigger jump than most players realize now the game has truly become pushbotting when effective stacks under 10bb and there are very few flops seen where both players aren't all in. Since often with this level you are just ITM and prob playing 7-8 handed still don't be too aggro and give away chips now that people are in the money they are going to loosen up and go for first more likely than earlier. So tighten up while they loosen up.

              Stack goal 20000

              Level 12 800/1600/75
              Alright this is often the blind level for Ft bubble your table will be 5 handed now with some decent sized stacks prob a few 25k stacks prob a 40k stack and a few 10k stacks. You should be opening any chance you can get unless getting restolen from a lot. You are trying to win these remember 54x the buyin for 1st place so every chance to pickup chips count.

              stack goal 30000

              Alright if you've made it this far hopefully you got some firepower to start working your way to the top. You have 5 min to get your gameplan for FT ready

              Level 13 1000/2000/100
              Notice at this level the blinds are large but the ante is just 1/10th a SB also be wary live and online of the antein relation to the BB it should effect how often you are opening. By now you are at the FT remember this is a constant bubble so abuse the middle stacks at all chances. You are there to win they are there to fight for 2nd. Remember you are most likely the best player at the table you have more weapons than anyone else.

              Stack goal 50000

              Level 14 1500/300/150
              Alright this level I am going to use to give you some ways how to play a shortstack which often endgame you will end up having due to either a bad beat or a call getting proper odds. You should be restealing PF with 11-15bbs with decent hands depending on opener, when 7-10 stop and go is your most deadly weapon. Also when 20bbs you can do whats called a go and go where you raise about 30-40% of your stack PF OOP and stick the rest in on any flop.

              Stack goal 75000

              Level 15 2000/4000/200
              Alright some tourneys are done by this level while others are still 2-3 handed this is where the most crucial point of your ROI comes from. The difference between a 1st and a 2nd is 18x the buyin so you are playing for more than some people realize in the spectrum of the buyin. Be aggressive 90% of the time neither of you have a real hand make him go on his heels whenever you can. Don't get too discouraged if you get this far and don't win because getting here is a goal in it's self and now that you've done it a few times your shorthanded and endgame will be much more solid as I alluded to earlier in the post for when you get to fts of tourneys with 10k+ for first.

              Alright some other things about 180s what can be expected from them. They 180s do give good TLB scores I don't have the link off hand for a calculator it's a favorite on my other comp but I'll edit that in later. Off the top of my head a 4/180 gives 218, a 10 gives 255, and a 20 gives 309.

              ROI numbers are asked a lot of what a good player should be making when I responded to that question 3 months ago my answer was quite different that what it is now because the avg player has improved but they still have many leaks and ways for you to abuse. I'd expect the top 2-3% of players could expect to make about 130% ROI in the 4/180s over a decent sample size. 110% for the 10/180s is what prob the top players could make though I'm sure if a mtt expert got into them they could easily hit 150-200 but thankfully they don't waste their time playing so low. As for 20s I'd say a good number of players are making 100% ROI. Now for a proper sample size I would say 250 at any level but obv the more the better judge even though some of your games may be from a time when they are softer.

              Also, don't just rely in PAHUD if you notice something odd either a line or a betting pattern tell make a note of it so you will have it in the future. Part of the small fields of 180s is you see the same players often so they are prob taking notes on you so you should be doing the same.

              Any other questions more specific comments you have about 180s ask and I will have a mod edit them into the original post. Remember this is a beginners guide to 180s this is just breaking the ice there is much more in depth thought at times during each hand but that is too complex to put into words most of the time.
              Tomorrow is a fantasy


              • #8
                Banuiesc ca "sincer aberezi" se traduce cu "eu cred ca aberezi".
                In primul rind shaundeeb nu spune nicaieri in articolul lui ca ROI 100% este de neobtinut.
                In al doilea rind eu am spus pentru un jucator decent. Daca citesti ce se spune la 2+2 despre ROI la MTT vei vedea ca 100 este considerat solid nu exceptional. In plus considera ca 4.40/180 este un micro buyin deci un jucator decent=solid poate avea ROI 100 usor. De altfel shaundeeb spune in articolul pe care il citezi ca jucatorii din top 3% au ROI 130. Stiind ca 90% din jucatori pierd bani online, deja te numeri in primii 10%. Eu estimez ca pentru top 5% ROI 100 nu este aberant.
                In al treilea rind, evident ca un jucator decent obseva ca trebuie sa joace pentru primele trei locuri. Un jucator decent citeste forumurile (inclusiv articolul lui shaundeeb) si stie jucatorii de top din zona in care evolueaza. Un jucator decent a citit cel putin HOH, TOP si SS2 si citeste in mod regulat forumurile de poker 2+2, TFR, P5's etc.
                In ultimul rind, nefiind un jucator decent am considerat ca este un challenge sa joc 4.40/180 si sa obtin un ROI=100. Sincer ROI-ul meu este enorm acum din cauza ca din 30 jucate am luat 3 locuri 1, 1 loc 2, un loc 3, 3 locuri 5 si mai departe nu mai stiu caci spreadsheetul meu contabilizeaza numai primele 5 locuri. Dar intrucit este un sample prea mic (ridicol de mic) am hotarit sa joc cu 500 de dolari (fara sa numar turneele deja jucate) conform strategiei din postul meu original.
                Sper ca nu am jignit pe nimeni cu pretentiile mele de avea un ROI de 100. Nu am de gind sa joc 10000 de turnee la nivelul asta ca sa demonstrez ca ROI 100 nu este o aberatie. Daca BR alocat turneelor de 180 creste voi juca 11 sau 22 conform cu BR.


                PS: Astazi nu am avut chef de joc si am jucat putin si prost (2 turnee=-$8.80) Miine nu pot juca intrucit trebuie sa scriu la dizertatie si sa joc fotbal dar vineri simbata si duminica sper sa joc vreo 20,30 de turnee.
                Last edited by Mentosan; 21.06.2007, 13:25.


                • #9
                  Bjorg009 (PokerStars) poker results, rankings and statistics
                  ROI 294%
                  Last edited by vladnz; 21.06.2007, 14:27. Motiv: Automerged Doublepost


                  • #10
                    Challenge pentru lyncks:
                    Jucam amindoi in acelasi timp 4 turnee de $4.40/180 si cine face mai multe puncte cistiga. Punctele se socotesc dupa modelul 2+2. Miza $20. Am ales o suma modica pentru ca fireste este o gramada de noroc la mijloc.

                    De altfel ar trebui sa organizam o chestie de genul asta saptaminal in mai multi. Eventual Admin poate sa tina banii si sa-i transfere cistigatorului. Ce zici Admin se poate?


                    • #11
                      ROI>100 deocamdata. Am luat un 2 si un 3 astazi din vreo 6 jucate astazi. Mi-am luat si multe mui. (****=badbeat, nu fata ca in DEX)
                      Poate facem un challenge totusi dupa modelul 2+2. Daca nu am sa joc in challenge-ul de acolo.

                      lol nu poti sa spui **** pe forum.
                      Last edited by Mentosan; 28.06.2007, 11:34. Motiv: ****


                      • #12
                        eu deocamdata nu joc poker, imi cer scuze daca te-am ofensat mai sus, pur si simplu cele de 180 au un VARIANCE super mare datorita structurii de rahat pe care o au.
                        Eu iti doresc sa ai un ROI cat de mare vrei tu, tot ce am zis a fost din faptul ca stiu foarte multi care au jucat, si cel putin cateva din articolele alea de pe 2+2 pe care le-ai citit au fost scrise si de mine in colaborare cu ei.
                        bafta multa
                        Tomorrow is a fantasy


                        • #13
                          offtopic: lynks, sa nu scoti niciodata porumbelul asta uriash, de cate ori il vad ma apuca o veselie cel putin ciudata deja.


                          • #14
                            Lincks, nici o problema. Eu vreau doar sa ma distrez. Ca doar n-o sa ma bucur DACA cistig $4 pe ora (4 mese cu ROI=100 si 4 ore in medie pe turneu). Unul care invirte burgeri la McDonalds face mai mult $6 pe ora. Dar acum serios varianta n-are nimic de a face cu ROI-ul. Decit in sensul ca il face greu de calculat. De acceea ziceam ca ar fi mishto sa facem si noi un concurs ca ala de la 2+2, ne mai distram, mai indulcim viata asta amara si plina de varianta.


                            PS: Da, sunt un jucator slab, dar cei mai multi de la 4/180 sunt peshti prajitzi.


                            • #15
                              Am luat iar locul doi. Este foarte frustrant si incep sa ma enervez. Dar nu pot sa ma pling atita vreme cit am un ROI obscen de mare, mi-e rusine sa zic cit dar mult peste 100.


