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  • nah nu am eu soarta asta .. so cum schimb T$ in monEYY ?;D


    • nu poti sa schimbi tu, ca pe fulltilt, trebuie sa gasesti pe cineva care sa iti dea $ pe T$. Tranzactia se face automat, dai la Request, Transfer tournament money.
      Poti sa intrebi aici , gen dau 215 T$ , vreu 210 $


      • Mi se pare mie sau nu mai sunt sng-urile de 2.20 90 ppl ? Vad ca au adaugat si 0.55 45 ppl turbo.

        Postat în original de iuLIAN Vezi post
        nah nu am eu soarta asta .. so cum schimb T$ in monEYY ?;D
        De ce ai mai jucat satelitul atunci ? Be serious , e sansa ta .

        Au scos din cate vad si 0.25 90 ppl , si 1.40 KO 90 ppl

        LE : E restart pe server, acum vad ca anunta in lobby!
        Last edited by Vlad LC; 05.01.2011, 11:30. Motiv: Automerged Doublepost
        Norocul e o fata usuratica!


        • tot restart e cand revine nu ai habar?


          • update:

            Customizable VIP Club Progress Bar (poti sa setezi un anumit goal de vpp-uri )
            “Options” > “Customize VIP Club Progress Bar”.

            Automatic Seating when you Accept a Seat from Waiting List
            “Options” > “Advanced Multi-table Options” > “Auto-Seat Me after accepting reserved seat”.

            Si in viitor:
            Home Games

            We are all very excited to launch Home Games! Home Games is a brand new product, unlike anything else in online poker – it is designed to let you create and manage your own private poker club, where you play the ring games and tournaments you choose, with just your friends, at the time you want. All you need to do is open your own club or join a club created by one of your poker buddies and you are set to schedule and play your very own online Home Game right through the PokerStars client!

            The feature is currently in a short beta stage and will be rolled out very soon to .COM clients with plenty of advertising and web content and training materials to explain to you how exactly it works.


            • How to Start a Poker Club at on

              waaaaaaw now that right here is awsome !!!

              Pokerstars Home-games
              Last edited by sever; 14.01.2011, 03:17.


              • Eureka Poker Tour|

                romania tbc. gg!


                • PokerStars will be making substantial changes to No-Limit Hold’em ring game offerings starting immediately. New 6-max tables of No-Limit Omaha Hi/Lo will also be added. These changes are being made after careful consideration of all information available, including feedback provided by players here on the Two Plus Two forums. PokerStars would like to thank all players who made suggestions about ring game buy-ins this past year for their input. PokerStars Poker Room Management has read each and every post on this topic to make sure that all players’ suggestions have been considered.

                  Introducing CAP Tables

                  PokerStars has been testing ‘CAP’ tables at certain stakes and game types for the past several months. These tables will now be offered more widely as a part of the standard PokerStars offering.

                  ‘CAP’ tables place a limit on how much each player can wager over the course of a single hand. When this amount has been wagered, the player is considered to be all-in for the remainder of the hand.

                  The ‘CAP’ is always the same for each hand, and always the same for each player at the table. PokerStars will initially deploy only 20bb CAP tables that limit each player’s total betting to 20 big blinds in each hand.

                  CAP tables will initially be listed alongside other tables in the No-Limit and Pot Limit lobbies. PokerStars may move CAP tables to separate lobby tabs in the future. Games with caps larger than 20bb may also be offered in the future.

                  6-handed and 9-handed tables
                  The following buy-in options will be offered at No-Limit Hold’em (NLHE) tables with 6 or more seats:

                  0.01/0.02 and 0.02/0.05 blinds
                  • 40-250bb tables, unlabelled. This offering is unchanged.

                  0.05/0.10 and 0.10/0.25 blinds
                  • 40-100bb, without lobby labels. This will include all Euro currency tables.
                  • 100-250bb tables, labelled as ‘deep’

                  0.25/0.50 blinds and above
                  • 20bb CAP, allowing buy-ins of 20-50bb, labelled ‘CAP’
                  • 40-100bb, without lobby labels. This will include all Euro currency tables.
                  • 100-250bb tables, labelled as ‘deep’

                  Tables with 20-50bb buy-in ranges will no longer be offered for 6-max and 9-max NLHE.

                  Tooltips explaining the exact minimum and maximum allowable buy-in at each table will still be displayed when the mouse pointer is hovered over a table name in the PokerStars lobby.

                  New Tables: 6-max No-Limit Omaha Hi/Low
                  New 6-max tables will be offered for No-Limit Omaha Hi/Low at stakes ranging from 0.10/0.25 to 3/6.

                  These changes will be implemented in two steps.

                  The first step, the addition of new tables, will occur immediately. NLHE Cap tables will be deployed at limits $0.25/$0.50 and above and No-Limit Omaha Hi/Low 6-max tables will be deployed at all currently offered stakes.

                  Removal of NLHE 20-50bb tables and changing of Euro NLHE tables from 35-100bb to 40-100bb will take place on February 10th. Changes to table labels will also take place on this date. Tables of discontinued types will slowly be closed as they empty, but some may exist until the next server restart.

                  Heads-up NLHE and Omaha
                  PokerStars is still considering making changes to table buy-in minimums and maximums for heads-up NLHE and all omaha games. Player input and suggestions for possible changes to these tables are appreciated. Any changes to these tables will be announced and implemented in February.

                  PokerStars would like to thank all players for their patience in waiting for these changes. It is important that PokerStars consider all options and opinions before making decisions about ring game buy-ins.
                  "Granted, the road to hell is paved with implied odds"


                  • O chestie interesanta care am observat-o ...
                    Dupa cum stiti, se poate juca nu doar cu dolari, ci si cu euro si alte cateva valute. Cum insa aproape toate jocurile sunt in dolari, am vandut euro si am cumparat dolari (73.6 EUR = 100 dolari). Bankroll-ul ("grand total") mi-a scazut doar cu 1 cent.

                    Deci ma intreb daca n-ar fi o idee buna de a face din PokerStars noul meu broker personal. In mod evident spreadul e mai mic decat la o casa de schimb, dar cred ca ar fi o alternativa "safe" si la un site forex specializat (neexistand leverage si rollover).


                    • Nu te lasa sa tot convertesti dupa cum ai chef. Iti poti tine toti banii intr-o singura valuta si sa bifezi sa se converteasca automat cand intri/iesi de la mese.


                      • Postat în original de MasterSilviu Vezi post
                        Nu te lasa sa tot convertesti dupa cum ai chef.
                        Unde scrie asta?


                        • Nu scrie, dar dupa ce tu ai conmvertit banii, cand te loghezi din nou poti sa vezi ca sunt tot cum erau inainte chiar daca pe moment pareau convertiti. Fac asta ca sa nu te lase sa exploatezi conversiile astea fara comisioane si te lasa doar atunci cand obesrva ca ai avut si un motiv. Zic asta pt ca tin toti banii in $ si cand parea ca scade dolarul am converiti o suma in euro care nu mai era si a doua zi.


                          • Eu am facut vreo 4-5 conversii si pana acum nu am avut probleme de genul acesta. Oricum, nu m-am gandit la day trading, ci la decizii pe termen lung (la fel cum te-ai decide de exemplu sa-ti pastrezi banii acasa: lei, dolari, euro ...). Am jucat un pic si pe forex, unde aveam leverage 200:1 si cu 200 de euro investiti am reusit sa scot intr-o zi 350 de euro profit, dar pe langa comisionul de vanzare/cumparare (spread), siteul mi-a mai luat 4 euro ca am pastrat ordinul overnight + o taxa foarte mare la retragerea banilor (vreo 40 de dolari), astfel ca in final am ramas cu vreo 300 de euro. Deci PokerStars mi se pare mai EV+ din acest punct de vedere, cu toate ca profitul nu este atat de tentant .


                            • Mie nu mi-a pastrat conversia poate pt ca au vazut ca am facut-o fara motiv.


                              • Postat în original de MasterSilviu Vezi post
                                Nu scrie, dar dupa ce tu ai conmvertit banii, cand te loghezi din nou poti sa vezi ca sunt tot cum erau inainte chiar daca pe moment pareau convertiti.
                                idk dude, mie nu mi s-a intamplat niciodata asa ceva. eu zic sa incerci din nou si dak se intampla la fel sa dai mail la suport si eventual sa postezi si aici raspunsul.

                                poate dak n-ai jucat NICIODATA in euro sa iti faca asa...nush, dar dupa cum am zis nu mi s-a intamplat si am facut n conversii si nici nu-s SNE...

