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Going from 0 to $10 000 by Chris Ferguson

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  • Going from 0 to $10 000 by Chris Ferguson

    Starting from Zero
    Chris Ferguson
    April 30th, 2007

    I'm almost a year into an experiment on Full Tilt Poker. I'm attempting to turn $0 into a $10,000 bankroll. With no money to start with, I had no choice but to start out playing Freerolls. Starting out, I'd often manage to win a dollar or two, but I'd quickly get busted and have to start over again. It took some time but, after awhile, I was eventually able to graduate to games that required an actual buy-in.

    Even today, people don't believe it's really me when I sit down at Full Tilt's small stakes games. They ask what I'm doing down here, and often tell me stories about how they turned $5 into $500 or $100 into $1,000. Usually, these stories end with the person telling me that they went broke. There's no surprise there. These folks tried to quickly build a bankroll by gambling. They'd play in a game that was beyond their bankroll and, if they happened to win, they'd move up to a higher limit and risk it all one more time. Inevitably, they'd lose a few big hands and go broke.

    For me, this experiment isn't about the money. It's about showing how, with proper bankroll management, you can start from nothing and move up to the point where you're playing in some pretty big games. I know it's possible because I did it once before, turning $1 into $20,000.

    To ensure that I keep my bankroll intact, I've adopted some key rules:

    * I'll never buy into a cash game or a Sit & Go with more than 5 percent of my total bankroll (there is an exception for the lowest limits: I'm allowed to buy into any game with a buy-in of $2.50 or less).
    * I won't buy into a multi-table tournament for more than 2 percent of my total bankroll and I'm allowed to buy into any multi-table tournament that costs $1.
    * If at any time during a No-Limit or Pot-Limit cash-game session the money on the table represents more than 10 percent of my total bankroll, I must leave the game when the blinds reach me.

    I think a lot of players would do well to apply these rules. One great benefit from this approach to bankroll management is that it ensures you'll be playing in games you can afford. You'll never play for very long in a game that's over your head because, when you're losing, you'll have no choice but to drop down to a smaller game. You can continue to sharpen your game at that lower limit until your bankroll allows you to move up and take another shot. These rules also prevent you from being completely decimated by a bad run of cards.

    Dropping down and playing lower limits is difficult for a lot of players. They view it as a failure and their egos get in the way. Many want to remain at the level they'd been playing and win back their losses. But this can lead to some pretty severe tilt - and that can go through a bankroll in a hurry. I know that dropping down was difficult for me in my run from $1 to $20,000. When I first played in the $25/$50 game, I lost. Sticking to my rules, I dropped down to the $10/$25 game. I had a losing streak there and had to go down to $5/$10. That was tough. After playing $25/$50, a $5/$10 game was boring to me.

    But I had the discipline to stick to my rules, and that motivated me to play better at the lower levels. I really didn't want to lose any more because I knew the consequences: I'd have to play even lower and work even harder to get back to where I'd been, which could take as long as a month. If you ever find yourself bored or frustrated playing at the lower limits, you're obviously not playing well. Take a break from the game. Often, stepping away can give you a fresh perspective and heightened motivation to play well when you return.

    There are a couple of more tips I'd like to share regarding bankroll management. First, you should never play in a game that is beyond your bankroll simply because the game seems to be soft that day. It's never soft enough to risk money that puts your bankroll in jeopardy. The other point is that you should avoid playing in games that are at the top of your bankroll limits, when a lower game offers more opportunity for profit.

    I'm confident that by sticking to these sound bankroll management rules, I'll make it to my $10,000 goal. These rules are sure to help you as well, as you pursue your own poker ambitions. So, if you want to start your own quest - or play against me while I'm continuing with mine - come open a free account at Full Tilt Poker and look for me online. But hurry, because I'm hoping I won't be in the lower limits for too much longer.

    Chris Ferguson

  • #2
    I'm almost a year into an experiment on Full Tilt Poker.
    cam mult un an, parerea mea si inca e la low limits
    dar strategia e foarte buna
    blogul de poker


    • #3
      La cat timp liber are sa joace pe Full Tilt, nici nu ii atat de mult ... cred


      • #4
        cand jucam eu pe fulltilt, acum vreo juma de an, era inscris la toate freerollurile de 40$ cu 2000 de jucatori facute pe fulltilt
        " Eu m-am nascut inca de la inceput, nu dupa."


        • #5
          Atat de departe e stilul asta de tarisoara noastra...

          Daca am face un sondaj, cred ca sub 1% din jucatorii de pe acest forum respecta intocmai regulile BM.


          • #6
            adica pt a juca un turneu mtt de 5$ trebuie sa ai in cont 250$? nu-s cam drastice regulile?
            Cand pierd nu mai dau vina pe bad beat
            Cand castig, e de la suckout'uri din alea'


            • #7
              Sunt acele reguli care l-au mai adus pe "Jesus" odata de la $1 la $20 000.

              Drastice sau nu, daca le respecti nu risti sa joci in acel "Emotional Bankroll" de care vorbeste "Rizen" in acest articol - Card Player Magazine - Emotional Bankroll by Eric Lynch

              Si daca esti un jucator bun, pe termen lung acest bankroll management "strict" va aduce profitul mult asteptat.


              • #8
                Postat în original de DoiCromoY Vezi post
                adica pt a juca un turneu mtt de 5$ trebuie sa ai in cont 250$? nu-s cam drastice regulile?
                In nici un caz
                Poti usor sa joci si 10 mtt-uri fara rezultat
                Daca le joci cu BR de 100$, deja se duce jumate(nu mai vorbesc de fee)
                Eu am facut prostia sa fac buy-in de 5$ cand aveam 110$ si am regretat 2 ore(dupa care am intrat in bani, pana pe locul 3)
                blogul de poker


                • #9
                  eu am facut challenge-ul in 1 an si 6 luni


                  • #10
                    Un jucator de nl2k care joaca poker serios de ani buni, si traieste din asta s-a apucat de chalengeul asta pe 1mai ( a facut un prop bet pe 25k cu un alt jucator).

                    Pana acum :
                    Update for Day 6 (Part 1)

                    Cash Games:
                    $25 NL: Hands played 1600

                    $11 SNG's (9 max)
                    Played: 14
                    1st: 2
                    2nd: 1
                    3rd: 3

                    Total Profit: $73.31.
                    New Bankroll:$458.66

                    Pe Fergusson poate l-a chinuit intre altele si faptul ca joaca doar pe full tilt. Adica nu poate sa joace 15 freeroluri simultan pe enspe siteuri, lucru ce conteaza enorm la inceput..
                    Postat în original de theonlythree
                    It's much more rewarding to crawl out of a hole with your bare hands than to use a jetpack.


                    • #11
                      pfff...uite ca ma regasesc si eu aici
                      Dupa mult mult chinuit...jucand SSS am ajuns frumos de la vreo 30$ pana la 300$
                      Apoi a inceput...."decaderea" de la 300 am ajuns la 30 ) bagat 20 la 50NL si am iesit cu 50 de acolo + inca 50 la SNG 180/4,40 de pe m-am facut cu 130$ + inca cateva sesiuni ajunsesem la 170$ eram deja la 25NL SSS.
                      Apoi again....lose lose lose....iarasi la 80$ atunci am zis...da sau bagat 50 am pierdut ( normal ) si asa ma regasesc sa incep din nou de la inceput
                      Acum vreau sa incep asa: mai depun vreo 50 ( atat imi permite buzunaru) si incep de la 70$ la 5NL )) cu full buy-in si mai cresc putin hands range-ul de la SS si in rest "speranta de mai bine" and this time i stick to BM )

                      P.S: Ma regasesc in fraza asta: "Dropping down and playing lower limits is difficult for a lot of players. They view it as a failure and their egos get in the way. Many want to remain at the level they'd been playing and win back their losses. But this can lead to some pretty severe tilt - and that can go through a bankroll in a hurry"
                      Be nice with people on your way up because you can meet them on your way down
                      If you can's spot the sucker in your first half-hour at the table, then you are the sucker


                      • #12
                        de ce nu incerci sa joci sng pana iti maresti br in loc sa joci ss ?


                        • #13
                          Am incercat eu ... am primit niste banuti de la adymoflita si mi'am propus sa fac 1000$ rapid jucand numai stg. A mers f bine la inceput dar nu am reusit sa depasesc 800 si acum ma zbat pe undeva pe la 600/700 fara a mai putea depasi aceasta bariera .
                          Greu ....


                          • #14
                            Asa am patit si eu touche. Spre inceputurile mele in artele pokerului...jucam doar MTT si facem serios...pana cand..tot asa...parca zice cineva gata...nimik nu mai merge....mi-e frica si de patit-o si acolo....dar i will be back....oricum cred ca m-am cam experimentat acum...acuma cum o sa fie..."in speranta de mai bine"
                            Be nice with people on your way up because you can meet them on your way down
                            If you can's spot the sucker in your first half-hour at the table, then you are the sucker


                            • #15
                              am citit si eu articolu lui Rizen si ma regasesc in el; eu am emotional bankroll si swings foarte mic; desi joc in bankroll management tot timpu la cel emotional nu pot sa il depasesc chiar daca am urcat limita....

