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                    • Oricum, de pe siteul cdpoker

                      redit Card Deposit Guide
                      Minimum single deposit: $20.
                      Maximum single deposit for Visa Credit Cards: $1,000.

                      Maximum single deposit for unconfirmed MasterCard Credit Cards: $600 or six deposits.

                      Important information!

                      * Please note that:
                      Your Credit Card charges will appear as IFUND-INTERPAY

                      CVV2 Number:
                      The CVV2 Number refers to the last three digits on the back of your credit card. This number is used for security purposes only.

                      [CCV 2 Number]

                      How do I make a Credit Card deposit into my account?:

                      You must register your Credit Card prior to depositing money.
                      You will be prompted to enter your personal details for registration with the secure CDPoker server.

                      Registering a New Credit Card:

                      The "Register New Card" dialog requires that you fill in the following information:

                      1. Credit Card number: The number of the Credit Card you wish to register.

                      2. Credit Card owner's first name: The first name of the Credit Card owner.

                      3. Credit Card owner's last name: The last name of the Credit Card owner.
                      4. Select the type of Credit Card you wish to register from a list of:
                      MasterCard, Visa, or Other.

                      5. Expiration month: Select the month your Credit Card expires.

                      6. Expiration year: Select the year your Credit Card expires.

                      7. Address: Your home mailing address.

                      8. City: The city where you live.

                      9. State: Your home state. (This field is optional).

                      10. Zip/Postal Code:Your zip or postal code.

                      11. Country: Your home country. Select from the list of countries.

                      12. Click "Enter" to complete your Credit Card registration.

                      Depositing with a New Credit Card:

                      The "Deposit via Credit Card" dialog requires that you fill in the following information:

                      1. Enter amount to deposit: The US dollar amount you wish to deposit into your account.
                      2. Enter your unique security code: (The security code assigned to you by CDPoker).
                      3. Credit Card: Select the Credit Card you wish to use to deposit money into your CDPoker account.

                      4. Click "Enter".

                      How do I increase my Credit Cards deposit limits?

                      If you wish to increase your deposit limits, you will be requested to send by fax to:

                      1-888-689-5438 (Toll-Free)
                      1-268-481-2315 (International)

                      Or to send by email to: [email protected]

                      Sincer, da-le un mail daca nu reusesti! o sa iti raspunda rpd
                      (mailul de mai sus si cc la [email protected])


                      • Oricum, de pe siteul cdpoker

                        redit Card Deposit Guide
                        Minimum single deposit: $20.
                        Maximum single deposit for Visa Credit Cards: $1,000.

                        Maximum single deposit for unconfirmed MasterCard Credit Cards: $600 or six deposits.

                        Important information!

                        * Please note that:
                        Your Credit Card charges will appear as IFUND-INTERPAY

                        CVV2 Number:
                        The CVV2 Number refers to the last three digits on the back of your credit card. This number is used for security purposes only.

                        [CCV 2 Number]

                        How do I make a Credit Card deposit into my account?:

                        You must register your Credit Card prior to depositing money.
                        You will be prompted to enter your personal details for registration with the secure CDPoker server.

                        Registering a New Credit Card:

                        The "Register New Card" dialog requires that you fill in the following information:

                        1. Credit Card number: The number of the Credit Card you wish to register.

                        2. Credit Card owner's first name: The first name of the Credit Card owner.

                        3. Credit Card owner's last name: The last name of the Credit Card owner.
                        4. Select the type of Credit Card you wish to register from a list of:
                        MasterCard, Visa, or Other.

                        5. Expiration month: Select the month your Credit Card expires.

                        6. Expiration year: Select the year your Credit Card expires.

                        7. Address: Your home mailing address.

                        8. City: The city where you live.

                        9. State: Your home state. (This field is optional).

                        10. Zip/Postal Code:Your zip or postal code.

                        11. Country: Your home country. Select from the list of countries.

                        12. Click "Enter" to complete your Credit Card registration.

                        Depositing with a New Credit Card:

                        The "Deposit via Credit Card" dialog requires that you fill in the following information:

                        1. Enter amount to deposit: The US dollar amount you wish to deposit into your account.
                        2. Enter your unique security code: (The security code assigned to you by CDPoker).
                        3. Credit Card: Select the Credit Card you wish to use to deposit money into your CDPoker account.

                        4. Click "Enter".

                        How do I increase my Credit Cards deposit limits?

                        If you wish to increase your deposit limits, you will be requested to send by fax to:

                        1-888-689-5438 (Toll-Free)
                        1-268-481-2315 (International)

                        Or to send by email to: [email protected]

                        Sincer, da-le un mail daca nu reusesti! o sa iti raspunda rpd
                        (mailul de mai sus si cc la [email protected])


                        • Oricum, de pe siteul cdpoker

                          redit Card Deposit Guide
                          Minimum single deposit: $20.
                          Maximum single deposit for Visa Credit Cards: $1,000.

                          Maximum single deposit for unconfirmed MasterCard Credit Cards: $600 or six deposits.

                          Important information!

                          * Please note that:
                          Your Credit Card charges will appear as IFUND-INTERPAY

                          CVV2 Number:
                          The CVV2 Number refers to the last three digits on the back of your credit card. This number is used for security purposes only.

                          [CCV 2 Number]

                          How do I make a Credit Card deposit into my account?:

                          You must register your Credit Card prior to depositing money.
                          You will be prompted to enter your personal details for registration with the secure CDPoker server.

                          Registering a New Credit Card:

                          The "Register New Card" dialog requires that you fill in the following information:

                          1. Credit Card number: The number of the Credit Card you wish to register.

                          2. Credit Card owner's first name: The first name of the Credit Card owner.

                          3. Credit Card owner's last name: The last name of the Credit Card owner.
                          4. Select the type of Credit Card you wish to register from a list of:
                          MasterCard, Visa, or Other.

                          5. Expiration month: Select the month your Credit Card expires.

                          6. Expiration year: Select the year your Credit Card expires.

                          7. Address: Your home mailing address.

                          8. City: The city where you live.

                          9. State: Your home state. (This field is optional).

                          10. Zip/Postal Code:Your zip or postal code.

                          11. Country: Your home country. Select from the list of countries.

                          12. Click "Enter" to complete your Credit Card registration.

                          Depositing with a New Credit Card:

                          The "Deposit via Credit Card" dialog requires that you fill in the following information:

                          1. Enter amount to deposit: The US dollar amount you wish to deposit into your account.
                          2. Enter your unique security code: (The security code assigned to you by CDPoker).
                          3. Credit Card: Select the Credit Card you wish to use to deposit money into your CDPoker account.

                          4. Click "Enter".

                          How do I increase my Credit Cards deposit limits?

                          If you wish to increase your deposit limits, you will be requested to send by fax to:

                          1-888-689-5438 (Toll-Free)
                          1-268-481-2315 (International)

                          Or to send by email to: [email protected]

                          Sincer, da-le un mail daca nu reusesti! o sa iti raspunda rpd
                          (mailul de mai sus si cc la [email protected])


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