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Gamecalc gratis pentru deponentii noi de la Titan

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  • Gamecalc gratis pentru deponentii noi de la Titan

    Toti jucatorii noi care depun la Titan Poker prin link-ul nostru vor primi gratuit programul GameCalc.

    # Convenient "Drag and Drop" feature that quickly attaches Gamecalc to your playing table
    # All positions, folds, and cards are read automat-ically, letting you fully concentrate on the game.
    # Absolutely no input is required during play. Gamecalc watches the play and constantly has the correct odds displayed.
    # Gamecalc's "Fold Depth" feature makes probability predictions of what a poker player may have held in their hand before folding.
    # Gamecalc can be adjusted to each player's own style of play (tight, aggressive, etc.)
    # Gamecalc suggests how to play your Texas Holdem hand, given the playing probabilities of you vs. your opponents.
    # Spyware Free!

    Gamecalc merge pe urmatoarele siteuri: Titan, , U.Bet, 888Pacific +reteaua Prima
    Il puteti testa gratuit pentru 21 de zile (
    Gamecalc costa 149$. Voi il puteti lua gratis cu aceasta oferta.

    Link TITAN:
    Bonus code: ROHOLDEM (100% up to 500$)
    Titan Poker <
    De pe 12.02.2007 se revine la decizia de a se accepta conturi pe fiecare site din aceasta retea.

  • #2
    Suna bine, da...tzinand cont ca eu am deja cont si am depus la betfred...pot sa beneficiez de oferta? sa depun aici si sa iau asta? si cat e minim de depus?
    si tre sa fac rake ceva? Gaseste-i perechea!!!


    • #3
      eu m-am inreg acum o sa sapt la titan, si nu a zis nimic de asta. si am depus si 200 usd.
      zi-mi si mie cum sa il luam daca deja avem cont.
      Tomorrow is a fantasy


      • #4
        Oferta e doar pentru jucatorii care isi fac cont de acum incolo si depun. In 2 zile maxim vor primi pe mail invitatia de a downloada versiunea FULL a programului GameCalc.
        Lyncks si CQBad va rog sa imi dati pe privat contul vostru de la Titan (TT#) si o sa vad ce pot sa fac; nu promit nimic. Ah, CQBad da-mi-l doar daca alegi sa depui.

        CQBad... nu e nevoie de rake, doar de depozit facut pe cont facut prin link-ul nostru. Depozitul minim este 20$.


        • #5
          Gamecalc isn't magic, it's just applied mathematics. Like most games of chance, poker can be mathematically analyzed – different potential outcomes can be studied and analyzed, and their chances of winning calculated.

          Basically, Gamecalc calculates the probabilities of various winning hands that you can get. It also calculates the amount of money in the pot, and compares it to the amount that you are being asked to bet. It even estimates the likely total amount in the pot at the end of the hand, the total bets you will have to make, and the likely hands that you might achieve. All of this is calculated, compared, and a betting recommendation is made -- “To bet, or not to bet. That is the question.”

          Different Kinds of Probability

          Let's take a moment to look at the different probabilities mentioned above, and then explain how they work in a simple way:

          Hand Odds:

          This is the probability of making a single hand in poker. For example, if you had four spades and were waiting for a fifth spade to make a flush, the odds would be about 5 to 1 against you. Those are your “hand odds.” This means that you should succeed about once in every 5 hands. Of course, probabilities cannot predict what will happen in any specific hand – just your chances of success in the long run.

          Pot Odds

          Pot odds takes the amount of money in the pot, then divides it by the bet (or bets, if there's a raise) you have to make to stay in. If there is $40 in the pot and the bet is $4 to you, then the pot odds are 10 to 1.

          Implied Pot Odds

          Implied pot odds are just an extension of the idea of pot odds. Instead of calculating the odds of this bet (10 to 1 in the example above), the calculation looks at this bet plus all future bets that are expected against you by the end of the hand. Implied pot odds are much more relevant in making poker decisions, since the only way to win is to stay in until the end of the hand.


          One of the most important assumptions in these calculations is that the hand you are seeking will really be the winner of the pot. If it turns out that your highly-predicted full house is successful, these odds don't include the possibility that your opponent(s) have four of a kind, or even a (royal) straight flush. If that happens, it's called “drawing dead”.

          Others – Reverse Implied Odds, Redraws

          There are other, more complex types of poker odds. Reverse implied odds, for example, adjusts the odds against drawing dead (shown in the paragraph above). However, they go far beyond our need here and require 3 PhD's to understand. All we have to know is that Gamecalc uses advanced mathematical techniques to calculate your odds, and then give you winning advice.


          First, a real-life example: If a raffle prize was $1,000,000 and the price of a ticket was $10, would you buy one? (Hint: don't answer yet.) What? You don't know how many tickets there are? OK, we'll try 2 different situations:

          * We print 1,000,000 tickets for $10 each. BAD BET!! The value of a raffle ticket is the Prize divided by the Number of Tickets = $1,000,000 divided by 1,000,000. That's right – the break-even price here is $1.00 – the raffle is charging too much!! (And they're making a $9,000,000 profit, too.)
          * We print 100,000 tickets. Here the value of a ticket is $10, and the price is $10 – so it's a reasonable purchase. If the price is anything under $10, that's all to your benefit.

          A poker example: You have four spades going to the River. That means that there are 9 cards out that could give you a flush (they are called “outs” for that reason). The probability of making the flush is about 19%, or approximately 5 to 1 odds against. Now comes the important part: the pot odds are 10 to 1 – there is $40 in the pot, and the bet to you is $4. Make that bet!! The pot odds are greater than the hand odds – and that's the purpose of this whole discussion.

          Now include the implied pot odds, estimating all betting through the end of the hand. Let's say that the implied pot odds are 7 to 1 against you, and the hand odds are still 5 to 1 against, and – very, very important – there is no hand in an opponent's hand that can beat your flush if you make it. Then the odds say, Make that Bet!!

          Of course, the odds don't always say to make the bet. In fact, they will very often tell you to fold. It's the smart player who watches the odds, and listens to their message.


          • #6
            legal ?

            E legal ?

            Daca il folosesc sper ca nu-mi inchid astia contul!


            • #7
              E legal. Nu trisezi cu absolut nimic folosindu-l.


              • #8

                Cate conturi pot sa am in reteaua asta cu betfred, cd, titan ?

                Deja am pe betfred si cdpoker.


                • #9
                  Din pacate doar unul.


                  • #10
                    am luat varianta free ,am atasat programu la masa dar nu imi arata odds si asta ,nu merge decat in manula mode si trebuie cumparat full sau care e treaba?
                    Sarbatori fericite


                    • #11
                      ai bani incont? adica nu cred ca merge la playmoney.
                      alta chestie: e pe unul din siteurile suportate?
                      last: vezi poate trebuie configurat cumva... vezi pe siteul oficial. Eu nu am bani pe vreun site din lista celor suportate.


                      • #12
                        Cum sa nu mearga la playmoney din moment ce in poza pe care ai atasato e un exemplu de la playmoney !!


                        • #13
                          eu am inteles ca varianta free merge DOAR la PlayMoney!
                          Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.
                          Luam o pauza, stay tuned, maybe will be continued .... ignore the schizo ...


                          • #14
                            Am intrat la ring ,real money , varianta DEMO nu a mers,o sa incerc sa ma mai uit sa vd care e treaba cu el
                            Sarbatori fericite


                            • #15
                              Pai si ce te opreste sa faci un cont la titan pe numele lui Lori?

