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  • #46
    Baza va fi volumul..dar am facut si o estimare a banilor pt ca 100k+ hands e un sample cat de cat relevant.Am observat chestia cu obiectivele pe bani.Mersi mult pt sfat !
    Volumul bate variatia !!


    • #47
      LE :

      Baza nu va fi volumul. F*ck this sh*t.. mi-au venit niste rezultate la analize si am limbrici. )) IDEAL pentru challenge-ul meu..Sper sa aflu in seara asta ce medicamente trebuie sa iau. Pana atunci sper sa nu le fie foame astora..Ma gandeam sa imi iau un animal de companie..Uite ca am rezolvat problema ! FMM!
      Volumul bate variatia !!


      • #48
        Esti hilar omule ))...btw cel mai bun obiectiv consider a fi nr de ore jucate pe saptmana.


        • #49
          Mersi, pe asta o sa ma axez. e cel mai relevant(daca pot sa joc mai mereu A-game si sa nu rulez infect ) .
          Nu e complicat cu viermii aia..multa lume are si nici nu ii trateaza pt ca nu stie de ei.Se gasesc la greu oua de limbrici si alte oratanii in apa de la robinet, asa ca aveti grija.Incercati sa nu beti apa de la robinet.Cica mai sunt in lapte(de aici aproape sigur am luat si eu) , am citit pe net ca 60% din vacile din America au paraziti, nu vad de ce la noi ar fi altceva.

          Voi sunteti constienti ca sunt oameni care au in ei viermi de 30-40 cm si nu fac nimic in privinta asta ? WTF.. sunt in mare parte asimptomatici pentru noi, insa cred ca-ti tin de cald.. si sunt mai mult decat scarbosi. Mie mi-au provocat o usoara anemie,atat.Daca nu mergeam la doctor ajungeau sa aiba nepoti micutzele mele animale..
          Volumul bate variatia !!


          • #50
            Fuck, mereu beau apa de la robinet si cam 1l de lapte pe zii...oh well, si asa am vrut ceva pet


            • #51
              ) Sunt usor de tratat..naspa e daca ii lasi sa se faca multi, ca se hranesc cu substantele nutritive pe care le mananci..Macar un pet mananca ce ii dai tu, nu iti ia ce ai mai bun. )
              Volumul bate variatia !!


              • #52
                Volum mai slab decat ma asteptam in ultimele zile, insa am mai lucrat la calitatea jocului.Maine seara o imi planific ce voi face la inceputul anului viitor annnnd it's gonna be great ! Asa ca maine seara postez ce intentionez sa fac si fac niste calcule.

                Baftalos !!
                Volumul bate variatia !!


                • #53
                  Ok, am incercat cateva zile 6max, dar nu ma pot acomoda acolo..Pe sampleul pe care l-am jucat am avut wr 2 si ceva, la cate mese joc eu ar trebui sa fie ok, insa nu ma simt in largul meu in multe spoturi.Nu imi permit sa stau doua-trei luni sa invat jocul pt ca vreau sa trag la supernova..E o varianta ff buna 6max, dar pana acum am jucat fr si stapanesc jocul altfel.Incepe maine la Stars saptamana zoom , in care poti castiga 50 bb in fiecare zi daca ai A A si castigi mana.M-am documentat ieri mai toata ziua despre zoom , sa mai vad niste patternuri din joc si am gasit destule chestii pe care nu le stiam.Am facut si niste calcule si e relativ profitabil sa joc asa, chiar daca ultima data cand am jucat am avut un streak de 70-80k hands B/E .Planuiesc sa fac asa: pana la finalul anului o sa joc 6 mese simultan, (3xNL5 + 3xNL10) si cel mai probabil voi juca asa si in luna ianuarie ca sa imi fac un joc solid si database la nl10 .Spre finalul lunii ianuarie o sa dau shot la NL25..voi scadea cateva zile volumul pt ca e important sa pot gandi fiecare spot atunci cand cresc o miza.Daca reusesc sa ma stabilesc la 3xNL10 + 3xNL25 va fi NUTS , pt ca daca bag un volum sustinut am perspective pentru supernova.La 4 mese jucam 1500hands/ora , deci la 6 ar trebui teoretic sa joc 2250 .La calcule o sa pun 2000 de maini pe ora totusi.

                  La mom actual Winrate 1 inseamna 75$/100k hands dar eu sper la mai mult ( 2 e ok imo, 3 e realizabil fara downswinguri mari).

                  Daca o sa fiu castigator la finalul lui ian. , adica trec la miza urmatoare, wr 1 inseamna 175$/100k hands.Daca muncesc suficient sa zicem ca pot sa am (momentan e departe chestia asta) WR 2 la combo-ul 10nl+25nl la mize.Asta inseamna 350$/100k hands .Fiindca joc cam 150 de ore pe luna (20 zile x 7.5 ore = ff realizabil ) o sa joc deci 2000(h/ora) x 150 , adica 300k hands/luna .Nu am jucat niciodata atatea maini..dar nu am jucat niciodata 6 mese zoom.La cat mass-multitabling am bagat ultimele saptamani, ma descurc ok si cu 6 mese.
                  Si in final, daca ma tin de treaba si realizez tot ce mi-am propus o sa am asa : 300k hands/luna = 525$ din joc + 200-250 din RB .Ceea ce la fel este NUTS.

                  E ff departe treaba asta, volumul pare IREAL insa e realizabil.Momentan, orice WR pozitiv este ok , daca e decent , termin si eu anul cu BR peste 1.000$ si incep 2015 cu alt moral.O sa postez mai jos niste tips-uri pentru zoom FR luate dintr-un post pe alt forum pe care l-am gasit pe goagal . Poate intereseaza pe cineva, sau vrea sa se apuce de FR zoom. Mi se pare NUTS, sincer.


                  This guide is meant for any player who wishes to grind up a mini-roll of $60 to a $750+ on Poker Stars through Full Ring Zoom Poker. For whom-so-ever may be interested. Use it, don't use it ..... Smile

                  Deposit $60 into Poker Stars
                  2-4 table 2nl Zoom, depending on your multi-tabling skill.
                  Pre-flop Strategy:


                  UTG, UTG+1: Open AK; AQs; AJs; 99-AA.
                  MP1, MP2, Mp3: Open AK; AQ; AJ; KQ: 66-AA.
                  CO: Open A9-AK; KT-KQ; A2s-ATs; 67s-KJs; 22-AA
                  Bu: Open A2-AK; QT-KQ; 56s-KJs; 22-AA


                  Tight/Reg open range = 0-13% (Over All)
                  Loose Open range > 13% (Over All)

                  Position of Open_________Stack Size________Vs.________________3-Bet Range

                  UTG & UTG+1___________100bb+__________Tight open range____QQ- AA (Cold call AK/ Consider QQ)
                  _______________________________________Loose open range___JJ– AA; AQ; AK
                  UTG & UTG+1___________<75bb___________Tight open range____KK - AA (Cold call AK/QQ)
                  _______________________________________Loose open range___QQ - AA; AQs; AK

                  MP 1-MP3______________100bb+___________Tight open range___99 - AA; AQs; AK
                  _______________________________________Loose open range___99 - AA; AJ; AQ; AK;
                  MP1-MP3_______________<75bb___________Tight open range____JJ - AA; AQs; AK
                  _______________________________________Loose open range ___JJ - AA; AQs; AK

                  CO; Bu________________100bb+___________Tight open range____22 - AA; A9s; AT- AK
                  _______________________________________Loose open range___22 - AA; A9s; AT- AK
                  CO;Bu________________<75bb____________Tight open range____JJ- AA; AQ; AK
                  _______________________________________Loose open range 88 - AA; AQs; AK

                  Notes on 3-Betting

                  22-99/AT/AJ is your default 3-bet semi-bluff range vs. CO and Button steals. The reason 22-88/99/TT works is:
                  - You get a fair amount of folds
                  - Players play very straight forward in Zoom Poker 3-bet pots, often checking down AK/AQ/AJ and you still win the pot with 22-TT....unreal...but true.
                  - Although players are straight-forward in 3-bet pots, they are generally very reluctant to fold top pair and over-pairs, so you very often get stacks in when you bink a set.
                  - It creates a dynamic when you do get your set in, and opponents notice you are 3-betting 22-88. They start 4-betting you light, which is great as it allows you to get in AA vs them easier. This is relevant in zoom poker, as you face the same opponents more often than in any other format, so if you play decent volume, this is actually very significant.

                  Squeezing 22-JJ from button: This works very well when UTG open is loose-ish with open range of 13%+ (Over All). Even better if open is coming from MP. It works because:
                  - You get a fair amount of folds
                  - Players are straight forward as above and you have position
                  - Players sometimes are bad in 3-bet pots as above
                  - It creates a dynamic which increases the value of your AA/KK and AK

                  Cold calling range in the blinds

                  Be tight here. You will soon learn that trying to be too clever in the blinds really sucks in Zoom. You should actually VERY seldom cold call. The only exceptions as AQ and AJ on occasion only! TT-JJ just has way too much value to cold call OOP. You are almost always better off 3-betting them vs steals for the reasons listed above under “Notes on 3-betting”. You MIGHT consider cold calling AQ/AJ when you have a very good read on villain steal and 3-bet calling range. When you are very certain that AQ/AJ is comfortably ahead of his steal range (Which is almost always the case) but also that you will fold out all you beat if you 3-bet, which is only sometimes the case.

                  Note on KK pre-flop.

                  Realise that Zoom/Rush poker is high volume poker, the “long run” happens a lot quicker. Generally, 4 betting KK is a mistake. You fold out all you beat a very, very large percentage of the time. When players 5-bet, you will see AA 90%+ of the me....after 350k hands of zoom, I can tell you this for a certainty. There are exceptions off course, like some spots in the blinds or vs. Certain players in the blinds, and vs. Maniacs etc. But as a default, don’t 4-bet KK.

                  Notes on Post-flop play.

                  - Focus mainly on straight-forward poker making as few bad mistakes as possible.
                  - You should very, very seldom stack off with medium strength hands like TPTK and over-pairs, and even sets on scary boards. Your default in these cases is to try to get to the river using pot control. You will not be finding a lot of horribly bad players (like you did in “piggies” days) on Zoom. Vast majority are at least competent to some degree.
                  - Simple rule-of-thumb, is to build bigger pots with very strong hands, medium sized pots with medium strength hands, and small pots with low-strength hands. Very simple, but very important!
                  - When players cold call in Zoom, they have small to medium pocket pairs a very large percentage of the time. When a nit open limps, and then cold calls you raise OOP, he is basically turning his range face-up as 22-TT. The top of his rage will vary a bit, even QQ/KK sometimes, but basically he is telling you he has some small to medium pair, and he hopes to set-mine you OOP. If you stick you your strategy of pot-control, his strategy will not be profitable vs. you. And you stack him sometimes when you nail him set/set, or win medium sized pots when he can’t find the discipline to fold 77-99 to your value bets. So don’t YOU fall into this trap! Don’t try to set-mine OOP unless you get really great odds!
                  - On the odd occasion you WILL run into a maniac or just a very bad fish. You need to pounce hard on these opportunities when you hold the top of your range, as they represent a momentary big edge for you in a game where win-rates are not huge.

                  Stats (advised, not cast in stone)

                  VPIP: 9% to 14%
                  PFR: 7%-13%:
                  3-bet%: 4%-6%

                  Notes on meta-game

                  Discipline. You are going to need lots of it. Be ready to lay down those TPTK/over-pair hands when opponent’s raise your flop/turn/river bets. They will seldom be good. And you are going to be folding them roughly 1/4 to 1/5 of the time in HU pots you want to beat zoom poker. In multi-way pots, even more caution will be required.
                  Coolers are going to happen to you a LOT in Zoom poker. If you follow my strategy you will be at the “good” end of them a bit more often, but be sure that there will be runs of a couple of thousand hands where you will be at the “bad” end of them continuously. So you need to be able to shrug those off. If you can’t, zoom poker is not for you. Win-rates are generally small in zoom. Any positive win-rate means you are beating the rake, and that means you are doing a few things right. Only a super-star will beat zoom for more than 4bb/100. My observations are based on a sample of about 350k hands. I made some pretty bad mistakes for the first 100k hands, and improved quite a lot over the last 100k hands, and I am around 1bb/100 in the green over the full 350k hands. I would say a sustainable win rate of around 2-3bb/ is doable and should be regarded as good and very satisfactory. A large portion of your profit in Zoom is going to be from bonuses and awards.
                  Although this will seem like a very hard grind for little profit to many, keep in mind that if you are a good multi-tabler you could potentially play 2 stakes of zoom at the same time. So putting in the big volumes is not nearly as hard as it used to be on regular tables. Some will criticize this way as brain-dead auto-bot poker. I assure you it is not. My hand-reading skills have improved a hell of a lot over the last 350k hands. Yes, a lot of it is default-poker, but you face countless situations where you need to think carefully, and you learn from the results.

                  Bank Roll Management

                  I find 30 buy-ins satisfactory for 2nl-10nl. I have stabbed at 25nl, and I find it similar.

                  Spending FPP’s

                  From 2nl-25nl, I advise hoarding your FPP’s and play sng's with them.

                  This will get you a lot more $ for you FPP’s than simply purchasing the VIP cash bonuses. This works well at 2nl-25nl. From 50nl and up, the time spent playing these satelites becomes an issue.

                  The above is not for any other purpose than to build a 2-digit Bankroll on Poker Stars to a 3/4-digit roll relatively safely and easily.

                  - Is the above strategy exploitable? Yes.
                  - Is it necessarily the most +ev strategy? No.
                  - Will it work if you stick to it? Yes.


                  Cam asta e, o sa fac update cam la 100k hands. See you !
                  Last edited by LUCKLUCK; 14.12.2014, 12:21.
                  Volumul bate variatia !!


                  • #54
                    OK, m-am uitat la HM si m-am convins ca joc min. 2000 de maini pe ora. Ceea ce e tare ! La treaba acum!!


                    Volumul bate variatia !!


                    • #55
                      am citit pe sarite ce ai pus in engleza, in general sunt chestii de bun simt chiar dupa 350k de maini ( adica o luna de jucat zoom) dar faza cu 30 de buy-ins poate merge la 2NL, dar mai sus trebuie neaparat mult mai multe, asta in caz ca mai citeste cineva si zice ca uite mai ca am nevoie de putini bani , ca sa nu se mire dupa aia cand la un reload iti apare butonul de deposit more money.

                      Disciplina in general si disciplina in bankroll management sunt fundamentale. Nu e vorba doar ca poti pierde $50-$100 pe care-i poti depune iar saptamana viitoare, pokerul are o componenta psihologica foarte importanta si chiar si la un al doilea depozit ti se schimba atitudinea in joc si de obicei nu in bine, ca doar nu suntem roboti. Zic asta ca se poate ajunge rapid de la 1-2 depozite la 10+ si imprumutat de bani etc. Joci responsabil si gandesti putin inainte de apasat butoanele, daca vrei sa faci bani.

                      Parerea mea e ca zoom-ul e nociv la inceput de drum(merge bine de la 100NL in sus), se inradacineaza multe practici foarte adanc, greu de dezvatat in caz ca sunt gresite(si ca incepator multe sunt gresite). La mize mici nu trebuie doar sa faci bani cat mai repede, mai trebuie si sa inveti jocul suficient de bine cat sa te poti descurca la mizele urmatoare mai mari. Tu zici ca ai ceva experienta dar altii poate nu au.

                      mai scriu si eu pe aici seara dupa un vin fiert, dar tu ai decis sa documentezi un inceput de drum si mai zic si eu sper cate ceva ce ar putea ajuta in vreun fel si pe altii la inceput de pokerist.

                      spor la treaba
                      Last edited by AndreiL; 15.12.2014, 03:28.


                      • #56
                        +1 , la inceput evident ca e cam greu cu zoom-ul..Trebuie acolo putina experienta, nu f multa - insa trebuie.Eu ca sa fiu safe joc cu 80-100 BI , e cam prea safe dar e optiunea mea.Asa nu trebuie sa ma gandesc la bani.Oricum, daca playerul are ceva experienta in poker si respecta ce scrie acolo o sa bata primele 2,3 mize fara prea mari batai de cap, asta daca si componenta psihologica il ajuta si respecta BRM .

                        Volumul bate variatia !!


                        • #57
                          Am inceput ziua asta bine , cu o cana mare de acum imi tremura genunchii sub birou.. ) Dar, am chef de joc.E bine !

                          2 maini CUL !

                          #1 - Adapteaza-te la zoom !

                          Poker Stars, $0.05/$0.10 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 9 Players
                          Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.

                          SB: $11.83 (118.3 bb)
                          BB: $11.52 (115.2 bb)
                          UTG+1: $10.90 (109 bb)
                          Hero (UTG+2): $17.30 (173 bb)
                          MP1: $5.28 (52.8 bb)
                          MP2: $26.19 (261.9 bb)
                          MP3: $22.48 (224.8 bb)
                          CO: $13.07 (130.7 bb)
                          BTN: $13.70 (137 bb)

                          Preflop: Hero is UTG+2 with J J
                          UTG+1 folds, Hero raises to $0.30, 4 folds, BTN calls $0.30, SB folds, BB calls $0.20

                          Flop: ($0.95) Q J 3 (3 players)
                          BB checks, Hero bets $0.67, BTN raises to $1.34, BB folds, Hero raises to $3.10, BTN calls $1.76

                          Turn: ($7.15) 4 (2 players)
                          Hero bets $4.80, BTN calls $4.80

                          River: ($16.75) 8 (2 players)
                          Hero bets $9.10, BTN calls $5.50 and is all-in

                          $27.75 pot ($1.25 rake)
                          Final Board: Q J 3 4 8
                          Hero showed J J and won $26.50 ($12.80 net)
                          BTN showed Q A and lost (-$13.70 net)

                          #2 - Easy fold, juca 8 mese ZOOM..adica e mai nebun decat mine.Avea 3bet 1 si ceva, deci villain e nit baban.Ori are KK, ori AA .Am mizat si eu ca nu are KK din motive evidente.. so---> easy fold aici !

                          Poker Stars, $0.02/$0.05 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 9 Players
                          Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.

                          SB: $4.89 (97.8 bb)
                          Hero (BB): $5.16 (103.2 bb)
                          UTG+1: $5.21 (104.2 bb)
                          UTG+2: $8.10 (162 bb)
                          MP1: $14.43 (288.6 bb)
                          MP2: $5.63 (112.6 bb)
                          MP3: $2.26 (45.2 bb)
                          CO: $5.07 (101.4 bb)
                          BTN: $1 (20 bb)

                          Preflop: Hero is BB with K K
                          2 folds, MP1 raises to $0.14, MP2 calls $0.14, 4 folds, Hero raises to $0.65, MP1 raises to $1.81, 2 folds

                          $1.46 pot
                          MP1 mucked and won $1.46 ($0.81 net)

                          Am inteles acum combinatia cu jocul de zoom..Edge-urile sunt mici, astfel ca majoritatea sesiunilor nu le termini cu bani ff multi pe + sau pe - , decat daca e o exceptie.Dar daca lina profitului merge in sus incet si sigur, e NUTS !

                          Spor la joc tuturor !
                          Volumul bate variatia !!


                          • #58
                            Am inceput ziua bine si o termin la fel de bine, din fericire.

                            Poker Stars, $0.05/$0.10 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 9 Players
                            Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.

                            SB: $40.29 (402.9 bb)
                            BB: $8.88 (88.8 bb)
                            UTG+1: $16.64 (166.4 bb)
                            UTG+2: $19.06 (190.6 bb)
                            MP1: $24.17 (241.7 bb)
                            Hero (MP2): $13.45 (134.5 bb)
                            MP3: $11.63 (116.3 bb)
                            CO: $7.05 (70.5 bb)
                            BTN: $10.93 (109.3 bb)

                            Preflop: Hero is MP2 with A A
                            2 folds, MP1 calls $0.10, Hero raises to $0.30, MP3 folds, CO raises to $0.50, 3 folds, MP1 calls $0.40, Hero raises to $0.70, CO calls $0.20, MP1 calls $0.20

                            Flop: ($2.25) 5 3 9 (3 players)
                            MP1 bets $23.47, Hero calls $12.75 and is all-in, CO calls $6.35 and is all-in

                            Turn: ($34.10) 9 (3 players, 2 are all-in)
                            River: ($34.10) 7 (3 players, 2 are all-in)

                            $34.10 pot ($1.50 rake)
                            Final Board: 5 3 9 9 7
                            MP1 showed K J and won $0.00 (-$13.45 net)
                            Hero showed A A and won $32.60 ($19.15 net)
                            CO showed T T and lost (-$7.05 net)

                            Tot jucam pt promotia cu A A ..Preflop puteam sa dau 1$ , 1,20$ dar altceva nu aveam ce face.Am mai avut mana asta de 2 ori azi si in ambele cazuri am dat min-raise si au foldat preflop.Si ca sa se considere pt promotie trebuie sa se vada flopul..Faza tare e ca daca pierdeam potul asta..degeaba riscam stackul pt 50 BB din promotie )) Noroc ca a fost bine..Observ ca seara sunt (din pacate) poturi mai mari la zoom.Am observat si mai multi jucatori recreationali la mese..Zic din pacate pt ca mi-am propus sa am un program mai ok de somn..dar daca fishii sunt dupa 11 noaptea o sa incerc sa mai stau noptile sa vad ce si cum.Nu stiu exact cate maini am jucat azi(oricum peste 11.000 ) pt ca aveam ora la hm dereglata.Acum am reglat-o si de maine pot sa "contorizez" .

                            Bafta tuturor !
                            Last edited by LUCKLUCK; 16.12.2014, 02:12.
                            Volumul bate variatia !!


                            • #59
                              Promotia este doar pt doi asi rosii din ce stiu eu!


                              • #60
                                pai da, aia pe care i-am avut la mana respectiva, romb si inima rosie Azi deocamdata nu am prins decat la 5nl mana si am dat share cu boom.Insa am facut niste calcule si la 10k hands trebuie sa am combo-ul acesta cam de ~3-4 ori la nl10 , deci macar o data trebuie sa il prind la 10 in fiecare zi a promotiei.Nu e mare lucru, dar 35$ more dollarzzz la roll sunt bineveniti.
                                Volumul bate variatia !!

