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Jennifear MTT push/fold chart

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  • Jennifear MTT push/fold chart

    Ce pareri aveti despre chartul facut de jennifear. Are la baza tipul de chart "Nash" care presupune ca oponentii joaca perfect impotriva range-urilor fiecaruia si cu numar egal de blindu-uri. Aici urmeaza sa ne adaptam la dinamica mesei fiecaruia, dar ma gandesc ca este bun de avut ca si baza, linii generale.

    Am pus un Q and A atasat, care sa explice totul in ce priveste graficul; l-am gasit in engleza.


    Q: How did you obtain the ranges on this chart?
    A: Using an ICM calculator, I entered values into the computer. When shoving less than 10BB, I assumed that all the other stacks were 10BB. When shoving 10+BB, I assumed that all stacks were equal to mine. Each box assumes perfect calling by your opponents. It's meant to be a Nash Equilibrium pushing chart in that sense.

    Q: What does the percentage by each hand range represent?
    A: It represents the % of total hands that you are shoving. If the square says 30%, that doesn't necessarily mean the top 30%, but rather the 30% that fares best against perfect calling ranges.

    Q: Why do some squares include A9s and A5s, but not A8s? Isn't A8s stronger than A5s?
    A: While A8s is stronger head to head than A5s, the hands that are included in the shoving ranges are the ones that fare best against the expected calling ranges. As an example, A5s would fare better against a calling range of {99+, AQ+} than A8s would.

    Q: Why are the differences between 4BB shove ranges, 5BB shove ranges and 6BB shove ranges so minute?
    A: 5BB, and 6BB with the larger antes is the approximate line between having some fold equity and having no fold equity. This causes the differences between the two ranges to be minimal at times.

    Q: Why, sometimes, can you shove a wider range from an earlier position?
    A: On rare occasions, having one less hand left to live before the BB hits supercedes the problem of shoving into one more player.

    Q: Why does your chart go up to 20BB? Isn't it silly to shove 20BB?
    A: Most of the time it is. This chart compares push vs. fold only, and you will find sometimes that raising with intent to call, or raising with intent to fold is a better option. Many times, raising with intent to fold is not an option with 12-20 BB because you have active players behind you that are willing to resteal. In those cases, which are becoming more prevalent in today's game, push/fold is often the answer.

    Q: With 12-20BB, when should I raise with intent to fold as opposed to pushing, and vice versa?
    A: This is wholly dependent upon your opponents. If your opponents are tight and only reraising with the goods, then a raise/fold is often the best option. Also, a large shove will often be construed as very strong, and will sometimes only be called by tight ranges.

    Q: How should you adjust your play if the BB is extremely short?
    A: Tighten up, especially from the early positions. These shove ranges combine a mix of hand strength and fold equity. When the BB is very short, you don't have much fold equity, so you are best off relying on hand strength.

    Q: What do the colors on the chart represent?
    A: Some people prefer to work with "M" rather than a number of BBs. For those players, I used colors that correspond to Harrington's "M-zones". Gray is for his "Dead Zone", Red for his Red zone, Orange for his Orange Zone, and Yellow for his Yellow Zone.

    Q: What is
    A: It's a training site run by me, Jennifear. I coach private SNG/MTT lessons, and what you are reading now is a shameless plug for my site!

    Q: This chart assumes that people are calling perfectly. What adjustments might I make against inexperienced players?
    "A: Typically, inexperienced players call too seldom against late position raises, and too often against early position raises. I suggest you adjust to this by widening
    your actual ranges from the SB and button, and narrowing them from early position."

    Q: Should I shove wider than the chart suggests in early position, to protect my fold equity?
    A: Sometimes, yes. Especially if the blinds are about to go up soon. This chart assumes that the blinds are fixed.

    Q: What do you mean by 10%, 12.5% antes, and 20% antes? Why did you choose these figures?
    A: The percentage is based on the ante compared to the BB. For instance, 150-300 with 30 antes is 10% antes. 200-400 with 50 antes is 12.5%. 50-100 with 20 antes is 20%. 10% and 12.5% are the ante percentages most common in MTTs. If you run into a figure between 0 and 10%, or between 10 and 12.5%, you can compare the two charts and pick a range in the middle, and probably be pretty darn close. The 20% antes are particularly for hyper-turbo tournaments with very high antes.

    Q: How would you recommend getting the most value from these charts?
    A: When you print it and use it for general reference, you will get the most value out of it. Repeated use of the chart will give you an idea of what ranges are appropriate to push, and you will learn over time. To learn faster, take the time to memorize a few key ranges. Pay special attention to the under 10BB part of the chart as it's used more frequently. Also take note of how the antes affect your ranges.

    Q: Is it sometimes in your best interest to shove wider than the chart suggests in EP with just a few BBs left, in order to avoid being hit by the BB? How about if the blinds are about to go up?
    A: Yes, sometimes. With 4-9 BB you'll have a few problems. One is that it's likely that your opponents will call you wider than they should, another is that the BB is about to hit you, another is whether the blinds are about to rise, and another is that your fold equity is diminishing. You'll have to consider those problems, and come up with a solution based on what the table conditions are.

    Q: Are these charts a recommendation of what to shove?
    A: No. This tells you what you can shove to win chips, if your opponents call perfectly, and push/fold are the only options. When choosing what to shove, you should use this chart as a starting point, then factor in the intangibles, such as opponents calling too often/not enough, when the blinds are going up, how much you need to protect your fold equity, etc.

    Q: Should you shove differently at a full table than a short-handed table?
    A: This is a tough question that has many variables. With antes, you have to consider that there is less in the pot at a shorthanded table, so you would want to shove a tighter range. You may elect to shove a wider range UTG at a 6-handed table than UTG+3 at a 9-handed table because the appearance of being UTG rather than MP might make your opponents call tighter, plus at the nine-handed table, three opponents have folded presumably bad cards, so there's more likelihood your opponent would have an ace.

    Q: I have a suggestion to make this a better chart, or a question that you didn't answer in the FAQ. How do I contact you?
    A: Feel free to contact me at and type "pushing chart suggestion" or "pushing chart question" in the subject line so I know what it's about. Any and all suggestions would be much appreciated. Thank you.

    Q: Is this chart effective for six-max games?
    A: Yes. You should be aware that you might need to open up a bit with 5-10BB to preserve fold equity. Also know that the total pot is smaller with antes. For instance 200/400/50 9-handed yields a bigger pot than 6-handed, so you may elect to shove slightly tighter when your fold equity is not in jeopardy.