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AHK scriv moving (multitabling stack prog)

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  • AHK scriv moving (multitabling stack prog)

    Am gasit un mic program foarte fain. Nu o sa pot sa dau situl aici din cate am inteles de la obss.

    Un program util din cate am inteles pentru moment numai pe pokerstars si ftp. Acum puteti sa incercati si pe alte situri nu stiu daca merge.Lobby
    Deci mai intai de toate : vorbesc de un script care va permite (fie jucator de SNG, fie de cash) sa puteti sa jucati mai multe mese 6-10-1000 cate vreti sub forma stack. Mesele principale care va intereseaza vor fi amplasate in dreapta , jos, sau in diagonala cu o simpla atingere pe spacebar.

    mai intai
    In pokerstars :
    Lobby > options > Advanced Multi-Table Options
    Popup table whenever user action is required
    Single click table activation
    Astea doua trebuiesc activate.

    Pentru ftp: Full Tilt Lobby -> Options -> Display Table on Action

    Trebuie sa downloadati un mic fisier de aici :

    1. Open your internet browser and go to: AutoHotkey - Free Mouse and Keyboard Macro Program with Hotkeys and AutoText

    2. Click on "Download", and then click on "AutoHotkey Installer".

    3. Click "Run" and follow the onscreen instructions. AutoHotkey will be installed on your computer. It will usually be installed to the directory: C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\

    4. Create a separate folder for your AHK scripts. It makes sense to create a separate folder in the AutoHotkey directory for each set of scripts that you will be using. For example, you can create a directory called MoveTable, where both of the scripts you will be using later, can be copied to. The path for this directory will then be: C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\MoveTable\

    Hai ca ma cam plictisesc este 2:41 si mi e somn restu dau c/p in engleza daca gresesc cu ceva sever poti sa dai delete la thread o sa l refac in romana maine.

    In continuare :

    IMPORTANT NOTES FOR VISTA USERS: If you are using Windows Vista, and are having problems, please make sure you are logged in as "Administrator". Copy the "MoveTable.ahk" and "SetTable.ahk" scripts to a directory under your "User" section, and not to the C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\ directory. When the ".ini" file is created, the system may need certain privileges, so your "User" section will be the best place.

    Also, with Vista, certain AHK scripts require you to run AutoHotkey with administrator privileges. To set this up, please follow the steps below.

    1. Right-click the "AutoHotkey.exe" file, under C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\ where it is installed by default. If you have a shortcut icon to AutoHotkey on your desktop, you can right-click that instead.

    2. From the right-click menu, choose "Properties".

    3. Click on the "Compatibility" tab.

    4. At the bottom of the tab, is a section called "Privilege level". Tick the box that says "Run this program as an administrator".

    5. Click "Apply".

    6. Click "Ok".

    All scripts should now run as administrator.


    There are two scripts that need to be copied into the directory that you created above, so please read this section before downloading. The download link is at the end of this section.

    Two different configurations are supported, and these are available for both Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker. You will need to download the correct scripts depending on where you want your main stack to be positioned, and which poker site you play at. The table configuration is a matter of personal preference, and is detailed below.

    Configuration 1

    The main stack in an upper left position, with slot 1 in the upper right, slot 2 in the lower right, and slot 3 in the lower left, as shown in the screenshot below.

    Configuration 2

    The main stack in a lower right position, with slot 1 in the upper right, slot 2 in the upper left, and slot 3 in the lower right, as shown in the screenshot below.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Your tables must be in the correct positions in relation to the other tables, but they do not have to be touching as we have them shown in the screenshots above. You can have a space between your tables, or if you are running on a small laptop screen, the tables can be overlapping slightly.

    All files can be downloaded from here: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service

    If using Configuration 1 on Full Tilt, please download the following two files:

    If using Configuration 2 on Full Tilt, please download the following two files:

    If using Configuration 1 on Poker Stars, please download the following two files:

    If using Configuration 2 on Poker Stars, please download the following two files:


    Note: Full Tilt Poker tables do not appear to suffer from this problem, and this section can be skipped if you are using this guide to multi-table at Full Tilt Poker.

    When using the "SetTable.ahk" script in the next step, if a Poker Stars window is made smaller than the default size, the window border will resize, but the table will not, giving the odd effect shown in the screenshot below.

    This effect does not happen if the tables are manually resized, but unfortunately will occur using the SetTable script. Follow the steps below to resolve the bug.

    1. Open Poker Stars.

    2. Navigate to Poker Stars Lobby -> Help -> Open My Settings Folder

    3. In the window that opens with all your user settings, double-click on "user.ini" and it will open in Notepad.

    4. In the top section, under "[Options]", the following line needs to be added:
    This is shown in the screenshot below.

    5. Save the file, and close Poker Stars.


    If you have already set up your table sizes and have them saved as a custom layout, feel free to skip this section, but please read the section, "Entering Your Co-Ordinates Manually".

    1. Navigate to your AHK script folder and double-click on the "SetTable.ahk". A green "H" should appear in your taskbar, next to the clock at the bottom right of your screen.

    2. Open Poker Stars or Full Tilt Poker, and Log In.

    3. Double-click on any Sit-and-Go in the lobby (preferably ones that fill up quickly), and wait until the table has filled up.

    4. Click "Observe Table".

    5. Repeat steps 3 & 4 so that you have as many tables open as you are planning to stack, i.e. if you plan to stack 10 tables, open 10 observed tables this way.

    6. Move one of the tables to where you want your main stack to be.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: The next three screenshots show the main stack in the upper left position, which is its position if you are using Configuration 1. If you are using Configuration 2, the main stack will be in the lower right position instead.

    7. Pressing Crtl-h will move the active window to the upper left position.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Users running dual monitors will need to modify the "Origin_X" and "Origin_Y" settings near the top of the script to suit their monitor set-up. Please read the section, "Entering Your Co-Ordinates Manually", to see how to manually edit the script.

    8. Resize the table window you just moved, until you have it the size you want it.

    9. With this window still active, press Ctrl-g to record the position and size of it.

    10. Hover the mouse (i.e. mouse-over) any of the other tables, press Ctrl-Spacebar, and that table will move and resize itself to match your main table.

    11. Repeat step 10 for all of your tables, until you have them stacked one on top of another.

    12. For Poker Stars - Save this as a custom layout:
    Poker Stars Lobby -> View -> Save Custom Layout, and give it a name, "stacked", or another name you choose.

    For Full Tilt Poker – Save this as a custom layout:
    Full Tilt Poker Table -> Layout -> Manage Custom Layouts -> Save Custom Layout (after picking a slot).

    13. Click on your main stack of tables. Use the keystrokes Ctrl-up, Ctrl-down, Ctrl-left, or Ctrl-right to select and move your tables, until you have 4 tables in a quadrant. Only one table needs to be moved into each slot at this point.

    14. If you want a slight space between your tables, or you want your tables slightly overlapping, Shift-up, Shift-down, Shift-left, or Shift-right can be used to nudge the tables 10 pixels in the desired direction.

    15. The next step will save the positions of the main stack and the slots, but is slightly different depending on whether you are using Configuration 1 or Configuration 2. You will need to press Ctrl-F1, Ctrl-F2, Ctrl-F3, and Ctrl-F4 for both configurations, but on slightly different tables. Please follow the steps on the screenshots for your chosen Configuration. The tables can be left-clicked in any order, but make sure you do all four.

    If Using Configuration 1

    If Using Configuration 2

    16. Press Crtl-s to save all of these settings to a file called "MoveTable_ConfigX_XX.ini", which will automatically be created in the same directory as the two scripts. This step is needed so that "MoveTable.ahk" has access to the co-ordinates. Make sure an ".ini" file has been created before you go to the next step.

    17. Close "SetTable.ahk" by right-clicking on the green "H" in the taskbar, and selecting "Exit".

    18. Close the Poker Lobby.

    Now that you have your tables lined up and saved as a custom layout in either Poker Stars or Full Tilt, and all of the co-ordinates stored in your ".ini" file, you will not need to use the "SetTable.ahk" script again, unless you wish to change and re-save your table positions.

    mai e de scrius cred ca am facut un rahat sunt prea obosit. Mai are rost sa scriu si ce urmeaza? Pentru cei interesati dati add pe skype Nuyo2k4_- va ajut sa l instalati.
    Last edited by Nuyo; 03.09.2011, 02:49. Motiv: Automerged Doublepost
    Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible

  • #2
    [ame=]Table Selection with Holdem Manager - YouTube[/ame] revin cu un filmuletz sa se vada clar ce face acest program. Este acelasi (exact acelasi actually) care il foloseste si verneer. Este un program modificat. (greoi l am gasit)
    Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible

