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Intrebari intr-un test despre poker Help! please

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  • Intrebari intr-un test despre poker Help! please

    1In which position should you enter the game after you've bought in to a table?
    a The position doesn't matter.
    b In the big blind or cut off.
    c Absolutely on the button.

    2. If no one raised pre-flop, the last to act is:
    a The Big Blind.
    b The Small Blind.
    c The Button.
    Singurele intrebari la care nu sunt sigur de raspuns.La 1-c si la asa am raspuns.Ce credety?

  • #2
    La 2 asha ash fi raspuns si 1...cred ca raspunsu`i subiectiv....depinde de ce carte ai avea!


    • #3
      La 2 ii sigur a, la 1... c, cred
      Fortes fortuna adiuvat


      • #4
        al 1 este B,bigblind.
        la 2 este A,bigblind.
        Last edited by adymoflita; 13.12.2006, 23:33.
        ~Fiecare dintre noi este unic si de neinlocuit~


        • #5
          1. In primul rand tb clarificat ca "should you enter the game" inseamna in ce pozitie platesti BB-ul ca sa primesti carti. La MGM nu exista asa ceva, te-asezi unde vrei si primesti carti direct, poate cateodata nu te lasa daca esti in SB.. Pozitia in care intri in joc conteaza cu siguranta, deci a-ul cade cu brio. Ma rog, conteaza dpdv al rentabilitatii si tacticii de joc. Daca nu-ti pasa de nici una din astea doua atunci asa-i, nu conteaza . c-ul cade si el, pentru ca n-ai voie sa intri in joc direct din buton, ci cel mult "behind the button", adica in cut-off. Sau evident din BB (o dealerita la MGM nu m-a lasat sa intru cand m-am asezat direct in BB.. imi mai si zice "credeam ca stii sa joci.." ). Deci b e corect, cutoff sau BB.

          2. Presupun ca se refera cine rasp ultimul in aceasta runda de joc (preflop), deci clar BB-ul.



          • #6
            2 clar ca este BBul intrebarea referindu-se la preflop
            1 aici din cate stiu eu primesti carti dac intri in BB(aici e o simpla parere), deci oricum tb sa platesti BB ca sa vezi cartile atunci cand intri prima data asa ca cel mmai rentabil este sa intri in aceasta pozitie


            • #7
              tot testul

              1. An overpair is understood to be
              a pair in a starting hand that is higher than the lowest card on the board.
              a pair in a starting hand that is higher than the middle card on the board.
              a pair in a starting hand that is higher than the highest card on the board.

              2. What hand is the worst of the following?
              High card Ace
              Three of a kind, Jacks
              Flush, King high

              3. To post the big blind, you have to play:
              One Big Bet.
              One Small Bet.
              A Double Bet.

              4. In which position should you enter the game after you've bought in to a table?
              The position doesn't matter.
              In the big blind or cut off.
              Absolutely on the button.

              5. If no one raised pre-flop, the last to act is:
              The Big Blind.
              The Small Blind.
              The Button.

              6. How long am I allowed to play at the beginners tables at CDPoker?
              45 days.
              45 days, but only the days I actually play are being counted.
              45 weeks.

              7. What combination of two cards is the strongest?
              Pocket Kings
              Suited Kings
              Ace, King

              8. What is a stack?
              A deck of cards.
              Another term for the waitlist of a poker table
              The money you bring to the poker table.

              9. What are community cards?
              The 2 cards that each player gets.
              The open cards on the table.
              The 5 cards form which one builds a hand.

              10. What is a draw?
              Holding a pair
              An unformed hand, lacking one card to become a made hand.
              The second-best hand.

              11. Which full house is the weakest?

              12. Which hand of the following is the strongest at the river?
              Low Pair.
              Middle Pair.


              • #8
                VA rog ajutati-ma cu raspunsurile.Se pare ca tot gresesc undeva.Dar nu stiu unde.


                • #9
                  Postat în original de pasarela Vezi post
                  1. An overpair is understood to be
                  a pair in a starting hand that is higher than the highest card on the board.

                  2. What hand is the worst of the following?
                  High card Ace

                  3. To post the big blind, you have to play:

                  One Small Bet.

                  4. In which position should you enter the game after you've bought in to a table?

                  In the big blind or cut off. asta e relativa, in principiu poti intra in oricare pozitie mai putin SB

                  5. If no one raised pre-flop, the last to act is:
                  The Big Blind.

                  6. How long am I allowed to play at the beginners tables at CDPoker?
                  don't know don't care

                  7. What combination of two cards is the strongest?
                  Pocket Kings

                  ) am mai comentat despre suited pairs :lol

                  8. What is a stack?
                  The money you bring to the poker table.

                  9. What are community cards?
                  The open cards on the table.

                  10. What is a draw?
                  An unformed hand, lacking one card to become a made hand.

                  11. Which full house is the weakest?


                  12. Which hand of the following is the strongest at the river?
                  Middle Pair.
                  is this for real?
                  intrebarea cu 3DP probabil ca o gasesti la ei pe site...
                  "You see, neighbor, I never go looking for a sucker. I look for a champion and make a sucker out of him."

                  Amarillo Slim


                  • #10
                    "In the big blind or cut off. asta e relativa, in principiu poti intra in oricare pozitie mai putin SB" DB
                    PHILHELLMUTH: I should have 50k right now
                    HOSS_TBF: maybe if you started with 200k


                    • #11
                      Postat în original de pasarela Vezi post
                      1. An overpair is understood to be
                      a pair in a starting hand that is higher than the lowest card on the board.
                      a pair in a starting hand that is higher than the middle card on the board.
                      a pair in a starting hand that is higher than the highest card on the board.
                      a pair in a starting hand that is higher than the highest card on the board
                      ex: tu ai 88 iar boardul este 25723

                      2. What hand is the worst of the following?
                      High card Ace
                      Three of a kind, Jacks
                      Flush, King high
                      clar high card Ace

                      3. To post the big blind, you have to play:
                      One Big Bet.
                      One Small Bet.
                      A Double Bet.
                      asta e cam zice a double bet, dar mai clar ar fi posting a big blind means doubling the small blind bet

                      4. In which position should you enter the game after you've bought in to a table?
                      The position doesn't matter.
                      In the big blind or cut off.
                      Absolutely on the button.
                      Absolutely on the la asta cam ramane de vazut, dar e clar ca mai bine intri la masa dupa ce ai facut buy-in-ul undeva cat mai aproape de buton, in felul asta putand sa vezi si niste maini moca, dar ma rog...depinde si de cati jucatori sunt la masa

                      5. If no one raised pre-flop, the last to act is:
                      The Big Blind.
                      The Small Blind.
                      The Button.
                      the big blind

                      6. How long am I allowed to play at the beginners tables at CDPoker?
                      45 days.
                      45 days, but only the days I actually play are being counted.
                      45 weeks.
                      la asta nu stiu sa iti sarit peste faza de joc la beginneri

                      7. What combination of two cards is the strongest?
                      Pocket Kings
                      Suited Kings
                      Ace, King
                      lol...suited Kings nu exista decat daca joci cu 2 sau mai multe pachete de carti...Cum ar fi sa dai peste doi popi de inima te-ai tilta oleaca?
                      Iar daca vorbim de cea mai buna combinatie de 2 carti existenta , clar spunem AA...daca luam in considerare doar ceea ce e expus aici (din care excludem suited kings )...este pocket kings

                      8. What is a stack?
                      A deck of cards.
                      Another term for the waitlist of a poker table
                      The money you bring to the poker table.
                      In limbajul "poker-istic" stack is the money you bring to the poker table. Daca vorbim despre stack in limbaj de cazino e vorba despre un teanc de 20 de fise.

                      9. What are community cards?
                      The 2 cards that each player gets.
                      The open cards on the table.
                      The 5 cards form which one builds a hand.
                      The open cards on the table. Li se spune carti comunitare intrucat orice jucator prezent la masa poate alcatui o mana din cartile de pe masa (community cards) si ceea ce are el in mana (pocket cards)

                      10. What is a draw?
                      Holding a pair
                      An unformed hand, lacking one card to become a made hand.
                      The second-best hand.
                      an unformed hand, lacking one card to become a hand
                      ex: tu ai AK offsuit iar flopul vine TJx...Se cheama ca ai straight draw, pt ca iti lipseste Q ca sa faci chinta

                      11. Which full house is the weakest?
                      12. Which hand of the following is the strongest at the river?
                      Low Pair.
                      Middle Pair.
                      Middle pair...Over cards e doar un trick de a te prinde cu un raspuns gresit caci nu e acelasi lucru cu over pair, ci inseamna doar niste carti mai mari decat ce prezinta boardul
                      Sunt curioasa ce castigi daca raspunzi corect la intrebari...
                      ​Obstacles are what we see when we take our eyes off the goal.


                      • #12
                        la fel daca ma poate ajuta cineva ...
                        2.An overpair is understood to be ...
                        ... a pair in a starting hand that is higher than the lowest card on the board.
                        ... a pair in a starting hand that is higher than the middle card on the board.
                        ... a pair in a starting hand that is higher than the highest card on the board. ====

                        3.How many basic actions are there pre-flop?

                        4.Which hands do most opponents usually play against somebody with a particularly small stack?
                        Rather weak hands, too.
                        Only especially strong hands.
                        There is no difference from somebody with a normal size stack.

                        5.Before changing to a higher limit, you should ...
                        ... take a break from poker for at least a day.
                        ... continuously win at your current limit.
                        ... have experienced at least one real downswing on the current limit

                        6.What is better than 4 aces?
                        Only the royal flush.
                        Straight flush and royal flush ====

                        7.An important tool for maximizing profit is ...
                        ... playing the right limit with respect to your bankroll.
                        ... playing on the highest limits as soon as possible.
                        ... studying as many poker books as possible.

                        8.What is a tilt?
                        When your game worsens in quality in response to one or more bad beats. ====
                        Another word for lucky streak.
                        An early jump to a higher limit.

                        9.What does it mean to go „all-in.“?
                        Spending your whole bankroll on a buy-in at a table.
                        To bluff.
                        To wager your entire stack. ====

                        10.You called pre-flop with 44 on the button. The flop is AT2. You check and so does everybody else. The turn card is another 2. Everyone checks, including you. The river card is another 4. What do you do, according to the short stack strategy?
                        Check and fold to any opposing bet.
                        Make a pot size bet. ====
                        Go directly all-in.

                        11.What are community cards?
                        The 2 cards that each player gets.
                        The open cards on the table. ====
                        The 5 cards from which one builds a hand.

                        12.What counts as a small stack?
                        A stack no larger than 20 big blinds of the respective limit.
                        A stack no larger than 25 big blinds of the respective limit.
                        A stack no larger than 30 big blinds of the respective limit.

                        13.What does Ace high mean?
                        A hand with an Ace, but no pair. ====
                        Four Aces.
                        Two Aces.

                        14.A top pair is understood to be…
                        … a pair with the highest card on the board.
                        … a pair in a starting hand that is higher than all the board cards.
                        … a pair with an arbitrary card on the board.

                        15.Short stack strategy: If your continuation bet is raised then …
                        … you fold.
                        … you call the raise.
                        … you go all-in.

                        16.Short stack strategy pre-flop: You have QQ and are in middle position. There was one caller before you. What do you do?
                        Raise by 5 BB.
                        Raise by 4 BB.

                        17.In which position should you enter the game after you've bought in to a table?
                        The position doesn't matter.
                        In the big blind or cut off.
                        Absolutely on the button.

                        18.How much should you spend on your buy-in at a poker table if you're playing the short stack strategy?
                        With 15 big blinds of the respective limit.
                        With 20 big blinds of the respective limit.
                        With 25 big blinds of the respective limit.

                        19.Your starting hand is AA. The flop is A22. Here you have ...
                        … an overpair.
                        … a full house.
                        … a set.
                        jesus it's watching you


                        • #13

                          Vezi ca probabil pe siteu de unde ai testu tre sa fie un articol de short stack strategy. La alea nu sunt 100%, ca nu joc asa ceva decat in turnee, si unele (raise la cbet) depind de cat de short esti mai exact.
                          Postat în original de theonlythree
                          It's much more rewarding to crawl out of a hole with your bare hands than to use a jetpack.


                          • #14
                            Postat în original de kalv Vezi post

                            Vezi ca probabil pe siteu de unde ai testu tre sa fie un articol de short stack strategy. La alea nu sunt 100%, ca nu joc asa ceva decat in turnee, si unele (raise la cbet) depind de cat de short esti mai exact.
                            merci , sincer nu stiu cum sta treaba cu short stack nu prea ma pricep la poker sunt incepator in ce priveste jocul in sine
                            jesus it's watching you


                            • #15
                              cam tarziu.. dar oricum.. " better late then never"
                              short stack = exemplu sunt 5 jucatori la masa
                              adita -4000 chips
                              george- 3500 chips
                              mosneagu - 900 chips
                              gigi- 5000 chips
                              katmanx 600 chips

                              katmanx si mosneagu sunt short stack
                              adik au un stack mult mai mic in relatie cu media mesei
                              stack = gramada de jetoane care o ai in fata ta

