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HU Hyper turbo

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  • HU Hyper turbo

    Ceva strategii sa discutam aici.

  • #2
    depinde de miza... dar pana in 20 de dolari.
    baisc poker plus sage in 7 blinduri si asta e
    It's all about mindset!


    • #3
      Optimal Strategy for Heads-up Super Turbo's on Full-Tilt Poker

      I am going to outline optimal Heads-up Super Turbo SNG strategy (as played on Full-Tilt Poker) in this article. I'm sure some regulars will be upset with me for educating the Bluff readers with this information, and therefore making the games harder to beat. However, I am a poker trainer, and this is what I do, I refuse to hold back knowledge from my students or from my strategy articles.

      Full-Tilt spreads super turbo's where you start with only 300 chips, and blinds start at 15-30 leaving you with only 10 big blinds to start the match. The blinds go up every 3 minute making for a very fast and exciting game. This strategy article only pertains to the Heads-up variation of these SNG's.

      First of all I would like to dispel the myth that these are "crapshoots" or that they are based only in luck. While the variance is certainly much higher then normal SNG's, they are very much beatable. They are beatable because many of your opponents either play them too tight or too loose. It sounds simple but that is the truth. They will either fold too much to shoves, making themselves exploitable by the standard strategy I am going to outline, or they push too wide of a range, again making themselves exploitable by my strategy. Conversely, they may call shoves too wide or they may not push a wide enough range. In any of these scenarios, your opponents natural mistakes will be automatically exploited by playing the "perfect" range of shoving and calling hands for each blind level.

      In a Super Turbo Heads up match all of your decisions are pretty much made for you by the math. Whether to shove or to call a shove is really the only decisions you have to make in these and these decisions can easily be pre-modeled for optimization in a way that is impossible to exploit. The only times it gets tricky is if your opponent likes to limp a lot in the early level or to min raise you, this can make for some more complicated decisions but still easily solvable.

      The best way to explain and use my strategy is through the use of the following charts. These charts are based on mathematical strategy that is not exploitable. This means that there is no way for your opponents to adjust to you to have an edge on you if you use this system. It will have an edge over anyone who is not using it.

      These first two charts explains what your shoving range should be, based on what blind level it is and your M. M = Your stack divided by the sum of the blinds. My chart is really easy to use because the M calculation is already done for you, you just look for your stack size* and then look to the right and it will tell you what range of hands to shove. There is two charts for shoving, because there is one for each blind level. These will almost always finish within the first 2 blind levels.

      *The decision is based on the "effective stack". Effective stack = if one player has more than another, he can only risk what is in his opponents stack. This value is referred to as the effective stack. So basically, whichever stack of the two is the lowest that is the value you will use in the chart.


      6--- 271-300 ---22+ Kx+ Q2s+ Q6o+ J2s+ J7o+ T3s+ T7o+ 93s+ 96o+ 84s+ 86o+ 73s+ 76o+ 63s+ 65o 53s+ 43s

      5--- 226-270--- 22+ Kx+ Q2s Q4o+ J2s+ J7o+ T2s+ T6o+ 93s+ 96o+ 84s+ 86o+ 73s+ 75o+ 63s+ 65o 52s+ 54o 43s+

      4--- 181-225--- 22+ Qx+ J2s J5o+ T2s+ T6o+ 92s+ 96o+ 83s+ 86o+ 73s+ 75o+ 63s+ 75o+ 63s+ 65o 52s+ 54o 43s+

      3--- 136-180 --- 22+ Jx+ T2s T5o+ 92s+ 95o+ 82s+ 85o+ 73s+ 75o+ 62s+ 65o+ 52s+ 54o+ 42s+

      2--- 91-135 ---22+ Tx+ 92s 95o+ 82s+ 85o+ 73s+ 75o+ 62s+ 64o+ 52s+ 54o+ 42s+

      1--- 0-90 --- 22+ 8x+ 72s+ 73o+ 62s+ 63o+ 52s+ 53o+ 42s+ 32s


      5--- 300 --- 22+ Kx+ Q2s Q4o+ J2s+ J7o+ T2s+ T6o+ 93s+ 96o+ 84s+ 86o+ 73s+ 75o+ 63s+ 65o 52s+ 54o 43s+

      4--- 241-300 --- 22+ Qx+ J2s J5o+ T2s+ T6o+ 92s+ 96o+ 83s+ 86o+ 73s+ 75o+ 63s+ 75o+ 63s+ 65o 52s+ 54o 43s+

      3 --- 181-240 --- 22+ Jx+ T2s T5o+ 92s+ 95o+ 82s+ 85o+ 73s+ 75o+ 62s+ 65o+ 52s+ 54o+ 42s+

      2 --- 121-180 --- 22+ Tx+ 92s 95o+ 82s+ 85o+ 73s+ 75o+ 62s+ 64o+ 52s+ 54o+ 42s+

      1 --- 0-120 --- 22+ 8x+ 72s+ 73o+ 62s+ 63o+ 52s+ 53o+ 42s+ 32s

      It probably seems that the pushing ranges are very loose. This is how loose that they should be for you to play optimally and not be exploitable. If they loosen up and call you lighter, you will still have an edge, if they tighten up and call you stronger, you will have an edge. The only way you will not have an edge using these, is if the player is using the following perfect calling ranges, which would negate your edge and even the playing field.

      These calling charts are the same concept as the above charts, again using the effective stack as a reference point to decide what is the optimal calling range is when your opponent open shoves on your BB.

      If you use these calling charts, then there is no way for your opponent to adjust to exploit you. Whether he shoves light, or tight makes no difference unless he is using the "perfect" shoving charts I have provided above, then nobody has the edge.


      M stack

      6 270-300 44+ A2s+ A3o+ K7s+ K9o+ QTs+ QJo

      5 225-270 33+ Ax+ K4s+ K7o+ Q8s+ Q9o+ JTs

      4 180-225 22+ Ax+ K2s+ K5o+ Q7s+ Q9o+ J9s+ JTo

      3 135-180 22+ Kx+ Q3s+ Q7o+ J7s+ J9o+ T8s+

      2 90-135 22+ Qx+ J2s+ J4o+ T4s+ T7o+ 95s+ 97o+ 86s+ 76s 65s

      1 0-90 Any Two

      Second Level

      5 300 33+ Ax+ K4s+ K7o+ Q8s+ Q9o+ JTs

      4 240-300 22+ Ax+ K2s+ K5o+ Q7s+ Q9o+ J9s+ JTo

      3 180-240 22+ Kx+ Q3s+ Q7o+ J7s+ J9o+ T8s+

      2 120-180 22+ Qx+ J2s+ J4o+ T4s+ T7o+ 95s+ 97o+ 86s+ 76s 65s

      1 0-120 Any Two

      There you have it. Use these charts and you will be playing as perfectly as you possibly can in these. Now put in a ton of volume and when you sense somebody is not playing optimal try to rematch them as much as you can, and grind that edge out. If you sense someone is either using these charts as well or is playing close to optimal on there own then do not rematch and go for the fishier opponents. Opponent selection is always a great tool to increase your edge.

      Now to address the two issues I identified earlier.

      Opponent open limps often - If you believe he is open limping light (which you should assume for players you have no history with) then you should refer to your shoving chart and shove the same range you would if you were SB an he was BB. If you believe is is open limping strong ( if you have played him before and seen him do this, or he has made this adjustment after you were shoving his weak limps to try to exploit you) then you should refer to your calling chart and shove the same range you would call if he had shoved his whole stack.

      The times you check behind, you should check-raise all-in when you hit any piece of the flop, like bottom pair. If he min bets the flop you can shove flush draws and open ended straight draws as well, but if he bets the pot size just let these hands go. If you have a big draw, like a flush draw with overcards then check-raise all-in no matter what his bet is. Your opponent will usually bet the flop after limping if you check to him.

      If you miss the flop then you should just check fold. If he checks again, then the same goes for the turn, if you hit the turn at all then check -raise him all in, and if not then check fold. If he checks the turn as well, then bet the pot on the river the times when you hit the turn or the river, and just check fold if you did not hit it.

      Opponent min-raises often "“ This will only really happen on the first level. Generally you should treat the min-raises as if the opponent had shoved, and use your call shove chart to raise-all in with whatever hands you would have called his open shove with. If you notice that he often folds after doing this, ( if you have played several matches with him and its clear that he likes to min-raise and then fold to shoves), then you should loosen your range to shove over top by using the calling range for an M of 4 (180-225 ) instead of using the M of 6 (270-300) calling range to shove over top of his min-raises.

      That is all you need to dominate and crush these super-turbos. Good luck at the tables.

      eu am gasit asta pe net,desi e pt. fulltilt super turbo banuiesc ca se poate adapta.

      @eihrana as dorii sa joc 7$ pe stars ,dar mai intai voi juca cele de 3.50$ sa vad cum e cu variatia

      bankroll ? 100 bi ? prea mult prea putin ?


      • #4
        HU hyper-turbo shootout de pe ps il joaca cineva ( 5.10 sau 10.20 ) daca da, aveti vreo strategie ? a incercat cineva sa joace dupa strategia lui alex85 si ce rezultate a optinut.


        • #5
          la Hu din punctul meu de vedere trebuie sa fii foarte agresiv...adica orice mana raise...iar daca primesti reraise faci fold daca nu ai o mana care merita felul asta cand ai carte e posibil sa nu te creada si sa iti plateasca...oriucm un factor important este agresivitatea sis a reusesti sa iti enervezi adversarul...fara ca el sa isi dea seama de asta


          • #6
            acolo totul este de bulan la hyper turbo,aceiasi strategie ca la pacanele.
            Last edited by ursu1980; 29.11.2011, 16:29.


            • #7
              Postat în original de ursu1980 Vezi post
              acolo totul este de bulan la hyper turbo,aceiasi strategie ca la pacanele.
              lol, clueless

              On topic:


              • #8
                Nu mai insista cu nash-ul asta pentru ca nu e chiar atat de bun. Exclude complet varianta limp..


                • #9
                  la HU hyper turbo mai ales pe poker stars , unde incepi cu 500 chips , e cam loterie sincer sa fiu , all in sau fold!


                  • #10
                    Pai si nu asta scrie la inceput? Pe FTP era cu 300 chips


                    • #11
                      Unii au facut bani buni din hyper asa ca nu e nicio loterie . Serkules spre exemplu are roi 6%(avg stake 321$!!) pe 20k jocuri pe FT(majoritatea nici la turbo nu scot roiul asta), iar pe Stars roi 4%(avg stake 773$!!!) pe 10k jocuri cu huge profits pe ambele siteuri.


                      • #12
                        Last edited by adynecro; 20.08.2021, 04:17.


                        • #13
                          Postat în original de RedDevil Vezi post
                          Nu mai insista cu nash-ul asta pentru ca nu e chiar atat de bun. Exclude complet varianta limp..
                          Wow, really ? Probabil de-aia e chart de push/fold .

                          Deci tu chiar crezi ca nu exista jucator pe forumul asta care sa aiba de beneficiat de concepul unexploitable ?(bineinteles ca unexploitable nu inseamna neaparat optimal).
                          Last edited by sky4ever; 30.11.2011, 01:57.


                          • #14
                            si + o tona de $ din rakeback


                            • #15
                              La Hu hyper turbo din punctul meu de vedere trebuie sa fii foarte agresiv...adica orice mana raise...iar daca primesti reraise faci fold daca nu ai o mana care merita felul asta cand ai carte e posibil sa nu te creada si sa iti plateasca...oriucm un factor important este agresivitatea sis a reusesti sa iti enervezi adversarul

