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H.R. 4411 Bill To Ban Internet Gambling Passes The House Today

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  • #16
    scandinavii sunt chiar buni. (ma rog, evident nu toti).
    Un punct de vedere f interesant despre "legea" asta pe care l-am citit:

    It is true that the House passed a bill outlawing online gambling, allowing exceptions for state lotteries, horse racing, and indian gaming (which basically means any tribe in the US can run online gambling sites without being interfered with).

    However, it has just been sent to the Senate and the Senator in charge, Kyl, has hinted that he might propose a different bill, instead of leaving the House text alone. For the uninformed, this means that IF the Senate bill passes, which is still a big if, the House and Senate would have to conference to come up with one bill that appeases both chambers, before January 1, 2007.

    Given that there are 3 weeks left before August recess, and then a couple weeks in September for votes, and then campaigns gear up and no work gets done, and we can expect little work to get done during the lame duck session, this probably won't be a death blow to online gambling, because there is little chance they'll manage to complete all the steps before the new Congress is sworn in. FYI, Congress has tried to deal with this in both of the last two sessions of Congress and failed both times.


    • #17
      Hai sa facem putina lumina asupa procesului legislativ in USA.

      In sistemul bicameral american, Camera Reprezentantilor are mandat doar de 2 ani,cu alegeri in toamna asta, spre deosebire de Senat care are mandat de 6 ani.
      Reprezentantii au votat tampenia asta de bill. Proiectul este trimis la Senat si daca este ratificat ajunge pe masa Marelui Bou Texan (care intr-o gafa recenta a fost surprins zicand "hai sa ii spunem Siriei sa faca ceva cu kktul asta") sa il semneze. Daca nu este ratificat de catre Senat, se infiinteaza o comisie mixta din senatori si reprezentanti ce va media proiectul. Daca nu se inteleg intre ei, se va face o noua comisie sa gaseasca o cale de impacare. Daca nici asta nu reuseste, se arunca la gunoi proiectul si la revedere.

      Probabil toata galagia asta e produsa de alegeri.
      Toti stiu sa joace AA, putini stiu sa joace 42s


      • #18
        WTF, le-o luam inainte americanilor ? Mie imi da senzatia ca pare inclus si pokerul online. Sau ma insel ?

        Jocurile de noroc la tv vot fi interzise

        Diminetile romanilor vor fi vaduvite de prezentele feminie ce vantura teancuri de bani in ochii telespectatorilor creduli.

        Ministerul de Finante a dat publicitatii modificarile aduse legii ce reglementeaza organizarea jocurilor de noroc astfel incat concursurile on-line de tip internet sau intranet, a jocurilor organizate prin intermediul sistemelor de comunicatii de telefonie, a celor organizate prin intermediul televiziunilor si posturilor de radio sau prin alte mijloace de transmisie asimilate vor fi complet interzise.

        Textul lergii mentioneaza de asemenea si interdictia practicarii jocurilor de tip alba-neagra, de tip piramidal sau organizarea de concursuri in care se pariaza pe lupte de caini, cocosi sau curse de masini.

        Ministerul Finantelor considera totusi ca orice concurs care are drept scop stimularea vanzarilor unor produse, organizarea de tombole scolare sau orice alt tip de joc a carui scop e testarea fortei (vezi faimoasa minge de piele in care dai cu pumnul), dexteritatii si inteligentei particpantului, sunt permise.

        Statul roman isi va mentine in continuare monopolul asupra activitatii jocurilor de noroc insa va putea acorda dreptul de organizare si exploatare a activitatii de jocuri de noroc pe baza de licenta de organizare a jocurilor de noroc si autorizatie de exploatare a jocurilor de noroc.

        Ministerul de finante a modificat si taxele pe care firmele ce activeaza in domeniul jocurilor de nooroc vor trebui sa le plateasca. Astfel, pentru o masa de ruleta, un patron de cazino va trebui sa achite o taxa de 100 de mii de RON, iar pentru orice tip de alta masa de joc, live, se va plati o suma de 80 de mii de RON.

        Taxele vor fi achitatea pentru perioada pentru care s-a obtinut autorizatia de functionare, noile reflementari urmand a intra in vigoare la 90 de zile de la data publicarii legii in Monitorul Oficial.


        • #19
          De pe pocket fives:
          Congress Passes Internet Gambling Legislation: Future of Industry Unknown
          Go Go Bush.... Avea dreptate Oliver Stone zilele astea cand zicea ca Bush a dat America inapoi cu zece ani...


          • #20
            daca bluff-ul era impotriva regulilor atunci nu mai era gambling... cat timp o sa fie tot gambling o sa ramana, penru foarte multi..
            [ame=""]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]


            • #21
              Postat în original de pawppy
              daca bluff-ul era impotriva regulilor atunci nu mai era gambling... cat timp o sa fie tot gambling o sa ramana, penru foarte multi..
              N-are nici o noima ce ai spus tu.


              • #22

                PartyGaming may suspend U.S. gaming business
                Mon Oct 2, 2006 2:20am ET164

                LONDON, Oct 2 (Reuters) - Online gaming group PartyGaming Plc (PRTY.L: Quote, Profile, Research) said on Monday it would stop doing business with U.S. customers if legislation passed there aimed at preventing gambling over the Internet was signed into law.

                "If the President signs the act into law, the company will suspend all real money gaming business with U.S. residents, and such suspension will continue indefinitely," it said in a statement.

                "Any such suspension would also result in the group's financial performance falling significantly short of consensus forecasts for 2006 and 2007," it added.



                • #23
                  E o perioada nasoala pentru poker. Iarna trecuta credeam ca pokerul a atins virful maxim dupa perioada 'Moneymaker' si ca nu vor fi mai multi jucatori (si participanti la WSOP). Ma inselasem... Dar ce se va intimpla de acum incolo?
                  Party, Paradise, Pacific au dat de inteles ca nu vor mai accepta jucatorii americani daca vor fi nevoiti. In situatia actuala este foarte bine sa faca asta cit mai repede. De ce? Pentru ca va urma un val de proteste.

                  Americanii sint jucatori [foarte buni]. Dar sint si foarte numerosi asa ca unele siteuri vor da -poate- faliment.

                  Ramine doar sa speram ca Bush nu va semna asa ceva... Nu se lauda USA ca libertatea e cel mai important lucru?

                  Primele rezultate pe piata financiara:

                  EMPIRE ONLINE 22.00 (32.84%)
                  888 HOLDINGS 66.50 (45.39%)
                  NETELLER 210.00 (59.15%)
                  PARTY GAMING 63.00 -58.88%


                  The Board of Sportingbet is disappointed to announce that late on Friday, 29 September 2006, a Committee of Conference of the United States Congress attached the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006 (the "Act") to HR 4954, the Safe Port Act, which was then duly passed. The legislation is expected to be signed by President Bush and enacted in the very near future. Upon enactment, Internet Gaming companies will be immediately forbidden from accepting US financial transactions for the purposes of unlawful Internet Gambling, to the extent that they are considered unlawful under current US Federal and State law. The Act is not prescriptive as to what is and what is not unlawful under current US Federal and State law.
                  Following enactment, the United States Treasury and Federal Reserve have a period of 270 days to draft regulations and procedures to implement the new Act with respect to actions US financial institutions shall be required to take to identify and block transactions related to unlawful Internet Gambling. The Board is unclear at this time what will be included in such regulations and procedures and how this and other provisions of the Act may or may not be enforced against non-US corporates.
                  Whilst the Act has not sought to extend the scope of the 1961 Wire Act to specifically include Internet Gambling, the Act does seek to prevent certain forms of Internet Gambling in the US by prohibiting and criminalising relevant companies from making or receiving financial transactions using the US banking network. Should Sportingbet's non-US international banking partners to determine that the Act applied to them, then Sportingbet would no longer be able to take deposits from US residents and this would have a material impact on the Company's trading performance.
                  The Board notes that US horse racing and US fantasy sports, insofar as they are lawful today, together with US intrastate and US intratribal internet gambling have been exempted from the legislation. The Board will be seeking clarification as to whether the Act is in violation of US commitments under the General Agreement of Trade and Services and representations made by the US in recent World Trading Organisation proceedings.
                  Since becoming aware of the Act being passed, the Board has taken extensive advice and will continue to take further advice over the next few days with the objective of further understanding the applicability and impact of the Act to Sportingbet's US facing business prior to taking any specific actions as a result of the Act. Once these determinations have been completed, the Board will make a further announcement and intends to comply with all international law that it is advised prevails in this matter.
                  During the year ended 31 July 2006, approximately 62% of gross win of Sportingbet was generated from US based customers, 26% from European customers and 12% from the rest of the World.


                  • #24
                    U.S. Internet Gaming Legislation Validates CryptoLogic's Global Strategy
                    Licensees will no longer take U.S. bets; after five years of planning, software provider well-positioned with revenue and customers based in world's most attractive e-gaming markets

                    TORONTO, ONTARIO -- (MARKET WIRE) -- October 02, 2006 -- ALL FIGURES IN $US

                    CryptoLogic Inc. (TSX: CRY)(NASDAQ: CRYP)(LSE: CRP), a leading software developer to the global Internet gaming industry, announced that effective immediately licensees of WagerLogic Limited, the company's licensing subsidiary, will not take wagers from U.S.-based players. This is a result of new legislation expected to be signed today by President Bush that prohibits financial transaction processing in the U.S. online gaming market. The company has spent five years preparing for this eventuality by shifting its revenue base to fast-growing European markets, and is positioned for long-term profitability and growth.

                    "Since 2001, CryptoLogic has been shifting its business to Europe, and our record revenue and earnings in 2005 and 2006 to date flow from our success in the markets that embrace Internet gaming," said Lewis Rose, CryptoLogic's President and CEO. "While the new U.S. developments will be a challenge for the whole industry, our company's diversification, strong balance sheet, thriving European customers and potential new business in emerging markets enable us to face the future with confidence."

                    With more than 70% of its licensees' revenue now coming from outside the U.S., CryptoLogic is one of the industry's most geographically diversified businesses. The company also enjoys a very strong balance sheet. At June 30, 2006, CryptoLogic had $126 million in cash, $91.7 million in net working capital and no long term debt. Based on historical results, the annualized impact on revenue of today's decision would have been approximately $30 million for the full year 2006, with an estimated effect on earnings of approximately 80% of that amount. In its remaining business, the company continues to maintain its corporate objective of growing revenue by 20%. Continued, strong organic growth, the launch of Playboy's non-U.S. facing Internet casino and Internet poker sites and potential signings of new licensees will help CryptoLogic in this goal.

                    On the evening of Friday, September 29, the U.S. Congress adopted the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006, which prohibits financial transactions processing for certain types of Internet gaming. Certain types of gaming are exempt, including horse racing, state lotteries and intratribal transactions. The legislation addresses previous uncertainties in the law governing non-sports Internet gaming in the U.S.

                    The U.S. approach contrasts with that of the United Kingdom and other European markets, which are moving to regulate Internet gaming for fiscal and social benefits.

                    "We believe Internet gaming can and should be regulated, licensed and taxed. The U.K. model is the right one: create a safe, secure and regulated environment for players to enjoy this form of entertainment," Rose said. "We will continue to advocate regulation as the logical solution for all stakeholders, including players, investors, and governments. In the meantime, we will continue to deepen our existing relationships and attract potential new customers in Europe, Asia and other thriving and emerging markets."

                    CryptoLogic is proceeding with its plan to locate its global headquarters in Ireland, with continued commitment to its operations in Canada, the United Kingdom, Cyprus and Singapore.

                    As a global and publicly-traded developer and supplier of Internet casino and poker software, CryptoLogic is one of the world's few companies with government-approved Internet gaming software and remains committed to the highest standards of regulatory compliance.

                    About CryptoLogic® (

                    Focused on integrity and innovation, CryptoLogic Inc. is a world-leading, blue-chip public developer and supplier of Internet gaming software. CryptoLogic's leadership in regulatory compliance makes it one of the very few companies with gaming software that is certified to strict standards similar to land-based gaming. WagerLogic Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of CryptoLogic, is responsible for the licensing of the company's gaming software and services to a blue-chip customer base around the world. For information on WagerLogic®, visit

                    CryptoLogic's common shares trade on the Toronto Stock Exchange (symbol: CRY), on the NASDAQ Global Select Market (symbol: CRYP), and on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange (symbol: CRP).


                    Statements in this press release which are not historical are forward-looking statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Investors are cautioned that all forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties including, without limitation, risks associated with the Company's financial condition and prospects, legal risks associated with Internet gaming and risks of governmental legislation and regulation, risks associated with market acceptance and technological changes, risks associated with dependence on licensees and key licensees, risks relating to international operations, risks associated with competition and other risks detailed in the Company's filings with securities regulatory authorities. These risks may cause results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements.

                    CryptoLogic Inc.
                    Rick Wadsworth
                    Director of Communications
                    (416) 545-1455

                    Argyle Rowland Communications
                    Karen Passmore
                    (North American media only)
                    (416) 968-7311, ext. 228
                    [email protected]

                    Argyle Rowland Communications
                    Dan Tisch
                    (North American media only)
                    (416) 968-7311, ext. 223
                    [email protected]

                    Corfin Communications
                    Ben Hunt
                    (UK media only)
                    +44 207 929 8985

                    Corfin Communications
                    Neil Thapar
                    (UK media only)
                    +44 207 929 8999

                    Corfin Communications
                    Harry Chathli
                    (UK media only)
                    +44 207 979 8980

                    SOURCE: CryptoLogic Inc.


                    • #25

                      Oare ii baneaza pe toti americanii de pe party?
                      Atunci o sa fie ok de jucat la monster, pt ca o sa fie 1000 de inscrisi
             - Livrări gratuite de flori la domiciliu în Cluj. Servicii profesionale de îngrijire şi întreţinere pentru plante de apartament şi grădină.


                      • #26
                        dupa mine sunt doua variante, ori se cam termina toata industria, ori ne asteapta niste promotii foarte frumoase
                        " Eu m-am nascut inca de la inceput, nu dupa."


                        • #27
                          Mie tot nu prea imi vine a crede . Cum sa ne inchida astia mina de aur????

                          Pe de o parte intzeleg grija guvernului care probabil avea acces la ceva date concrete. Nici nu vreau sa ma gandesc cati bani ieseau din SUA zilnic... doar prin pokerul online.

                          Dar sa ii mai lase catziva ne instarim si noi putzin
                          "Money get back, I'm all right Jack, Keep your hands off my stack"

                          I'm going ing...


                          • #28
                            Nasol frate...auzi sa nu ii mai lase pe astia sa ne sponsorizeze....Jocul ar fi foarte tight fara ei...
                            Descopera talharul din tine !


                            • #29
                              Cei mai buni jucatori din lume sint americanii apoi nordicii. Nu stiu cum e pe playtech



                              • #30
                                [QUOTE=admin_holdem]Cei mai buni jucatori din lume sint americanii apoi nordicii. Nu stiu cum e pe playtech

                                Or fi, dar daca din 1000, 100 is buni si 900 is varza (americanii), iar din 10 3 is buni si 7 is varza (europenii) - cu care grup vrei sa joci?
                       - Livrări gratuite de flori la domiciliu în Cluj. Servicii profesionale de îngrijire şi întreţinere pentru plante de apartament şi grădină.

