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WSOP Main Event 2011

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  • mi se pare mie sau astia shoveaza cam light, adik wtf 33 vs77


    • Un link unde merge mai bine are cineva?
      isildur cashed out $200 to buy a new pair of jeans and look what happened to him!!


      • vz ca porneste automat in hd parca da-l pe normal si deskide cu mozzila k tre sa mearga


        • Nup,iti trebuie playeru lor ca sa te uiti in hd
          isildur cashed out $200 to buy a new pair of jeans and look what happened to him!!


          • Incearca aici :
            BM Lesson no. 1:Never play with money you can't afford to lose !!!
            Do you know the difference between a DOG and a Poker Player? After 10 Years a dog will stop whining !!!


            • se aude si la voi numai intr-o casca?


              • pe linkul asta da,dar macar nu se blocheaza
                sau e de la netul meu ratat...


                • atdhe is back \o/


                  • Postat în original de Cashflood Vezi post
                    se aude si la voi numai intr-o casca?
                    same here


                    • Postat în original de Cashflood Vezi post
                      se aude si la voi numai intr-o casca?
                      Trageti un picutz in afara mufa de la casti din laptop si veti auzi in ambele casti (tot mono dar in ambele casti). Va garantez ca merge.


                      • Am casti wireless, ma apropiu putin mai tare de receiver?
                        Poker - a hard way to make an easy living


                        • LoveisintheSky


                          • Postat în original de PasCuPas Vezi post
                            Pe locul 16 Vladimir Geshkenbein 2,536,000 wow...asta este betivanul ala care l-a scos pe Dragomir la EPT Snowfest si zicea Dragomir ca le are baiatul
                            A iesit
                            Busted fml bullshit A6 vs QQ on A,Q,6 board worst day of my life

                            Omu e 'nebun' si 'baller'. Copy paste dintr-un articol din revista Stacked pe care am primit-o de la siteul PKR < get rakeback .
                            Dragomir se lua de el sa il tilteze dar la telefon imi zicea ca "e smecher rau".

                            He then discovered online poker, and within two weeks was beating the micro-stakes. Within 12 months he had moved up from 0.05/0.10$ to 1/2$ NL, and by early 2008 was causing devastation at PKR's tables against anyone who would play him, including future EPT Champion Kevin '1Kevboy' Stani and his arch-nemesis Teodor 'Goldeneyhd' Caraba. Caraba's battles with Geshkenbein, enlivened by the pair's rivalry and Geshkenbein's vivid table chat, drew packed rails and further established Geshkenbein as one of the site's most exciting prospects.


                            Although he was now, to his great irritation, trapped in his year of compulsory Swiss military service, the 18-year-old risked prison by travelling to London in April 2009 for PKR Live II. Fielding an irate call from his commanding officer demanding his return, he grinned, sipped his beer and shrugged at the prospect of a night in jail on his return.

                            ... he asked PKR Manager 'How do I become a Team Pro?" The reply, half in jest, was "Go and win a major tournament".

                            APT MACAU 2009

                            With a hotel bill to settle, he sat for one final blackjack session, spinning his remaining money up to 15,000$, which he sensibly chose to invest in that day's $11,000 High Roller Event. He had equally wise plans for the remaining $4000, reserving the most expensive hotel suite in Macau for the duration of the tournament.

                            Four days later, he arrived by helicopter (nr 250 euro din Macau in HK, 15 min zbor) at the door of Team PKR Pro James 'james666' Sudworth's Hong Kong Hotel with a torn plastic bag in his hand. 'Put this in the safe', he said, motioning to the bag. 'I just beat Johnny ******* Chan to win the APT High Roller. He's a fish'. The bag contained just over HK 2,000,000$ (266,000$) in freshly wrapped bricks. Having stared bustoville in the facem Geshkenbein was back in business.

                            From his High Roller payout, Beyne invested a six figure sum, so the story goes, in one of the world's most stable economies, a chain of adult stores in Moscow.

                            In 2010, the prospect of a first visit to Las Vegas and WSOP became the new object of desire for Geshkenbein. For many poker pros, Vegas can be an utopia of endless possibility. For Beyne, it was a catastrophe that sent his hard won bankroll tumbling earthward in a haze of decadence, blackjack and under-rolled cash games.

                            "Las Vegas and me are not a good combination. I got too much into blackjack. I got drunk. I played cash games I shouldn't have played. In tournaments, I made very bad decisions. I was there for many weeks, staying at different hotels, wherever I could get comped for playing in the pit. Vegas is too crazy for me. It's not real, with free booze, shiny lights, wild nightclubs. Things just got out of control. That's it"

                            For someone who had never been to Las Vegas before, the decision to spend eight weeks there was characteristically inadvisable. With a 50,000$ BR set aside for the trip, he arrived at the WSOP full of determination to continue 2009's meteoric rise. Forty-eight hours later, only 1,000$ remained and Beyne's first World Series looked bleak.

                            Sudworth recounts, 'He rang me at 1am with the news that he was busto. I'd already told him I would have no sympathy and that he should show restraint, so I hung up and went back to sleep. I expected to find his room empty next morning. Either he'd have returned home or be out in the desert somewhere with a gun in his mouth. Instead he answered the door, naked but for his underwear, clutching 50,000$ in bricks, that familiar grin spread across his face'. He'd escaped again, winning back his WSOP stake and scoring a complimentary VIP suite at the Bellagio in the process.

                            By the end of the Series, his 22,000$ in tournament earnings was insufficient to claw back an unimaginable sum invested at every bar, casino and strip club in Sin City, and he left vowing never to return. But his first encounter with Las Vegas had one positive effect. He returned to Malta abd his comfort zone, online HU cash games. By late 2010 he had recovered from his WSOP exertions, becoming the first PKR player to cash out 1$million, although as he is quick to point out "it wasn't all profit".
                            Last edited by sever; 18.07.2011, 11:33.


                            • asta da jucator de evitat pe la mesele de live, nu mai intelegi nimic, esti oneway ticket to level land.


                              • ce poveste de viata) .. azi se mai transmite live de la ME? daca da de la ce ora?

