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Jucatori de Omaha...

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  • Jucatori de Omaha...


    Am initiat acest topic pentru ca noi toti cei ce jucam Omaha sa postam diverse Hand-history sau frinturi de ...
    E bine sa invatam din experienta altora....

    Apropo...daca citeste cumva junioru care joaca Omaha pe PS ca si mine e rugat sa ma contacteze la [email protected]

    Sa fiti fericiti!

  • #2
    Hai ca tot eu revin cu o mina "imtimplata" lui Daniel Negreanu si descrisa de el in Blogul de pe

    Text original:

    Ooh Baby!
    By Daniel Negreanu - Saturday, June 18th, 2005

    In the no limit Hold'em shootout today I wasn't the first one out. That's a step in the right direction! I ended up going broke when I moved in on the flop with an open ended straight draw.

    With just 1500 in chips to start with, so much of the play is straight forward. There seem to be so many new tournaments at the WSOP this year and strangely enough the buy ins for a majority of them are rather small.

    I was out before 2:00pm and Barry was the first one out at his table so we planned on resuming our pot limit Omaha match at 3:30pm. By about 3:45pm the following hand came down:

    I raised on the button to $6000 with J-4-5-8. Bary re-raised the pot to $18,000. Generally that's not a very good play heads up since position is so important. Of course if your hand is strong enough there is nothing wrong with it as long as you proceed cautiously on the flop.

    The flop came 6-7-9 rainbow and Barry bet $25,000 on the flop. I'd noticed that when Barry raised before the flop he would always fire another bullet on the flop.

    With the dummy end of the straight, I decided to play cautiously by just calling. The turn came the Jack of diamonds putting a back door flush possibility on the board. Barry checked and I decided to make a relatively weak bet of $40,000.

    Barry thought about it for a while and then finally decided to raised me another $170,000! Yikes, decision time for me. The night before I laid down the second nuts straight when facing a big bet, but this situation was different. For one, I didn't think Bary had 8-10 in his hand.

    I can't go into detail as to why just in case he reads this, but lets just say that I felt like he had a hand like 10-Q-K with a diamond draw.

    What made the decision even tougher was that I was absolutely dominating play in the smaller pots. If I lost this pot I'd be giving up the lead to Barry while folding would have us sitting close to even.

    Ultimately I went with my read, though, and raised Barry his last $108,000 for a pot of $722,000. The river came a beautiful 3 of spades and Barry shook his head in disbelief. I was on the board, down 2-1.

    Had I known how Barry was going to play in the PLO heads up match, I never would have played him in stud again. That was a stupid decision on my part and it cost me half a million. Oh well, live and learn.


    • #3
      A se observa cit de usor vorbeste Daniel despre "half a million"....


      • #4
        cu ce s-a castigat mana aia pana la urma ?
        Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.
        Luam o pauza, stay tuned, maybe will be continued .... ignore the schizo ...


        • #5
          interesant este ca mama lui Daniel Negreanu...vobeste romana cursiv...iar el nu stie o boaba de romana...poate ar trebui sa punem posturi si despre alti toti sunt straini..poate o sa fie si un acolo..

