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  • A/q

    Am cautat prin carti. Am mai intrebat. Va intreb si pe voi: ce naiba e cu asociatia asta diavoleasca, AQ ?
    Nu va mint: de cate ori ies de la o masa (in marea majoritate a cazurilor) se intampla din cauza ca ori eu ori altcineva am/are AQ. Daca am eu, pierd, mereu la mustatza. Daca are altul, la fel, pierd, indiferent de carte.
    O statistica: ieri si azi am jucat in vreo 12 turnee. Poate parea de necrezut, tot ce-mi sta in cale este AQ. In 10 din astea am iesit din cauza acestor doua carti blestemate. Acum 10 minute am iesit de la un sit&go cu o suma ridicola castigata (imediat dupa bubble) astfel: eu KK. Unul cere all-in, dau sec. El AQ, jos intra Qxx A Q. Azi am iesit de la 5 turnee avand AQ si pierzand sau avand altcineva AQ si castigand impotriva mea.
    Alt exemplu, cand mi-a plesnit inima in mine de furie: ieri, pe nordic, un freeroll de 17000 dolari (de ziua Norvegiei). Un dement care voia cu tot dinadinsul sa iasa cerea mereu all-in. Am asteptat carte, pana mi-a intrat AQs (hearts). El all -in ca de obicei. Avea 92. Jos Q9x x 9.
    Degeaba ma pazesc. Cand vad AQ, de-acum, foldez. Dar ma arde pacostea in nenumarate feluri (vezi faza cu KK).
    A! Sa nu uit. Am pierdut contra AQ din toate pozitiile, inclusiv cu AA. Daca am AQ, de obicei ma nenoroceste cineva cu KT. Daca eu am KT o iau de la AQ.
    In sfarsit, va rog sa ma credeti, nu-s minciuni ce spun, sunt persoane pe forum care stiu faza asta dinainte (sa tot fie vreo luna de cand ma haituieste AQ, pe orice site as juca).
    Nu am atata experienta in poker incat sa cunosc precedente la orice, de aceea imi pot permite sa presupun ca chestia asta are, macar istoric, un nume sau o explicatie.
    Nu mai pot, zau! Unii se opresc de prosti, altii de nebuni, unii din ghinion, altii din lipsa de bani sau chef... Pe mine o sa ma opreasca AQ. Adica a 16-a carte ca marime din poker.

  • #2
    Termin de scris mesajul, intru la un turneu pe cd, intra AQs, imi spun: totul e doar o parere. Statistica decide. Daca am pierdut de atatea ori cu AQ, acum e normal sa nu se mai intample. Cineva cere cam jumate din cat avea, dau sec, jos xxx, el cere tot, eu sec, pe turn K.
    El KT.

    Pentru multi marea intrebare e daca exista Dumnezeu. Pentru mine e alta: daca exista Dracu'


    • #3
      Inca doua turnee, tot acum, inca fierbinti. AQ m-a scos iarasi. E idiot sa umplu topicul cu mesaje, dar ce se intampla e de domeniul fantasticului. Nu cred ce vad. AQ. Doamne!


      • #4
        Deschizi vreun blog ceva?

        Nu cred ca ai chef de glume... anyway, Phil Ivey are aceeasi problema. A iesit de la vreo 4 mese finale WPT cu AQ + altii il bat cind au AQ.
        L-a si intrebat tipa de la WPT daca v-a mai juca cu AQ... "I will still play it but I really don't like it"


        • #5

          io zic sa spargi ghinionu

          intra la un heads'up si dai all-in cu prima carte

          merge garantat :P


          • #6
            acum...sincer sa fiu...cine te pune sa-i platesti juma din bani...preflop cu 2 overcards...

            de cand urasc eu AQ?
            ultimii 3 la 10.000$ AQ...chipleader...raise 4xBB...ALLIN...ALLIN...(trebuia sa mai pun inca de 4 x BB)...logic call...aveau amandoi AK..m-a costat minim 1000$
            1. luam eu tot
            2. lua unii dintre ei aveam minim locul 2
            3. ishi impartzeau potu intre ei...


            • #7

              by Bob Ciaffone

              The hold’em hand ace-queen (A-Q) can be described by using a famous quote of Mark Twain about the draw hand of two pair: “It costs about the same as a college education to learn how to play the hand properly — and is worth about as much.” Similar to the draw hand of two pair, A-Q is a pretty good hand, but the very strong hands beat it.
              In hold’em, the hands that beat A-Q also dominate it, meaning they have the hand tied up so that it’s difficult to draw out with it. If you help the wrong card, you are in a bigger trap after the flop than you were before the flop. The four hands that dominate the A-Q are A-A, K-K, Q-Q, and A-K.

              To give you an idea of what domination means, let’s look at your preflop chances of winning with both A-Q offsuit and A-Q suited against the four dominating hands. There are slight variances depending on how the suits of each hand match up, so we will use an all-red dominator against an all-black A-Q. The following statistics show the winning percentage for the hand dominating your A-Q, as calculated by running 100,000 randomly dealt hands on Mike Caro’s Poker Probe software program:

              A-A: 82 percent vs. A-Q suited, 86 percent vs. A-Q offsuit

              K-K: 68 percent vs. A-Q suited, 72 percent vs. A-Q offsuit

              Q-Q: 66 percent vs. A-Q suited, 70 percent vs. A-Q offsuit

              A-K suited: 71 percent vs. A-Q suited, 75 percent vs. A-Q offsuit

              A-K offsuit: 70 percent vs. A-Q suited, 74 percent vs. A-Q offsuit

              Here are some conclusions we can draw from these statistics. First, we are at least a 2-to-1 underdog in all of these matchups; this is not good. Second, it is clearly helpful to be suited (about four percentage points better in each confrontation). Third, it does not matter much if our opponent has A-K suited or offsuit.

              As we can see, it is in our best interests to avoid getting involved preflop with A-Q if a top-quality hand is out against us. All of the top-quality hands are raising hands. However, it is harmfully tight to completely abstain from playing in raised pots when holding A-Q. If you either call and get raised, or raise and get reraised, you have to play. But if confronted with a double bet, folding comes under serious consideration. This happens when someone in front of you opens with a raise, or when you limp, someone raises, and another player reraises.

              How to play A-Q preflop when under the gun in limit hold’em can be discussed first. I believe A-Q to be sufficiently close to the bubble so that I can vary my game without giving up much. With A-Q suited, I usually raise. With A-Q offsuit, the number of opponents dealt in affects my play quite a bit. If the game is eighthanded, I normally raise. If it is ninehanded, I raise about three-fourths of the pots. But if it is 10-handed, I raise only about half the time or slightly more. Against quality opponents, there is nothing wrong with limping. Against typical opponents, or a bunch of calling-type players, it pays to be more aggressive with your raising with A-Q.

              If someone raises in front of you, the proper attitude is to want to be a bystander if he has a quality hand and to play or even reraise if he does not. The opponent’s position has a lot to do with what type of hand he is likely to hold. If he opens with a raise from early position, he figures to have a better hand than A-Q; from middle position, about the same quality hand; and from late position, a worse hand. So, against a solid and experienced player, fold A-Q to an early-position opening raise, call a middle-position raise, and reraise a late-position raise.

              Of course, there are plenty of players who do not play by the book — neither mine nor someone else’s — so you cannot be mechanical. If a player is doing a lot of raising, A-Q is too good a hand to meekly get out of his way. You shouldn’t let an aggressive player run you off this good a hand. On the other hand, if a player has been in few pots and has not raised any, even his button raise might be a biggie. I would think that you have to call, but it is surely not obligatory to reraise.

              After the flop, a common mistake with A-Q when missing the flop is to play your two overcards as if they were A-K. If an opponent has shown strength preflop, you may be up against a hand that dominates yours. In that case (unless you are against aces and drawing dead), only one of your two cards is an out — and you do not know which one. So, if the flop bettor is the preflop raiser or reraiser, do not draw at your “two overcards.” Even if you help your hand, you may pair the wrong card.

              So far I have been discussing only limit play. In no-limit hold’em, you have to be even more careful than in limit hold’em. I remember a hand I held in a $5-$10 blind no-limit game more than 20 years ago. I was on the button with the A Q. The first player to act was Sailor Roberts. He opened for $65, and everyone folded to me. I knew that Sailor was broke and getting staked — he had just gotten released after doing time for bookmaking — and I did not even consider calling. The blinds also folded, and I never did find out what he had. I am only trying to point out that against certain people, you cannot call a raise even with A-Q suited.

              Here is another occasion when I had A-Q against a raiser in no-limit (offsuit this time). On the second day of the 1982 World Series of Poker championship, I was in the big blind with a structure of a $50 ante and $100-$200 blinds. Johnny Moss opened from under the gun for $700 and Sam Moon called. There was $2,100 in the pot and it cost me only $500 more, so I called. The flop came Q-X-X with two small hearts, and I bet. Moss called. Off came the third heart, and I bet again. Moss thought a bit and called. A blank came at the river. I knew exactly what Moss had — either aces or kings with a big heart. I decided not to bluff, and we both checked. Johnny’s two red kings took the money. This hand shows the danger in no-limit of calling a raise by a solid player when you hold A-Q. On just this one hand, I lost enough to pay for a year of college. Mark Twain would have knowingly nodded his head.

              Poker is more about matching up correctly than just holding big hands. The hold’em hand of A-Q really makes you think about how well you will match up. For those players with good judgment, it is a moneymaker. For those players who think about their own hand only, it is a trap.


              • #8
                AQ e totusi bun cind cineva merge cu JQ sau KQ si pe flop apar Qxx.


                • #9

                  1)33,561,158,400 games 51.597 secs 650,447,863 games/sec


                  equity (%) win (%) tie (%)
                  Hand 1: 35.1239 % 34.21% 00.92% { random }
                  Hand 2: 64.8761 % 63.96% 00.92% { AQs, AQo }

                  2) 19,875,933,000 games 57.315 secs 346,784,140 games/sec


                  equity (%) win (%) tie (%)
                  Hand 1: 24.9486 % 24.32% 00.62% { random }
                  Hand 2: 46.4767 % 45.83% 00.65% { AQs, AQo }
                  Hand 3: 28.5753 % 27.46% 01.12% { random }


                  Observi ca nu esti asa mare favorit.


                  • #10
                    Poti explica termenii si cifrele astea si de unde provin? Thx.


                    • #11

                      De ex pt primul punct: daca ai AQoff sau AQs si celalalt are o mana random, sansele de castig sunt de 63.96%, sansele de egalitate de 00.92%. Asta-ti da un "equity" total al mainii de 64.8761%. Poti sa te joci cu programelul si sa calculezi sansele in cazurile in care ala n-are mana chiar random - de ex ii reduci mana la pocket pairs mai mari ca septari, AK si AQ si atunci:

                      1,726,002,432 games 2.203 secs 783,478,180 games/sec


                      equity (%) win (%) tie (%)
                      Hand 1: 38.2101 % 30.90% 07.31% { AQs, AQo }
                      Hand 2: 61.7899 % 54.48% 07.31% { 77+, AQs+, AQo+ }



                      • #12
                        Astazi de dimineatza am pierdut 2 heads-up cu acelasi om AQvsQQ si AQ vs KK si am mai iesit dintr-un turneu cu AQvs88. Incep sa cred ca AQ devine cea mai dificila mana
                        Last edited by Ciprian; 26.05.2006, 12:35.
                        Trying to quit.


                        • #13
                          astazi dimineata am marcat a 7-a oara consecutiv, in decursul a doua zile de cand nu am mai castigat cu QQ.
                          Unde? Cum unde: Betfred (la free-uri)
                          Si acelas tipar: Concurenta are AK AA Awhatever si flopul Aff, si nu-s eu ala care da all in preflop, numai call.
                          Daca nu se merge all in castig , dar daca oricum nu o sa dau niciodata fold la QQ preflop whatever the cost
                          Si asta este numai un exemplu de carte incredibila care apare pe fred.

                          daca vi s-a intamplat, daca simtiti ca este ceva necurat cu acest site - retea postati ca sa stim si noi.
                          Vin altfel cartile daca jucati pe bani?
                          I love this game!!!!!

