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Peste Prajit #62 - Liviu Ignat

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  • #16
    Postat în original de crtcm Vezi post
    in prima parte a episodului am crezut ca ascult "Cocalar prajit" in loc de "Peste prajit"...din 2 cuvinte unu era "cocalar" ))...slava zeilor ca a fost si o ora si un pic de discutii despre poker de inalta calitate...succes
    Ai mereu sliderul de la player sa navighezi, nu e emisiune TV sa trebuiasca sa o asculti toata. Niciodata n-o sa poata fi toata lumea multumita de tot tot timpul, de aceea exista ideea de "rubrica".
    Tot am zis ca o sa pun timeline cues pe teme, o s-o fac pentru ca emisiunea este extrem de lunga mai mereu tocmai pentru ca fiecare sa gaseasca ce-i place.


    • #17
      Postat în original de obs Vezi post
      Ai mereu sliderul de la player sa navighezi, nu e emisiune TV sa trebuiasca sa o asculti toata. Niciodata n-o sa poata fi toata lumea multumita de tot tot timpul, de aceea exista ideea de "rubrica".
      Tot am zis ca o sa pun timeline cues pe teme, o s-o fac pentru ca emisiunea este extrem de lunga mai mereu tocmai pentru ca fiecare sa gaseasca ce-i place.
      asa ar fi foarte bine...daca dadeam forward pana auzeam vocea lu liviu ratam de ex comunicatul PS privind legislatia si alte chestii de obicei ascult tot de la cap la coada chiar daca nu are legatura cu pokerul dar acum cand ati dat-o pe cocalari atat de mult timp nu mai puteam...ajunge cat ii vedem pe strada, la tv respect


      • #18
        Deja am studiat azi problema pe podomatic, sper de la episodul viitor sa avem capitole la care sa se poata sari automat.


        • #19
          E colosal Liviu,omul e pur si simplu facut pentru poker.Pe cand o sesiune cu isildur?
          isildur cashed out $200 to buy a new pair of jeans and look what happened to him!!


          • #20
            "ii matur range-ul ) " .... criminal omul !

            la mai mare !
            Oh my god ! They killed Kenny !
            - Stai 2 jocuri ! - Ia 6 carti si trag !


            • #21
              de trecut in playlist episodu, a meritat asteptare. Placuta vocea lu liviu, de ar fi profii asa la mine la inginerie.... Sper sa il auzim curand zicand (intr-un nou video) "Va salut, sunt Liviu pt set> si fac un video live la nl...... pe stars".


              • #22
                Online Gaming Indictments: Round 2

                By Staff Sun, May 29, 2011

                It was a second round of indictments for online gaming sites from a separate arm of the Justice Department. While some of the top remaining online poker sites were included, this time the indictments also focused on online sports betting operations as well.

                The United States Attorney for the District of Maryland in Baltimore sized 10 websites and were seeking the forfeiture of 11 bank accounts. The websites are owned by two companies and three individuals who were indicted in the documents.

                The charges included money laundering and operating an illegal gambling business. It was unclear whether the gambling charge was limited to the sports betting operations or if it included the poker rooms as well.

                On Black Friday, April 15, the New York office of the Justice Department shut down the nation’s three most popular poker rooms, PokerStars, Full Tilt and Absolute. The owners were charged with bank fraud and money laundering, but no gambling charges.

                In last week’s indictments, U.S. attorneys cited ThrillX Systems Ltd and BMX Entertainment and owners, Darren Wright and David Parchomchuck of Canada and Ann Marie Puig of Costa Rica of violating federal law as well as Maryland criminal codes. They were also accused of developing software and payment processing procedures for online sports-betting services that accept U.S. bets.

                “It is illegal for internet gambling enterprises to do business in Maryland, regardless of where the website operator is located,” said U.S. attorney Rod J. Rosenstein in a press release. “We cannot allow foreign website operators to flout the law simply because their headquarters are based outside the country.”

                The seized sites include,,,,,,, and the most recognizable names of the bunch,, and

                Immediately after taking down, the company simply shifted to the domain and continued to do business in the U.S.

                One of the sites taken down was the popular Doyle’s Room online poker site, once promoted by poker legend Doyle Brunson. He cut ties with the poker site in early May after the Black Friday indictments were handed down on April 15.

                At the time, Brunson released a statement stating, “Although they believe they have the right to market the name DoylesRoom and use my name and likeness for a period of time, I have asked them not to.”

                The company rejected his request.

                “Doyle Brunson was a sponsored pro of DoylesRoom and he has left his endorsement contract,” the company said in a statement. “We have purchased his image and likeness and are allowed to continue to use those.”

                The site, like the nine other sites seized, today only display the seals of the Justice Department and Homeland Security, with the message that the sites have been breaking the law.

                The snare the indictments, Homeland Security Investigations set up a payment processing company, Linwood Payment Solutions, to process funds received from U.S. players. The company reportedly processed over 300,000 transactions totaling more than $33 million.

                Meanwhile, the pressure is ramping up to get an online gaming bill through Congress before it adjourns for the year. As with the Black Friday indictments, the industry took a position that such a bill would aid law enforcement in shutting down illegal gaming sites and protect innocent consumers.

                AGA President and CEO Frank J. Fahrenkopf, Jr. praised the Maryland action, but said it only went halfway.

                “Strong enforcement against illegal operators and unambiguous U.S. laws are vital,” Fahrenkopf said. “Unfortunately, these indictments are only a half measure. The full solution is law enforcement and federally sanctioned state licensing and regulation of online poker for gaming companies that currently abide by U.S. law.

                Even with the federal action against the 10 websites, Fahrenkopf said there are many others acting in violation of U.S. law, with more than 1,000 U.S. facing websites that accept wagers from American players.

                “Legislation is needed that removes the current ambiguity of UIGEA and provides a strong regulatory framework to preserve states’ rights to determine the online poker options available to their residents,” Fahrenkopf added.

                In an interview with The Hill, a newspaper serving the political community in Washington, Fahrenkopf repeated the AGA and industry position.

                “The AGA supports the licensing and regulation of online poker in the United States because we know U.S.-licensed gaming companies, following proven and rigorous gaming regulations, will provide safe, honest and responsible sites for the use of the men and women who want to play online poker," stated Fahrenkopf. "It will also protect Americans from unscrupulous operators and bring the jobs and revenues associated with this billion-dollar industry back to the U.S.”

                The online poker advocates also joined forces to demand the legalization of the activity and the end to prosecution of companies serving U.S. players.

                At a rally on Capitol Hill sponsored by the Poker Players Alliance, Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas) confirmed that he would author and submit a bill to the House that would legalize online poker.

                “We have it with the drafting people here in the Congress right now, so I would say sometime early-to-mid summer, and certainly before August,” Barton told GamblingCompliance at the rally.

                Unlike the bill sponsored by California Republican John Campbell and Massachusetts Democrat Barney Frank, Barton’s bill would be confined to the legalization of online poker, not full online gaming.

                And because Barton’s bill designates the U.S. Department of Commerce as the regulatory seat, the measure will be introduced in the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, where he is one of the ranking Republicans.

                Barton says he is aware that the only way a bill will get passed is to cooperate with the Senate so that similar versions of the bill pass both houses. He hopes to collaborate with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and outgoing GOP Senator Jon Kyl of Arizona, a previous opponent to most gaming bills.

                Michael Waxman, spokesman for the Safe and Secure Internet Gambling Initiative, said millions of Americans are frustrated by the hoops they have to jump through just to play the game they love.

                "I would be shocked if the confluence of media attention and public appeals to regulate internet gambling doesn't serve as a sufficient catalyst and motivator for Congress to move on this issue," said Waxman. "As the federal indictments have illustrated, the freedom of the Internet has allowed millions of Americans to find a way to gamble online. With more than a thousand operators targeting the U.S. market, government attempts to shut them down one at a time is futile. The commonsense solution is for Congress to heed the increasing calls for legislation to control the activity and capture the significant economic benefits."

                Former Senator Al D’Amato is now the chairman of the Poker Players Alliance. He believes now is the time to get a bill passed.

                “I think that legislation that permits poker only has a good chance of passage because this is where the rubber meets the road,” D’Amato told GamblingCompliance. “We’ve gotten to the point now where people have been deprived of their right, that’s 10 million people, and it’s time for the Congress to stand up and be counted one way or the other.”

                At the East Coast Gaming Congress (see Weekly Feature), a panel sponsored by Global Gaming Business magazine of experts in online gaming debated whether or not i-gaming should be legalized on a federal level or state-by-state.

                Jan Jones, senior vice president of communications and government relations for Caesars Entertainment, argued for the federal option, holding that the online industry cannot grow with separate regulatory and taxation setups for each state.

                Richard “Skip” Bronson, chairman of U.S. Digital Gaming, countered that a federal bill is never going to happen, and that state governments see online gaming as their own issue. “There’s a reason there are 43 state lotteries and no national lottery,” Bronson said, likening i-gaming to the spread of the lottery industry.

                Meanwhile, one of the people indicted on April 15 pleaded guilty last week, and could be turning into a witness for the prosecution. Bradley Franzen is one of the 11 people charged. Franzen was involved in payment processing. He pled guilty last week to conspiracy to commit money laundering, conspiracy to commit bank fraud, and to accepting funds in connection with unlawful internet gambling. He faces up to 30 years in prison, but should get a break if he cooperates with prosecutors.

                By Staff

                Please login to post your comments. .


                • #23
                  imi place detasarea lui Mentosan si mai putin generalizarile lui obs despre turnulete..


                  • #24
                    Register a new account |
                    + 2kk mark
                    sick human :d


                    • #25
                      wow gratz.


                      • #26

                        Un alt aspect. Pentru cei care se plang la downswinguri (adica si eu) sa dea un ochi la cea mai proasta zi -82k si sa reevalueze.

                        Chiar as vrea sa aud cateva reflectii despre ziua aia de la human.


                        • #27
                          Postat în original de Cashflood Vezi post

                          Un alt aspect. Pentru cei care se plang la downswinguri (adica si eu) sa dea un ochi la cea mai proasta zi -82k si sa reevalueze.

                          Chiar as vrea sa aud cateva reflectii despre ziua aia de la human.
                          E vorba de alte mize. Daca calculezi in BI-uri nu mai e chiar asa de mult. Au pierdut altii si mai mult

                          Fain episod. Liviu e nuts!!


                          • #28
                            Postat în original de Cashflood Vezi post

                            Un alt aspect. Pentru cei care se plang la downswinguri (adica si eu) sa dea un ochi la cea mai proasta zi -82k si sa reevalueze.

                            Chiar as vrea sa aud cateva reflectii despre ziua aia de la human.
                            -82k cand avea vreun milion facut...
                            Forget the world, forget the people.Just close your eyes, forget your name.


                            • #29
                              De parca tipareste banii aia! Sunt multe BI perdute intr-o sesiune si chiar daca esti la adapost nu are cum sa nu te afecteze.


                              • #30
                                A fost si tilt for sure! Nimeni nu pierde 16BI intr-o zi doar pe ghinion.

