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  • De 11 dolari satelitul-PE CARE NU L-AM PUTUT JUCA-va rog sa-mi permiteti sa-mi bag pokerstars...


    • Plm...a afectat si zoomul,mi-am luat 4-5 badbiti pe riveru masi si m-a linistit.
      Ma duc la o bere...


      • hai ca s-a blocat si SM 215$ buyin...e bine....nice play jokerstars ! nice play!


        • Postat în original de alex85 Vezi post
          hai ca s-a blocat si SM 215$ buyin...e bine....nice play jokerstars ! nice play!
          stai linistit ca acolo au pus pauza...pentru 11$ nu s-au obosit sa faca asta


          • Le-am trimis mail sa intreb ce si cum and :

            Thank you for contacting PokerStars.

            PokerStars has recently experienced some technical difficulties on the site.
            However, these issues have been resolved now and normal play has resumed.

            We will be considering refunds for materially affected players. "Materially
            affected" means you missed a considerable number of hands and lost a
            significant portion of your chip stack due to blinds and antes. If you
            believe you were materially affected by this issue, please email us with the
            following subject line:

            "REFUND: T#_________, $X+Y, User ID"

            Where "________" is the Tournament ID, "X+Y" is the buy-in of the
            tournament, and "USERID" is your PokerStars User ID.

            For example, "REFUND: T#123456780, $20 + 2, KidJoker"

            For multiple tournament refund requests, please note additional tournaments
            in the text of your email. For example:

            T#123456780, $20 + 2
            T#123456781, $10 + 1,
            T#123456782, $50 + 5

            Sa vedem acum ...
            BM Lesson no. 1:Never play with money you can't afford to lose !!!
            Do you know the difference between a DOG and a Poker Player? After 10 Years a dog will stop whining !!!


            • Hello,

              Thank you for contacting PokerStars.

              PokerStars has recently experienced some technical difficulties on the site.
              However, these issues have been resolved now and normal play has resumed.

              We will be considering refunds for materially affected players. "Materially
              affected" means you missed a considerable number of hands and lost a
              significant portion of your chip stack due to blinds and antes. If you
              believe you were materially affected by this issue, please email us with the
              following subject line:

              "REFUND: T#_________, $X+Y, User ID"

              Where "________" is the Tournament ID, "X+Y" is the buy-in of the
              tournament, and "USERID" is your PokerStars User ID.

              For example, "REFUND: T#123456780, $20 + 2, KidJoker"

              For multiple tournament refund requests, please note additional tournaments
              in the text of your email. For example:

              T#123456780, $20 + 2
              T#123456781, $10 + 1,
              T#123456782, $50 + 5

              If you do not know the Tournament ID, you can find it in the PokerStars
              software using the playing audit feature. From the PokerStars Lobby screen,

              'Requests -> Playing History Audit...'

              Please also be aware that your refund request may take a few days to be

              We appreciate your patience and understanding.

              Best Regards,

              PokerStars Support Team

              si eu acelasi vedem ce se va intampla


              • Hello Andrei,

                Thank you for getting back to us.

                We have reviewed your playing history for Tournament #709070101 and found that you were affected by technical issues on 3 March, 2013. As we consider you a valued player at PokerStars, I have issued a credit of $11 to your account.

                We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience caused by technical problems.

                Please let us know if we can assist you further, and thanks for playing at PokerStars.


                Marika PokerStars Support Team
                BM Lesson no. 1:Never play with money you can't afford to lose !!!
                Do you know the difference between a DOG and a Poker Player? After 10 Years a dog will stop whining !!!


                • same here


                  • am primit si eu .gg


                    • Am primit si eu azi ...
                      • God hates us all


                      • Bonusul de 20$ la prima depunere intra instant in caserie?
                        I want him to think that I am pondering a call, but all I'm really thinkin' about is Vegas and the fuckin' Mirage.


                        • Am primit. Operativi. Au mentionat totusi ca astia sunt bani dati de ei, pentru ca au onorat si locuriule calificate.
                          Lucrurile care par imposibile devin posibile daca le privesti dintr-o alta perspectiva. - Hannibal Carthaginezul


                          • Aveti idee ce serie de turnee urmeaza dupa MicroMillions si cand?
                            I want him to think that I am pondering a call, but all I'm really thinkin' about is Vegas and the fuckin' Mirage.


                            • OmGItsMihai de pe forum e in last 40 la 3.30 Saturday Micro, turneu care ruleaza de mai bine de 8 ore. S-a dublat adineauri popi la asi, a prins culoare.

                              Bafta Mihai!!!


                              • Si momentan e pe 5/14, chiar acum a scos pe cineva cu AA vs QQ. Bafta
                                Conform unor statistici, circa 80% din statistici sunt false!

